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Jun 8th 2023
🤓 Learn more about significant U.S. weather and climate events and how they compare to the historical record: #StateOfClimate Visible satellite image of ...
May contiguous U.S. average temperature was 62.4°F, 2.2°F above average—ranking 11th warmest in the 129-year record: #StateOfClimate Map of the U.S. showing tem...
🥀 May contiguous U.S. precipitation total was 2.56 inches, 0.35 inch below average—ranking in the driest third of the record: #StateOfClimate Map of the U.S. showing pre...
Read 7 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
With Nauroz celebrations underway across the globe, what better time to dive into various spring and new year festivals Pakistanis celebrate? A thread: 🌻🌹🌷🌼🪷🌸🌺
#SpringEquinox #Spring
#نوروز Image
It marks the advent of spring with people taking to the rooftops for kiteflying, traditional sweets, friends and family. It is celebrated in Punjab and KPK, along with Quetta and Khuzdar in Balochistan. People dress up in colourful clothes, (often yellow). ImageImage
Celebrated on April 13th, it is a harvest festival that marks the Punjabi New Year. It is celebrated with a lot of fanfare, traditional Punjabi attire, processions, and traditional music and dance. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
We have some exciting events & popups happening in the #NorthWest #Halton #Cheshire over #Spring & #Summer. Get your #Spring craft on @HaltonLibraries on the 18th March as part of @HaltonMakeFest, book on eventbrite. Catch us @natoutdoorexpo on the 19th March then come say Hi &
whittle a stick, make a little catapult & get arty with nature @HaltonMakeFest on the 25th of March in @HaltonLibraries, book on eventbrite . I am collaborating with the fab #CHI cafe #PhoenixPark & @RechargeRestore for @HaltonBC #HAF to offer #Easter
theme sessions on the 5th and 6th of April. Tickets will be getting released later for our #familyfriendly #Easteredition #EGGstravaganza @RHP_Halton on the 9th of April. #CoastalSchool kicks off on the 20th of April with @coop_portland which is so exciting then #TinyBitCurious
Read 9 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
⚠️#Spring tests tip

I wouldn't say I like @​Transactional spring tests and don't recommend using them. I prefer cleaning/populating db with @​Sql annotation. To do this I usually create 2 files:
📍clear.sql usually contains:


This script deletes all data from DB but leaves a structure.


This script populates data by executing Inserts.
Then on test class:
@​Sql(scripts = "classpath:clear.sql", executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD)
@​Sql(scripts = "classpath:insert_data.sql", executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD)

DB is clean and always in the desired state before the test ☺️
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
⚠️#Spring Data JPA Performance Tip:⚠️
Mark the transaction handling class with @Transactional(readOnly=true) and mark modifying methods as just @Transactional. ReadOnly disables dirty-checking on read-only methods and speeds up your application. 👇
As a bonus, you get extra protection from modifying any entities in read-only methods by calling their setters unintentionally. Example:

class UserService {
createUser(User u)
@transactional If you find this tip useful:

1. Follow me @xpvit for more Java, Cloud, and Linux knowledge.
2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your audience
Read 3 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
As a little thank you to everyone who has decided to hit that “Follow” on my profile, here’s a few tips that you can follow to help attract more #wildlife to your own #garden: 🧵

1. Don’t cut your hedges/bushes at this time of year - birds in particular will eat the berries.
2. Leave some long grass around the edges of your lawn. Many insects/caterpillars in particular will overwinter at the base of this vegetation. You can always cut back in #spring when things warm up.
3. If you feel the need to clear the leaves from your garden, don’t put them in your green bin, make a pile of them in a corner of the garden. Lots of insects again, along with 🦔 will use these piles for cover/shelter.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
1. Wednesdays 🧵thanks for your patience. Had a busy day 😐. Hope this is worth the wait. Today, we are going to talk about the Burrishoole population of Salmo salar, the mighty Atlantic salmon
📽️Ger Rogan
2. From the outset, we are talking about Atlantic salmon today (Salmo salar) and not any of the Pacific salmon species (various Oncorhynchus sp.). 1 of these species is making in-roads into this side of the Atlantic (the PINK salmon), but that’s a whole other story A pink salmon
3. Why do salmon receive so much attention, in comparison to other fish species? @SteveOrmerod put it very well:
Read 31 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
All the sun and rain have made the nasturtiums go crazy again. I can’t harvest for more pesto because there just isn’t room in the freezer #lockdownladygardening ☀️ 🌧 Image
#lockdownladygardening Same at the front - my Luxuriant South-Facing Aspect Image
Wildflower mixes are never very successful but at long last I’ve got this little bloom ☺️ #LockdownLadygardening Image
Read 37 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
#Spring is arriving but is it time to start #planting your vegetables?

