Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Browser

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"🔒✨ Revoke Token Approval with Trust Wallet! Protect your assets and regain control over your tokens. Learn how to revoke token approvals step-by-step with our comprehensive guide. Don't leave your tokens vulnerable. Stay secure! #TrustWallet #TokenSecurity #RevokingTokens 🔐 Image
@TrustWallet Step 1: 🚀 Launch Trust Wallet
Open the Trust Wallet application on your mobile device. Make sure you have the latest version of Trust Wallet installed. If not, update the app from the respective app store. #TrustWallet #CryptoWallet Image
Step 2: 🔍 Tap on the "Browser" tab located at the bottom of the Trust Wallet interface. This will open the DApps browser within the Trust Wallet app. #DApps #Browser
Read 13 tweets
⚠️ A browser extension is always a double-edged sword.

In general, there isn't much to disagree with in what @panosmek has written in this fantastic thread, but here are few additional thoughts:

🧵👇 [1/13]
[2/13] Browser extensions in and of themselves can easily be the source of #exploits.

So, rather than securing your #browser session, increasing your #privacy, or acting as a warning tool before signing transactions, it may turn out to be your worst enemy.
[3/13] — Attack Vectors —

🧐 There are merely two malicious concepts that will be exploited by #hackers to harm you while using #browser extensions:

🔸 Supply-Chain attack
🔸 Man-in-the-middle attack
Read 14 tweets
Mengapa browser moderen adalah aplikasi di komputer kalian yang makan resource banyak dan suka bikin nge-lag komputer bagus nan mahal kalian?

Dan kenapa browser modern menerapkan teknologi kontainer jauh sebelum docker.

Sebuah utas panjang 🧵

#TentangPerforma #web #browser
Peramban atau browser adalah salah satu jenis perangkat lunak yang sangat kompleks. Sebenarnya tidak ada yang menyangka bahwa teknologi web seperti HTML, CSS, dan Javascript akan berkembang sangat pesat seperti sekarang.
Penemunya, Tim Berners-Lee bervisi untuk membuat dokumen saling bertautan satu sama lain. Dari situ, teknologi web di tahun 2023 sudah tumbuh lebih dari visi penciptanya.
Read 19 tweets
GOV.UK stats for December‡ (1-31):
- Chrome - 49.31%
- Safari - 31.09%
- Edge - 11.3%
- Samsung Internet - 4.67%
- Firefox - 1.3%
- Android Webview - 0.75%
- Safari (in-app) - 0.68%
- Opera - 0.27%
100% = 77,255,399
#browser #browserstats Overview stats of GOV.UK Us...GOV.UK Daily page views for...GOV.UK Web Performance metr...
‡ Note: since December 2019 GOV.UK requires explicit opt-in for tracking which introduces bias. This is especially true for mobile devices, since the cookie banner takes up more screen estate and is more likely to be accepted.
Users - GA definition based on cookies:
- Chrome - 41.38%
- Safari - 38.87%
- Edge - 9.07%
- Samsung Internet - 5.3%
- Safari (in-app) - 1.48%
- Android Webview - 1.41%
- Firefox - 1.21%
- (not set) - 0.55%
- Opera - 0.28%
100% = 30,273,221
Read 27 tweets

1/ Get rid of complex, traditional backend servers while building your #websites.

According to @HTTPArchive, now more than 1% of ALL websites are based on the Jamstack architectural approach


(image by C. Fayock)

#webapp #coding #developer #innovation
2/ Whether you are an experienced or a novice web developer, your main, urgent goal is to avoid:

🐢Slow loading times

🔒Security vulnerabilities

📈Scaling issues


3/ The Jamstack is a way of building web applications that utilizes modern tools and technologies based on #JavaScript, #APIs, and Markdown (J.A.M. stack), in order to decouple the #frontend from the #backend
Read 14 tweets
Best Privacy Software & Services in 2022 Everyone
should check: Top 10 Picks 🧵

#privacy #Security #infosec #search #Python #Linux
1️⃣Incogni: Get your personal data deleted and off the market

Thousands of companies are collecting, aggregating, and trading your personal data without you knowing anything about it. Incogni removes them for you.
2️⃣ LibreWolf

A custom version of Firefox focused on privacy, security, and freedom.
Read 11 tweets
🧵Thread! 1/8 : @jakecreps asked about what OSINT can be gathered using DevTools. One of my favorites is using Google Reviews to see what date a subject was in a location, file name used, upload time and date.

