MSME focus - loan of upto Rs 1 crore in 29 minutes - 350 crore has been allocated in FY20 for all GST registered MSMEs on fresh or incremental loans
One nation, one grid for electricity plan -
one gas grid
one water grid
and regional airports
this will be the backbone of the business activity
Water - New ministry to look at water in a holistic manner to ensure Har Ghar Jal water in every house by 2024
>2 cr rural Indians have been made digitally literate Internet Connectivity in every panchayat
>81 lakh low income houses been sanctioned, 47 lakh houses construction began, >95% of cities have been open defecation free
Rs 4 trillion recovery due to IBC
reduced public sector banks by 8
6 PSU banks have come out of trouble PSU banks to be further given Rs 70,000 crore #Budget2019
ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds
Investment option on line of ELSS - Equity Linked Saving Scheme - for CPSE disinvestment