Without Comey's obstruction of justice, Hillary Clinton would be in prison. See the FBI's report pages that refute HC's email of lies. #LockupJamesComey


@battle4truth58 @Hoya97

Where's McCabe's indictment?

Page asked Trump won't be president, right? Strzok replies, We will stop that. Consider the below memo👇 Don't forget the attempted assassination in Nevada & BO's DOJ refused to charge for attempted murder.

Clintons lies about securing her SCIF
Clinton's SCIF-phone lie to FBI agents
Mills & Abedin lie to agents about not knowing about HC's server

See the transcript, IG's report pages & the classified email, Clinton sent to her Foundation employee. Too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel.#IGReport #KAG2018


Abracadabra, not one indictment of anyone! #IGReport #KAG2018

#KAG2020 #KAG2018 #FBI

#IGReport #Comeymemos