The long march of a sordid campaign to destroy the United States, murder her citizens, and confiscate her wealth.
1. Devon Archer & The Biden Family
a. Note the date: First documented Hunter Biden LIE.
Source: thehill.com/opinion/campai…

4. Why do crooks rob banks? Willie Sutton (former crook) once infamously said, "'cause that's where the money is!'".
Questions: Where was the money in Ukraine/Europe? ENERGY?
Key Question: What is Burisma? Here's a fun read:

So, which Chicom parent company/PLA Front was used to transfer all of this tech - and how much did they pay their American spies (wearing the cloaks of Officialdom)?
Let's follow the money. We start with $1.5B in bribes.
Source: wsj.com/articles/bohai…

To track this SHELL GAME we must track the PLAYERS!
[(please see my 5-Part Shell Game Series, Episodes 14-18) - in particular, Episode 14 where this game is introduced]
Devon Archer
Hunter Biden
Chris Heinz
Dan Burrell