THREAD: The #FBI investigated Trump for his dealings for a “glitzy hotel & entertainment complex” in Latvia after Latvian government’s *anti-#corruption* bureau began probing & asked the US for help‼️ 1/…
An unnamed senior Trump executive visited Riga to scout for locations.🤨 2/
Trump & Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie spent hours discussing the project w/the #Russian, Krutoy.
Krutoy “just happens” to know the Agalarovs, who helped arrange Jr’s #RussianLawyer🇷🇺meeting on “adoptions” = #sanctions.🤨 3/
Krutoy attended Miss Universe Moscow in 2013, where he was photographed with Trump.👇🏼4/

Birds of a feather, crime together!😉 5/
Lordy, there are tapes‼️🤣 6/
Maybe Trump Org gets so many FBI inquiries that they can’t keep them straight⁉️🙄 9/
But I don’t think that he’s getting away with anything this time‼️😎