Our #agriculture elements provide rich insight into when to plant, water & harvest your crops…

Degree days –
Also known as Growing Degree Days or #GDD

Calculates how many “heating days” there have been during a growing season & is calculated using the hourly temps since planting or the start of the season.

Used to estimate the growth & development of plants & insects.
Soil temperature –

Indicates the #temperature of the #soil itself & is calculated based on recent temperatures.

Used to determine when the soil has warmed enough for various agricultural activities such as sowing seeds.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
On my way!! First part of a month-long trip Amsterdam-Austria-Slovenia-Croatia & back again! Bon voyage to me ;) Excited, expectant & slightly nervous! ImageImage
Double rainbow : a good omen! Image
Good news: had some sleep & breakfast; first sighting of the mountains under snow!! Also: 2 hour delay, missed connecting train, extra stop in Salzburg. ImageImageImageImage
Read 74 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
Food plays an important roll at Higan (彼岸).

On the first and last day of the equinoctial week, rice dumplings (団子 'dango') are offered at the family altar. Rice cakes covered in bean jam (botamochi in spring and ohagi in fall) are presented mid-week.
Botamochi and ohagi are popular during the equinoctial weeks, when they are made as sacred offerings & enjoyed as tasty snacks.
Glutinous rice is soaked, cooked and formed into a ball. Around this ball a thick sweet bean paste is packed on.

Read 15 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
Alright, folks, where did I take these photographs? #NaturePhotography #Spring #Lake #Brook A brook flowing between mossy bouldersAn 8 inch birch tree felled by a beaver. Toren's hand for coA slow-moving brook flowing through a conifer forest.A lake and a small pond, both surrounded by coniferous fores
I'm sure lots of you would have had all kinds of guesses, but I am also sure none of you would have had "an island off the Eastern Shore" as your answer.
Here's the zoomed out version of the image I showed previously.
All the photos were taken on Wolfe's Island. #NovaScotia A lake and a pond surrounded by conifer forest, with ocean a
A few more photos from Wolfe's Island, including the cabin where I spent the day, and what the rest of the island looks like. A red cabin on a rock by the ocean, with a blue motorboat inAerial photograph of a barren landscape, with two lakes and A large forested cliff rising straight from the ocean.Top-down view of a rocky, seaweed-covered shoreline with sil
Read 5 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
Various view technologies can be integrated in Spring MVC for the 'View' part of application. #spring #Java #development
For that, we can create 'template' files that are populated with data at run time by the templating engine.
🧵on MVC Templating engines👇 @threadreaderapp
Spring supports below engines. Follow links for details on that template engine.
ThymeLeaf -…
Freemarker -
Velocity -…
Groovy -…
#spring #Java #development
Besides, Spring also provides its own JSTL tags for use in JSPs.
(JSTL are custom tags aimed to ease JSP development)

Spring also lists some other templates that it can support.
#spring #Java #development
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
Week 1
14.3 miles 🚵‍♀️🚶‍♀️
985.7 left to go!! ImageImage
Very belated week 3
A mere 2.2 miles 🚶‍♀️
Plus some yoga🧘‍♀️
960 miles to go
Read 55 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
Top 10 Spring Articles from @javarevisited you can read this weekend.

