If there was a big event in 2010s was the rise of Shale Oil
Now US is the worlds largest producer of oil (12 mio barrels per day) ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia.
This will keep the oil prices capped for the next decade
They could change production and hence influence oil prices.
But US going from 5% to 13-14% of world production - Shale is the swing producer
1% cut in supply lead to 8% rise in prices.
Thus OPEC could manipulate output to manage prices where they wanted.
That monopoly is broken with US fracking
Drillers might go bust, but there is oil under the ground, and technology (horizontal drilling, fracking) to extract it...
Thats where capitalism works
Also Fracking has high marginal Opex cost ($40 -50/bbl) vs traditional oil ... but less Capex
This leads to swing production - when oil prices rises, sell futures and drill more
And trend of minimalism (consume less), less global trade (less shipping fuel) ... also doesnt see huge demand rise in the world for oil
while investing in Jio ... he is walking his talk #DataIsTheNewOil
They used to have the surplus cash from selling oil in USD, and they invested these 'Petrodollars'
But now they will be net borrowers via bonds ...
Worsening Middle East Sovereign Balance sheets and this will hit their other investments
World isnt going to stop using oil, but the prices arent going to rise massively.
Unlevered Oil producers will do well, but not who are loaded up on debt.
Particularly bearish on Middle East