A modest yet robust pdf called the Indivisible Guide made the rounds and in January, hundreds of local Indivisible groups got organized.

In a stunning show of organization and resistance, the Women’s March on the day after Trump’s inauguration became the largest single day demonstration in U.S. history, with over 3 million participants.

Trump signs the #MuslimBan and immediately protestors and volunteer lawyers swarmed the major U.S. airports. Over 350,000 people gave donations to @ACLU to help, for a total of $24M (6 times more than their annual contributions.)

We pushed back hard on many Trump Cabinet nominees, fueling more calls to Congressional offices than had ever been seen. We got our first win against a nominee when Andrew Puzder, (for Labor), withdrew.

We started focusing on special elections, and in February, Dem Stephanie Hansen won a seat in the Delaware senate. Her landslide victory of 58–42 in a historically competitive district was our first inkling that a #BlueWave was forming.

Between calls to Congress and newly reinvigorated town halls (Resistance Recess!) our collective opposition to the healthcare repeal bill was heard and felt. In the first of several wins, the House cancels a scheduled vote.

The March for Science brought together over 1 million people who marched in solidarity with scientists and the need for evidence-based policy.

Fox News looked like they were only going to give Bill O’Reilly a slap on the wrist for his scandals, but when we started a #GrabYourWallet campaign (thanks @slpng_giants) and got 40 major advertisers to pull their $$, Fox News gave O’Reilly the boot.

We’d been demanding a separate investigation of #TrumpRussia for a while, but when Trump fired Comey, we got real loud. This in turn got us the distinguished Robert Mueller as special counsel.

@slpng_giants reports that Breitbarf (😂) has lost 90% of its advertisers thanks to their efforts and those of citizen volunteers.

The Pence/Kobach fraud commission asks states for all voter info. Our condemnation was swift as was the states’. Some refused to comply at all. Ultimately, after several lawsuits were filed, the commission canceled the requests.

After the House passed a healthcare repeal bill, resisters came out in droves to protest. Special shout out to @NationalADAPT. This appeared to strengthen the resolve of Senate Dems to use more aggressive tactics. This all culminated in …

The healthcare repeal bill fails spectacularly in the Senate when McCain, Murkowski, and Collins join the Democrats to vote No.

BLM and many resistance groups protested the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. The strength of the opposition against the alt-right, among other factors, culminated in the cancellation of other planned alt-right rallies and cities removing Confederate statues.

A week after the Charlottesville events, thousands of counter-protestors show up in Boston to protest a white nationalist rally. Only a couple dozen alt-righters showed up, and quickly disbanded.

@emilyslist reports that 16,000 women have reached out to them about running for office. In the previous two years, a combined total of 920 women had contacted them.

After newspaper reports revealed the extent of HHS Secretary Tom Price’s use of private jets for official govt business, our public and sustained outcry led to his resignation.

Democrats flipped two seats in special state elections in Florida and New Hampshire. Hillary had won one district but Trump the other, showing that the Dems have a widening field.

A lot of us were involved in the November Election Day races, and we scored a TON of wins. What a great #BlueWave day that was. cc: @flippableorg
Trump cut the ACA healthcare signup advertising budget by 90% but resistance & others promoted it ourselves to record signups.

Flipping a U.S. Senate seat in such a reliably red state as Alabama was a particularly delicious win for the end of the year. The culmination of a lot of hard work.
In addition to the above, both seasoned and newbie activists racked up a huge number of wins in their local cities and states. Check out those wins at the lists that these good folks keep: @inspiredjen @1beautifulwall @SmVictories @MarlaFelcher