In the past 24 hours, 🇨🇳 has reported 892 new confirmed cases and 118 deaths"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
As a result, some cases that had been clinically confirmed have now been subtracted from the total because they have tested negative"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
WHO has supplied testing kits, and will continue to provide further support"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
Tomorrow I will address an emergency meeting of African health ministers, held jointly by the African Union and the @AfricaCDC"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
Prof Dr Maha El Rabbat, former Minister of Health of 🇪🇬
Dr @davidnabarro, special adviser to the @UN Secretary-General on the @GlobalGoalsUN & Climate Change
Dr @JNkengasong, Director @AfricaCDC
Dr Mirta Roses, former Director @pahowho
Dr Shin Young-soo, former Director @WHOWPRO
Prof Samba O. Sow, Director-General Center for Vaccine Development in 🇲🇱"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
This is another step we are taking to take advantage of the window of opportunity we have to contain the #COVID19 outbreak"-@DrTedros
We call on all countries to continue their containment measures, while preparing for community transmission if it occurs"-@DrTedros #COVID19