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What I mean is that they saw me before. They saw me sick. They saw me moderate, mild, severe. They heard and witness the dozens of symptoms accumulating for years. They saw it. I didn't know what was happening to me. I checked SO MANY OF the mecfs symptoms for YEARS.
doctors even diagnose me orthostatomic hypotension, orthostatic intolerance, then pots. the raynauds, like a lot of these conditions. But they did nothing about it. "It will disappear" Guess what ? It got worse. i even had a test for an illness that causes red blood cells to not
be able to transport the oxygen through the body. like they all saw that something was wrong but it was "nothing"

Of course they kept blaming the fact that I was sick and getting worse on me. "I wasn't doing enough" while I was overworking and probably in crashes all the time.
Read 7 tweets
#OH #Afroman
“Seven members of the Adams County Sheriff’s Office who raided Joseph Foreman’s [aka Afroman] home last year are now suing him claiming, among other things, that he invaded their privacy.”
“Four deputies, two sergeants and a detective are claiming Foreman (a.k.a. ‘Afroman’) took footage of their faces obtained during the raid and used it in music videos and social media posts without their consent, a misdemeanor violation under Ohio Revised Code.”

Full song… actually kinda funny lol… kinda catchy…
Read 4 tweets
Autonomic Nervous System (#ANS) Impairment
#Thread #midjourneyartwork #MedEd
#Dysautonomia is a condition that affects the ANS, which controls involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and breathing. It can be caused by various factors, including #autoimmune diseases & viral infections like #COVID19.
The symptoms of #dysautonomia can vary depending on the underlying cause and can include lightheadedness, dizziness, syncope, rapid or irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.
Read 13 tweets
🚨#BREAKING: Mass Casualty Incident’ declared following pileup on Interstate 75 in Ohio

📌#Kirkwood l #OH

Multiple emergency crews are responding too a very serious accident is occurring on I-75N. With Mass Casualty Incident declared reports of over 100+ vehicles are piled up
🚨#UPDATE: Many Ambulances Have Been Dispatched To The Scene after a Major Vehicle Pileup on the Ohio Turnpike between milepost 118/106 in Kirkwood, Ohio with reports of multiple victims injured and entrapments
🚨#UPDATE: The Governor of Ohio has sadly confirmed that three people have died with dozens others injured following pileup on Ohio turnpike that happened this afternoon from White out blizzard conditions and black ice roads
Read 3 tweets
Fietsen, wandelen en OV zijn toch echt de meest efficiënte manieren van vervoer in steden - los van alle voordelen qua duurzaamheid, gezondheid, etc. Stel je voor dat we dit ook hier in Utrecht konden hebb... #oh #wacht :-)
Mss beseffen we in NL niet genoeg hoe bijzonder onze fietsinfra en ons fietsgebruik is. Dat kunnen we nog veel meer uitdragen - om ook elders mensen aan het fietsen te krijgen (vindt links NL mooi), en het kan ook business opleveren voor NLse consultants (vindt rechts NL mooi).
Denemarken doet dat al langer actief, en met succes. O.a. via de Copenhagenize-index die steden rankschikt op hun fietsbaarheid. Waar (surprise!) Kopenhagen als winnaar uit de bus komt. (Terwijl NLse fietsinfra toch echt beter is dan die in Denemarken).…
Read 6 tweets
From hereon in, this thread'll be a hit-job on every Fifth Columnist ever to walk the streets of London, and Edinburgh, and Cardiff, and... oh. Forgot. We sold NI down the river a long time ago...

Note 1: The BBC Disease has Gone Ozzo. (It's catching.) Image
'Rich and powerful people will tell you anything to help them stay rich and powerful; and their armies of media stooges, PR companies, and social media influencers are no better than Vichy puppets.' Image
The BBC is not on your side regarding C-19: on the radio, on your TV, or on its website.

