#HKprotests #FacialRecognition #AntiSurveillance

👉🏻 backslash.cc @BackslashCc #HKprotests #AntiSurveillance

In his project #CVDazzle, @adamhrv explores how fashion can be used as #camouflage from face-detection technology, the first step in automated #facerecognition.
👉🏻 cvdazzle.com

Resulting in amorphous #masks that cannot be detected as human faces by biometric #facialrecognition technologies.
👉🏻 zachblas.info/works/facial-w… #HKprotests #AntiSurveillance

http://www.zachblas.info/works/facial-weaponization-suite/" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EC4fg-PXYAA3O6E.jpg">
http://www.zachblas.info/works/facial-weaponization-suite/" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EC4fg-4XkAElA25.jpg">

👉🏻 urmesurveillance.com #URME

Umbrellas & laser pointers are also widely used to block security cameras & distract the police. #Surveillance

#IRpair & #Phantom - #Privacy Eyewear. Sunglasses designed to block facial recognition & Infrared Radiation. #FacialRecognition
👉🏻 reflectacles.com/#home #AntiSurveillance #HKprotests

Such video surveillance is "ramping up." #HKprotests
👉🏻 comparitech.com/vpn-privacy/th… @pabischoff @Comparitech

But creative & technical literacy gives us the tools to subvert this power & fight back. #HKprotests #HongKongProtesters #AntiFacialRecognition #AntiSurveillance