I seconded & voted for Bill C-304, which removed hate speech from the Act.
Among others, Bill C-304 was supported by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, B’nai Brith and the Toronto Star (Editorial, December 15, 2011).
Using human rights codes to counter hate speech is an overly expansive interpretation of the harm principle.
Otherwise, we risk driving these views & debates underground where they will fester, and we risk overreaching and restricting other speech.
In a democracy, using speech as an incitement to legally change things – a policy, a law, a vote, a point of view – is fundamental.
If the Liberal gov’t is truly committed to protecting minorities, it would use the full power of the federal gov’t to protect these Canadians.
Disallowance has been used 120 times since 1867, last in 1961.
If that’s out of reach b/c of convention, there remain other options.
They could also seek a reference to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Speak up clearly and forcefully in defence of Canadians who are Muslim, Jewish and Sikh, and against Bill 21, and indicate what action the Government of Canada is going to take.