It really isn't.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Even The Clangers were made up. ImageImageImage
Read 43 tweets
The final #GOPCThread of 2021 gets in the spirit of the season by highlighting all of the Ohio connections to some of the gifts and traditions of the Christmas season. This month, our #OHCommunitySpotlight features #ChristmasMadeInOhio
This year, when the family comes together to exchange and unwrap presents, you might be surprised to find out just how many of those gifts have #Ohio ties #GOPCThread #ChristmasMadeInOhio
The legacy of #Northeast Ohio’s strength in manufacturing is alive today @Vitamix in #NorthOlmstedTownshipOH. This company, established in #OH in 1948, employs 700 people and makes a grade A blender sold around the world. #GOPCThread #ChristmasMadeInOhio
Read 20 tweets
The story of the #BuildBackBetter has yet to be written. Let’s examine the 50 Republican US Senators who are voting against lifting children out of poverty, education,elder care, affordable prescription drugs, child care & family leave? What does this mean for YOUR STATE? Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Richard Shelby is voting against the #ChildTaxCredit “The Center on Budget &Policy Priorities found making the program permanent would benefit 93% of #AL children,lift 162,000 #AL children above/closer to poverty line & benefit 480,000 #AL children under 17. Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Tommy Tuberville has offered you no solutions; he has admitted that he “wouldn’t have a clue” how to address the current pandemic and recently told people that $600 per week in federal unemployment benefits was just “too much.”… Image
Read 46 tweets
NEW List of Dem candidates running for Congress in 2022 against GOP incumbents! Please take a minute and follow them! It’s the least we can do to show our support for the folks who are literally trying to save our democracy! RESISTERS RESIST #VoteThemAllOut2022
@abbybroyles vs Stephanie Bice House #OK05 electoral objector
@adammgentle vs Mario Diaz Balart House #FL25 electoral objector
@AlishaKShelton vs Don Bacon House #NE02
@AndreaRSalinas House #OR06
@AngieNixon vs Scott Franklin House #FL14 electoral objector
@AnnieAndrewsMD vs Nancy Mace House #SC01
@anthonyjtristan vs Michael Cloud House #TX27 electoral objector
@ashley_ehasz vs Brian Fitzpatrick House #PA01
@AramisAyalaFL House #FL10
@atticaforky House #KY03
@baxterstapleton vs Michael Turner House #OH10
Read 38 tweets
As October draws to a close, it’s once again time for GOPC’s annual look into the scariest, creepiest, most sinister thing around: the alarming rise in roadway fatalities. Prepare yourselves, if you dare, for #SpookyStreets
Even as vehicle miles driven dropped by 13% in 2020, preliminary estimates by @NCSsafety indicate that the rate of death on the roads spiked 24% over the previous 12mo period.…
What’s worse: the trend seems to have continued into 2021. @NSCsafety estimates total motor-vehicle deaths for the first 6mo of 2021 were 21,450, up 16% from 2020 and up 17% from 2019.
Read 27 tweets
El Nou Ordre Feixista Mundial és, sobretot, feixista i mundial. La proteïna espícula i l'amplificació de la infecció dependent d'anticossos només eren una brometa de mal gust.

Jocs Mundials Militars de de Wuhan, octubre del 2019.…
Administració Obama-USAID-EcoHealth Alliance-Institut de Virologia de Wuhan.

D'ençà del... 2009: $. En aquest país desgraciat i alienat difícilment te n'explicaran res.…
Read 604 tweets
#YHFSummit is set to begin, with an opening session facilitated by @roxxmacdonald and Luke Catania, national coordinator @YouthHealthFor1. Check out the program here:… #oh Image
And we're off #YHFSummit, with Luke and @roxxmacdonald Image
Acknowledgement of Country ceremony from the fabulous Kari Singers #YHFSummit Image
Read 34 tweets
Oké, mijn top-blockers dan. Met m'n bloedeigen familie op 2. 😅 Verder een paar usual suspects, een paar onbekenden en een paar gekke (met @HeleBoer en @inekevangent heb ik voor zover ik weet nooit echt een fittie gehad). ImageImageImage
Zelf heb ik trouwens het afgelopen jaar veel, heel veel mensen geblokt. Vooral rechtsgekkies en viruswappies, maar ook sommige redelijke twitteraars, omdat m'n lontje vaak vrij kort was door m'n stress over de coronasituatie. Heb er daarvan een boel weer ontblockt.
(Heb er vast nog wel wat over het hoofd gezien, dus als je meent ten onrechte geblockt te zijn, rol even m'n mentions in... #oh #wacht 🙃).
Read 5 tweets
💣‼️Keine Kriegsprofite mit unserer Bildung!


#ÖH #ÖHWahl #ÖHWahl21 #GemeinsamInDieOffensive
Universitäten sind ein Ort, an dem gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt produziert wird. Die meisten von uns haben unser Studium mit dem Anspruch begonnen, einen Teil dazu beizutragen. Egal ob Astrophysik, Geschichte oder Pharmazie: Wir lernen nicht nur für uns selbst, sondern (2/13)
auch für die Zukunft.