#OSINT #devtools #browser #sourcecode
🧵2/8 : The techniques within this thread are to be used on Google Reviews, the intelligence gathered can't be seen or obtained without using Dev Tools, the first initial work on this came from @BanPangar, whom I assisted in the final steps for the different dates understanding.
🧵3/8 : Let's start with my chosen photo which is a cup of coffee. Using exiftool, we can see the photo was taken on the 27th of September 2022 at 17h57 +2 GMT. *I will change the file name to "ilovgoogle" Image
Read 8 tweets
Edge browser, a @Microsoft browser has an edge over other browsers in terms of UX.
(pun intended)
Don't believe me ? Check now 😎
A 🧵on some of the best MS Edge features that I liked.

#tech #Browser #ux #web
Have you met Edge ? 😎
Let me first introduce you to Edge, a chromium based web browser by @Microsoft.
First Stable Release: January 15, 2020
Released a lot of good features that not only add to good user experience but also saves background memory consumption while browsing.
Feature 1 🧠
Save your memory while browsing effectively!
Sleeping tabs is a feature which puts inactive tabs to sleep when turned on in the settings. This saves memory.

Bonus: Use extension Auto Tab Discard for enhanced memory savings. Check here: Go to Settings -> Click on System & Preferences -> Scroll to
Read 7 tweets
3,2 bilhões de pessoas usam o Google Chrome!

Entretanto, ninguém conhece todas as melhores extensões que o Chrome tem a oferecer.

Aqui, estão 13 extensões que você não deve viver sem.

Let's ? @sseraphini #bolhadev #dev #browser #nagevador #ferramentas
1 - ScribeHow

O Scribe permite gravar um vídeo passando por cima de algo e o coloca automaticamente em um guia passo a passo.

Economiza tempo quando:
• Ensino aos clientes;
• Integração;
• Fazer SOP.
2 - Similar Sites

• Encontre sites semelhantes ao que você está acessando agora;
• Permite que você encontre melhores recursos;
• Ótimo para compras, conteúdo, viagens ou negócios e pesquisas.…
Read 14 tweets
Stack is inherently collaborative - a multiplayer browser.
But what is a #multiplayer #browser and why should you care? 🤔
Why is online #collaboration so important in the first place?

🧵 (1/8)
𝘉𝘦𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦, 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵 𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸👀 Image
2/We dominate the earth cause we're the only animals that can collaborate flexibly & in large numbers. As @harari_yuval points out, the major difference between us & all other animals is on a collective level, not the individual.
Human collaboration is what put a man on the moon!
3/ Online collaboration has two dimensions: exchanging info, such as links & messages, and actually creating together, like pair-programming in @Replit or designing in @figma.

For the former, we use tons of diverse apps. For the latter, apps themselves need to be multiplayer.
Read 8 tweets
<🧵> GOV.UK stats for April‡ (1-30):
- Chrome - 47.62%
- Safari - 33.62%
- Edge - 9.08%
- Samsung Internet - 6.01%
- Firefox - 1.38%
- Android Webview - 0.65%
- Internet Explorer - 0.58%
- Safari (in-app) - 0.56%
100% = 118,055,607
#browser #browserstats Overview stats of GOV.UK Us...GOV.UK Daily page views for...GOV.UK Web Performance metr...
‡ Note: since December 2019 GOV.UK requires explicit opt-in for tracking which introduces bias. This is especially true for mobile devices, since the cookie banner takes up more screen estate and is more likely to be accepted.
Users - GA definition based on cookies:
- Safari - 42.81%
- Chrome - 39.79%
- Edge - 7.67%
- Samsung Internet - 4.86%
- Firefox - 1.29%
- Safari (in-app) - 1.24%
- Android Webview - 1.22%
- Internet Explorer - 0.57%
- Amazon Silk - 0.27%

