We had such an amazing time interacting with the community and our partners throughout 2019🌎
Follow the below thread for a 2019 @CryptoLiveLeak Recap
#Crypto #Blockchain #CryptoNews #CryptoMedia #Marketing #Advertising #Bitcoin #Tezos #CLL $CLL

Athens Tezos Protocol upgrade initiated.
#Tezos #XTZ $XTZ #TezosBoston #TezosBostonMeetup #TBM #Governance #AThens #TezosAthens

Interviewed @zmanian from @cosmos, @jasonrockwood from @vechainofficial, @_prestwich, and @wasabiwallet

💬DM us now to become a sponsor for #CryptoMadness2020
The winner was #Stratis @stratisplatform and final four included #VeChain #VET - #THETA #ThetaFuel - #Zilliqa

#Tezos #XTZ $XTZ #TezosBoston #Boston #Community

#Tezos #XTZ $XTZ #TezosDelegation

This was the first ever #Tezos Hackathon
10K #XTZ $XTZ Grand prize given by @TezosCommons to Anidasor Aba - Coffee Supply Chain

#TezosBaker #HayekLab #Bitcoin #BTC #BookofSatoshi

#XTZ $XTZ @TezosBoston #TezosBoston

Made valuable connections with important people and companies that are helping grow our reach including @ethanbiki @BiKiEnglish and so many more!

Check it out here:

@KenGarofalo gave a presentation on #SecurityTokens
There was a Live Painting of ꜩ by @ArtifaktStudios given out to a attendee via free raffle!

Interviewed and network with a variety of industry leaders including @DrKablan @NEO_Blockchain @OKEx @BXBexchangeLtd @stasisnet @binance @cryptocom and more.

Gave a panel talk on Blockchain for Public Services and gave interviews with @CoinRivet, @cryptojoo1 @cnbcafrica, @YahooFinance

If you want to be part of our 2020 - please fell free to DM our Twitter account or email us at contactus@cryptoliveleak.com
We offer many custom marketing and advertising services tailored to YOUR needs, come join us! #Crypto #Blockchain