A mini thread 🧵
#Java #Programming #spring
Difference between @Autowired and @Qualifier Annotation in Spring Framework? Example Tutorial…
Top 5 Spring Cloud Courses for Java Developers to Learn Online in 2021 - Best Of Lot…
Read 18 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
Top 10 Spring Framework Questions

A Thread 🧵
#java #spring #programming
Read 15 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
AUTUMN IS HERE! This is a collective imagining game about food & joy, in which we share thoughts about the best meal in the best restaurant we can possibly imagine. Please tag #Toksvigs - don't forget the S on the end. 1/
In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are growing shorter and there’s a chill in the air, even under the bright blue sky. The harvest is in, and there is an abundance of fresh produce for us to cook and feast upon, and also preserve for the winter months ahead. 2/
At #Toksvigs, the chimneys have been swept and the logs are set. It is time to launch the #AutumnMenu, and this year we are focusing on bread in all her many and delicious varieties. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
Day 1 of #21OPCC- starting at 09.30am EST! Looking forward to tweeting up a storm over the next few days. The program is jam-packed full of great presentations, updates and conversations about #palliativecare
I would like to acknowledge that I will be tweeting from Kaurna Country, and I pay my respects to Elders past and present.
Image- a typical sight at Karrawirra Parri (River Torrens) at this time of year. #spring #21OPCC
And to introduce myself, my name is Alison (will also answer to Ali 😀) You can normally find me on Twitter @alisonsbarrett. I am a columnist at @CroakeyNews- I write the #COVIDWrap.…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 18th 2021

Flowers, I will go see she said.

Headed to Esplanade (cuz this photo alone would check a box but would actually be cheating - the power of “optics” or manufactured data whose lives & careers are Twitter).

Question everything you see
See like a #pediatrician Image
I shall see from a new perspective she said - I will cross on the other side.

(Actually, I wanted to be on the other side but would have to walk a block to cross so, fine, I’ll cross on this side. Bah humbug). Image
I shall admire the barely born green hope unfurling into the crisp Spring air, fragile yet #resilient, she said

(Yay #Science and @museumofscience #BostonStrong #Boston ... and yes, and requisite monuments to male anatomy and war as well) Image
Read 25 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
#SpringIsComing 😁

& @UCLPsychiatry's #DoPGreenTeam is doing some #SpringWatching 💚♻️

Spring clean your #VirtualCommute 😉 & how about tagging & sharing with us?

And why not check out @MCPCRD's #MarchAMillion for #MarieCurie #StepIntoSpring #DaffodilAppeal? Image
Another in our occasional series of @UCLPsychiatry #DoPGreenTeam's #SpringIntoGreenHomeWorking activities:
#SpringCleaning with an additional eco conscience!

Join us in reducing waste & using environmentally-friendly cleaning products when bringing your home to a spring sparkle! Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 27th 2021
#Thread #1
#Chopta has become a popular #Spring trek with the ancient Tungnath Temple (one of Panch Kedars), snowy peaks, iridescent monals, & rhododendrons.  Here are some info, images, & posts I've gathered over the years. #Garhwal #Himalayas #Uttarakhand #trekking
Read on
#Thread #2 Chopta-Tungnath-Chadrashila Trek

The primary activity is the trek to #Tungnath , the highest Shiva Temple (3600 meters). You can hike further up to Chandrashila Top (4000 meters). This post was written by @aloketweet who went with me.…
#Thread #3


The trek is a great place to spot #HimalayanMonals the state bird of #Uttarakhand 

Here's a post with more pics.…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
#Corona benefits.

A thread (will be continually updated).
@pluralsight #FreeApril offer::
Build in-demand tech skills without leaving your house. Get free access to 7,000+ expert-led video courses and more all month long.…
@Codecademy #students offer::
Codecademy Pro for free to high school and college students across the world for the rest of the school year.…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Today is the Spring or Vernal #Equinox, a day of equal night and day. To celebrate, a tour was due to take place @NMIreland Archaeology. So here instead, is a #TwitterTour by Archaeology Museum Educator, @trisha_ryan, of some facts from the tour #histedchatie #MuseumFromHome
There are many archaeological monuments and artefacts that are connected to solar or celestial symbols, including the Equinox. For thousands of years, people looked to the skies and their environment to help explain the world.
People expressed this in the monuments they built such as passage tombs and stone circles. The passage tomb of #Knowth has 2 tombs, both at due east and west, and is thought to be aligned to the rising and setting sun of the Equinoxes. Images from @newgrangeknowth
Read 12 tweets

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