100% = 42,695,182
Read 25 tweets
🧵GOV.UK stats for March‡ (1-30):
- Chrome - 46.73%
- Safari - 35.02%
- Edge - 8.42%
- Samsung Internet - 6.04%
- Firefox - 1.37%
- Android Webview - 0.69%
- Safari (in-app) - 0.63%
- Internet Explorer - 0.62%

100% = 143,123,441
#browser #browserstats Overview of GOV.UK stats for the month of March from Data StPage views over time for the month of march, and the averageWeb performance metrics of different browsers over the month
‡ Note: since December 2019 GOV.UK requires explicit opt-in for tracking which introduces bias. This is especially true for mobile devices, since the cookie banner takes up more screen estate and is more likely to be accepted.
Users - GA definition based on cookies:
- Safari - 45.09%
- Chrome - 37.98%
- Edge - 7.04%
- Samsung Internet - 4.81%
- Safari (in-app) - 1.39%
- Android Webview - 1.33%
- Firefox - 1.27%
- Internet Explorer - 0.59%
- Amazon Silk - 0.25%

100% = 50,071,765
Read 24 tweets
4 years ago I started implementing an entire #linux #wayland display server in the browser because "wouldn't it be cool if ...", but I never really shared my experiences that eventually lead me to implement a #kubernetes powered cloud desktop computer. 🧵👇
I'll try to keep these posts chronologically but most comes from memory so I apologize in advance. ;)
It basically started with a discussion in #wayland on #irc where it was suggested that one should use (s)rtp for real time video stream. The browser lacking such things, only offers WebRTC so first thing was to check if that could be utilized.
Read 31 tweets
🧵GOV.UK stats for May (1-31st):
• Chrome - 48.18%
• Safari - 32.61%
• Samsung Internet - 6.91% 
• Edge - 6.85%
• IE - 1.61%
• Firefox - 1.59%
• Android Webview - 1.01%
• Safari (in-app) - 0.67%

100% = 137,904,962 sessions
#browser #browserstats Page views over time on GOV.UK for Mat 1st - 31st. Also the Overview of browser usage for GOV.UK, including location dev
"Users" (GA definition)
• Safari - 43.40%
• Chrome - 38.73%
• Edge - 5.69%
• Samsung Internet - 5.38%
• Android Webview - 1.79%
• Safari (in-app) - 1.55%
• IE - 1.47%
• Firefox - 1.41%
• Amazon Silk - 0.30%

100% = 48,239,992 "users"
Browser inc OS (sessions):
• Safari (iOS) - 28.79%
• Chrome (And) - 26.01%
• Chrome (Win) - 17.30%
• Edge (Win) - 6.83%
• Samsung Internet (And) - 6.81%
• Safari (Mac) - 3.81%
• Chrome (Mac) - 2.18%
• Chrome (iOS) - 2.12%
• IE (Win) - 1.61%
Read 24 tweets
Small cap/high growth seems to THE obvious way to riches - right.

But how do we actually find them?

More often than not, they're already trading at high multiples and has a lot of HYPE.

In 2021 we've had 10 interesting Danish IPO's I will list below.

All small cap




Small cap tech company supplying #solutions optimizing #water usage in many industries. One industry is big data farms (a lot located here in Denmark). BactiQuant helps #Facebook and #Apple to clean their water #cooling systems.

Current P/S: 35,8



Small cap tech company #automating #investing for people with "#robot advisors". 100% digitalized and customized based on clients needs, risk profile and time frame. Became #2 robot investing company in #Denmark quickly.

