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Oct 27th 2022
There is a quaint belief that in the 10th month the gods of Japan congregate for a great gathering to discuss matchmaking at Izumo-taisha (出雲大社) in Shimane Prefecture.
Only hard-of-hearing Ebisu & the Sun Goddess miss this annual pilgrimage.
In the traditional calendar the 10th month is known as 'Kannazuki' (神無月), which nowadays has come mean 'Month Without Gods'.
Because the gods are said to gather at Izumo-taisha, in Izumo Province the 10th month was called 'Kamiarizuki' (神有月 'Month With Gods').
It seems that originally the 10th month was called the 'Month of Gods' across Japan, as the character '無' was used for its sound ('na') rather than its meaning. In fact it's possible that when imported from China, the characters '神無' were only used for their phonetic value.
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Oct 26th 2022
through the smoke
a glimpse of olden times...
fallen leaves
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1807.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.

#Kyoto #京都 #Japan #銀杏 #ginkgo #autumn
The Great Yellowing is not yet upon us (ginkgo leaves will reach their golden peak around November 23rd), but you've probably already smelt autumn in the air.
When the fruit from female ginkgo trees falls & begins to rot, the butyric acid in the skin gives off a vomit-like odor🤢

Nishi Hongan-ji's (西本願寺) famed 400 year old 'sakasa-ichō' (逆さ銀杏 'upside down ginkgo') is so-named because when the leaves have fallen it looks surprisingly like roots reaching up to the sky.
#Kyoto #ginkgo #京都 #西本願寺 #folklore #逆さ銀杏
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Sep 18th 2022
114.01/ Week one-hundred and fourteen, September 17-23, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 113 below.
114.02/ 12:50am #Slichot are great for my path of repentance because there's nothing like staying up super late on Motzei Shabbas at my age for filling me with regret. That's part of teshuva, right?
114.03/ And so it begins. See you in the 24th of #Tishrei for normal davening. Please God we'll all make it there together. #Slichot
Read 21 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
"The Stone That the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone"

Sept. 5, 2022 (EIRNS)—…

#NATO, #EuropeanUnion, #World #War, #Russian #sanctions, #Russia, #WorldWarZ, #Ukraine, #EnergyCrisis, #inflation
"The #NATO countries & the EU, that were going to “crush” #Russia with monster #sanctions & vast supplies of their most advanced weaponry, they're themselves being torn asunder by an #economic explosion, visiting runaway inflation & production breakdown..."
..."on their own #populations and industries, and #famine on the #developing #nations. And they're facing an #Autumn and #Winter of mass unrest, under a threat of #world #war. ..."
#EuropeanUnion, #NATO, #Russian #sanctions, #Russia, #Ukraine, #World #War, #Nuclear #war
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Mar 22nd 2022
Food plays an important roll at Higan (彼岸).

On the first and last day of the equinoctial week, rice dumplings (団子 'dango') are offered at the family altar. Rice cakes covered in bean jam (botamochi in spring and ohagi in fall) are presented mid-week.
Botamochi and ohagi are popular during the equinoctial weeks, when they are made as sacred offerings & enjoyed as tasty snacks.
Glutinous rice is soaked, cooked and formed into a ball. Around this ball a thick sweet bean paste is packed on.

Read 15 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
An unexpectedly, unpredictably bright and mild #autumn day, so rolled off the couch and went for a walk, which turned out to be unexpectedly, unpredictably long and lovely. Here are a few impressions.

Ended up at a little pilgrimage chapel called "Maria im Maien" with the most beautiful, glowing, autumnal vine.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2021

1. Today's The Planet newsletter has pictures of my village, where cyclists mostly have their own roads as you often see in the Netherlands.

Here they are warned to slow down at a crossing.

A short thread 🧵

#cycling #Zeeland #Netherlands #biking #nature

2. If you share a fascination for nature, please join the community of thousands of readers that start their day with inspiration from The Planet newsletter.

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3. In the main street of the village, there are horse chestnuts everywhere.

Do you pick them up or leave them on the ground?


#chestnuts #autumn #autumnwalks #outdoors #nature
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Sep 19th 2021
In late summer

It's been about 3 years since I lived in America. Originally I didn't watch TV, but in this pandemic, I started to check the news of Japan and the United States on the net quite often.
Then I came across the fact that I couldn't help but feel that news was still being made. In Japan, it is said in the United States, and in the United States, it is said in Japan. Moreover, even though the fact is not accurate,
it has become true as if no one investigated the distant country accurately. Most of the news is about this kind of child deception. In other words, the person who tells the story can only think that he is telling a lie with some intention.
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Sep 14th 2021
I want to start a new thread story. Not sure how long it will be and I may use different prompts: #vss365 #vssmagic #vssnature etc etc ... I love reading about legends and folk lore, and in my fantasy writing I often create my own myths. So this will be just a fun exercise...
According to #lore &myths of old,griffins nestled on these cliffs long ago. They swooped down on the unsuspecting;carried them off never to be seen again.
Griffins were not elemental creatures,but air & earth did have dominion over them; their only enemy -fire.
#vss365 #vssmagic
"I helped your troupe avoid #shadow and #gore," said the dark wizard simply, implying that he saved us from the mythical griffins. I gaped at him. "And now for what you promised."

