Which called on 'Labour Movement bodies to press for the disaffiliation of Poale Zion (@JewishLabour) from the Labour Party.'
& to break all links with Histadrut (Israeli Trade Union) 1/6

'to eradicate Zionism'
'Solidarity with the PLO'
'opposition to the Zionist state as racist, exclusivist and direct agency of imperialism'
'Opposition to the manifestation of Zionism in the Labour Movement & the Labour Party in particular' 2/6

'According to some estimates, no more than 40% if British Jews currently support the Labour Party - compared with about 75% in years following the Second World War.'
I think thanks to Corbyn the figure now stands at less than 10%. 4/6

Impossible under Corbyn and co. 6/6
#NeverCorbyn #GE19