Wir kämpfen uns durch Klausuren und erarbeiten unsere Abschlüsse – nicht nur für uns selbst sondern auch um die Gesellschaft voranzutreiben. Genau das wird aber immer mehr verunmöglicht, da Universitäten zunehmend in die Geiselhaft von (3/13)
Read 14 tweets
✍ JETZT UNTERSCHREIBEN! Link zur Petition in unserer Bio! 📲🚩 Worum geht's? Um viel. Wohnen ist zu teuer – besonders für uns Studierende. Darum setzen wir uns für eine echte #Wohnbeihilfe für Studierende ein! 🏘💸


#ÖH #ÖHWahl #ÖHWahl21 #GemeinsamInDieOffensive
2016 haben ÖVP und SPÖ die steirische Wohnbeihilfe auf die neue Wohnunterstützung umgestellt. Die großen VerliererInnen waren wir Studierenden: Bezogen 2016 (vor der Umstellung) noch 4.987 steirische Studierendenhaushalte die Wohnbeihilfe, waren es im Jahr 2019 (nach der
Umstellung) nur noch 1.149! 📉

Der Grund: Seit 2016 wird das Eltern-Einkommen in das Haushaltseinkommen von Studierenden miteingerechnet – auch wenn man gar nicht im selben Haushalt wohnt! Besonders heikel ist diese Regelung in WGs: Wenn eine Mitbewohnerin relativ gut
Read 7 tweets
⚽️💸 Super League (ÖH-Edition) – #ÖH sponsert privates Sport-Unternehmen mit 40.000 €/Jahr!


#ÖHWahl #ÖhWahl21 #GemeinsamInDieOffensive Image
Der Aufschrei von Fußballfans auf der ganzen Welt ist groß: gestern kündigten 12 finanzstarke Vereine an, eine exklusive, wettbewerbsfreie Liga gründen zu wollen. Unterdessen unterstützt die ÖH die Kommerzialisierung des Sports auf den Universitäten tatkräftig mit (2/10)
40.000 Euro/ Jahr, indem sie eine private „College League“ sponsern will. Mitspracherecht in der Ausgestaltung dieser Liga oder Beteiligung an etwaigen Einnahmen hat sie dabei keine.
Schon länger geistert der Vorschlag einer „College Liga“ nach US-amerikanischem Vorbild in (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
NEXT UP: No. 2 seed Midgardia Seastar (Midgardia xandaros) vs No. 15 seed Hydra (Hydra vulgaris). This battle is a team effort from myself & @je_light #2021MMM
@je_light Midgardia Seastar is a relatively new species, described only 50 years ago! M. Seastar is an echinoderm (star fish, sea urchins & sea cucumbers) with lots of arms - in fact, it has the longest arms of any other known starfish (Downey 1972)! #2021MMM Black-and-white photograph of a star fish with a small, circ
@je_light Midgardia Seastars can have 12 long arms, each up to 600 mm in length (that's 1.76 stoats!) & can reach over 130 cm long from arm tip to arm tip (3.8 stoats!) #StoatsAsMeasurement #2021MMM
Read 15 tweets
ALL 50 states ALL Info you NEED #VoteByMail
Alternate ways to REQUEST & RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
LINKS to apply #AbsenteeVoting…
Medium article:
& Postcards for each State
Retweet your State!
If #EarlyVoting appeals, you can actually #VoteEarly in all States! Even ones that don't, technically, have #EarlyVoting
(Some by #AbsenteeBallot which you can hand deliver if you prefer.)
If you see a list that says you can't vote early; it's wrong.
All Dates for all States⤵️
Here are the dates that States require a REQUEST for #AbsenteeBallot to be made.
All info, including links to Apply, Alternate ways to return - including & DropBox locations on #PostcardsforAmerica Website:…
Read 55 tweets
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:… Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:… Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 72 tweets

A few more thoughts

I spoke to voters in Venice, Sarasota, St Armands (just across the water) and Longboat Key. Mostly retirees.

The bulk of the conversations reflected the polarized times: people knew who they were supporting and had strong feelings about the race.

But there were nuances...
Biden supporters would shoot a look that said "how could you even ask, ya dope" when asked why they were supporting him.It was, to them, self-evident: because Trump!

Trump supporters were more mixed. A few were hardcore. But most injected some to-be-sure note
Read 14 tweets

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