"No," I was careful not to get trapped in words, "I said: after you summon her."
#vss365 #vssmagic
Read 132 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
Hello #Autumn, with apologies to the Bard.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18)

Do not compare me to a summer’s day.
While, although lovely, temperate? Not I.
Rough winds no pause give me in night or day,
They blow and I do join them in their sigh.
Sometimes too cold October’s breezes blow,
And thus require my heat to comfort give.
With this, well-fortified, you then shall know
I need no summer sun in which to live.
Adorned I am in Autumn’s motley shade,
Whose colors, vivid, carpet fading lawn,
For tempered sun and wine-warmed nights I’m made,
As Death doth flee me; I am not his pawn.

So long as men embrace the later year,
So long lives love from those who hold no fear.

© 2018 RC deWinter Image
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Sep 7th 2020
My fever dreams of autumn when it's too damn hot. #natureart #traditionalpainting #gouache #acryllic #sketchbook #treesofseptember ImageImage
Making loose thumbnails, trying to manifest cooler weather. This isn't really autumn, it's just the autumn I can visualize when it's 35 Degrees outside.
WIP, anger at the heat wave has manifested in a rather pretty #gouache and #acrylic painting if I do say so myself. 😆Full artwork coming soon. -This one is going to be a poster! #autumn #treesoftwitter #ilovetrees #traditionalpainting Image
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Sep 1st 2020
Happy 1st of September and hellooooo autumn!
Let the leaves change shade, the air turn crisp, and may all of your coffees be spiced with pumpkin.
Bring on the witching season...
Photo: Llanrwst, #Wales
#autumn #september1st #tuesdaythoughts Image
...and yes, I know it's not astronomical autumn before the "it's not autumn" people pipe up, just enjoy the lovely photo....
It really is starting to feel autumnal already - 60 days until Halloween, apparently!
#September1st Image
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Jul 17th 2020
Meeting people and expressing emotions has taken a backseat for now😭

On #WorldEmojiDay2020, we look at emojis that represent seasons and our #DilKaHaal to an extent.

☀️ mein 😢
🌧️ mein 😀
❄️ mein ?????

Share in comments below how would you represent seasons in emojis!
#WorldEmojiDay | Spring, the season of bloom, colour and new beginnings😍

#MausamIsAwesome Image
#Monsoons - those cloudy skies, the sound of thunder and heavy downpour - nature's way of sharing its happiness with us 🌈⛈️

#MausamIsAwesome #WorldEmojiDay Image
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Jan 1st 2020
For 2020 I'm going to try the one photo a day challenge. I'll reply tip this each day with a photo.
Marble Kaleidoscope.

Sony a7iii
FE 2.8/90 Macro G OSS
ISO 400
1/30 Image
Carew Sconce

Samsung Note 10+
6 mm
1/17 Image
Read 369 tweets
Nov 21st 2019

Yoshimine-dera is the 20th (of 33) temple on the famed Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage (千手観音は西国三十三か所巡礼第20番札所). It is known for its early summer hydrangea & autumn colours. 1/13
#Kyoto #京都
The temple's huge grounds (10,000 square metres) sprawl up the upper slopes of Shaka-dake (釈迦岳-631m). In the Middle Ages it was known as Nishiyama-no-miya (西山宮) and was classed as a Monzeki temple (the abbot was of imperial blood), with over 50 main structures. 2/13
Known affectionately as Yoshimine-san (善峯さん) and Matsu-no-dera (松の寺-the 'Temple of the Pine'), after the famed Yuryu-no-matsu (遊龍の松-Playing Dragon Pine), the temple's principal image is a statue of Juichimen Senju Kannon (十一面千手観世音菩薩). 3/13
#Kyoto #Japan #京都
Read 14 tweets
Nov 18th 2019
“What is this, the End of Days?” -
Chris W., who just moved down from #Chicago , experiencing his first #KingTide in #Hollywood #Beach #Florida
@WPLGLocal10 Image
For your #KingTide planning pleasure :
Worst of the flooding in SoFlo #coastal communities likely between 1am-3am & 1pm-3pm for the next few days ....
#Hollywood #Beach #Florida
#ocean #bay #high #tide #moon Image
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Mar 15th 2019
My town #Coonabarabran #Coona sits in NW of #NSW . Just North is the #Pilliga forest, to south & west #WarrumbungleNatPark & #SidingSpringObservatory. Rich farmlands surround it. But it is under threat from #climatebreakdown #schoolstrike4climate
#Coona district is in severe #drought & #waterstress our council Dam is so low that new bores had to be sunk for town’s supply. Farming families are worn down with feeding stock & stress. Paddocks are baked dry #climatebreakdown is reality #SchoolStrike4Climate
In our gardens, forests and farms trees are dying as we face our second #autumn in drought. We are reliant on bore water from the #GreatArtesianBasin to survive #climatebreakdown is a daily reality. #SchoolStrike4climate
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