Now managing >1 billion DKK.
Read 12 tweets

(Abro hilo)

El día 6 de Enero pasado la alcaldesa de #WashingtonDC hizo que #EEUU se viera como una “república bananera”, por las tristes sucesos ocurridos en el #Capitolio
Los fanáticos pro #Trump ya lo venían anunciando!
Para la asunción de @JoeBiden estará presente @Mike_Pence ya que el presidente #Trump, planea salir de #Washington el miércoles a la mañana con una ceremonia de alfombra roja mientras aborde el Air Force One para tomar un vuelo hacia su residencia en #Florida

Luego de los lamentables episodios del 6 de enero, he dicho con anterioridad en esta red, que la alcaldesa de #WashingtonDC, Muriel Bowser, quizás también tendría alguna responsabilidad política.
No previno con fuerzas del orden, una marcha anunciada!
Read 13 tweets
between rock and hard place: Firefox got woke, but if we ditch it, only Chrome remains.

i don't want repeat of the big stagnation - when Internet Explorer was dominant #browser and there was no technical improvements *for years*.

pic: Internet Explorer, the stagnant era
indeed the other popular browsers (Brave, Safari, Opera, Edge, other smaller ones) are thinly-skinned Chrome.

i particularly regret losing Opera to the chrome-ification; original Opera was great <3 Image
Firefox has been in decline for a couple years now, under the woke Mozilla Corporation. it's neither fresh nor cool anymore.

i expect it to *again* be handed over to community, who will *again* do better stewardship.

pic: Mitchell Baker, the CEO Image
Read 7 tweets
👶 Has anyone ever thought about a child #browser? 🤔 I would expect it to have at least two features:
1) integration and enforcement of tools like @1Password means absolutely no sign-up/in that's not saved in 1pass and has a 1pass generated password
2) a blocklist of websites
The blocklist could be replaced by an allow-list as this will be much easier for parents to maintain in today's world.
Read 4 tweets
GOV.UK stats for Dec (1-31st):
• Chrome - 46.05%
• Safari - 33.82%
• Samsung Internet - 8.01% 
• Edge - 5.14%
• IE - 2.13%
• Firefox - 1.57%
• Android Webview - 1.46%
• Safari (in-app) - 1.24%

100% = 157,177,824 sessions
#browser #browserstats
"Users" (GA definition)
• Safari - 43.36%
• Chrome - 36.46%
• Samsung Internet - 6.41%
• Edge - 4.34%
• Safari (in-app) - 2.87%
• Android Webview - 2.68%
• IE - 1.88%
• Firefox - 1.38%

100% = 54,657,965 "users"
Browser inc OS (sessions):
• Safari (iOS) - 30.37%
• Chrome (And) - 26.69%
• Chrome (Win) - 14.62%
• Samsung Internet (And) - 7.98%
• Edge (Win) - 5.12%
• Safari (Mac) - 3.43%
• IE (Win) - 2.13%
Read 9 tweets
Sollte es hier jemanden geben der mich tatsächlich vermisst: Ich bin in meinem #MacYfer-Keller.
Und zwar deshalb:
Im Moment gibt es für Windows vermutlich kein #Programm, das #PDF vernünftig darstellt.
Also für #blinderMensch, meine ich.
#PDF-Dateien fliegen auch #blinderMensch überall um die Ohren. Die meisten davon sind schlecht gemacht und das ist ein Teil der #SchlechtigkeitDerWelt woran kein #MacYver was mit #Software ändern kann.
Read 14 tweets
GOV.UK stats for June(1-30):
• Chrome - 39.03%
• Safari - 38.21%
• Samsung Internet - 5.86%
• Edge - 5.33%
• IE - 3.61%
• Safari (in-app) - 2.82%
• Android Webview - 2.29%
• Firefox - 1.83%

100% = 38,316,840 "users" (GA definition)
#browser #browserstats
Browser inc OS version:
• Safari (iOS) - 33.30%
• Chrome (And) - 20.54%
• Chrome (Win) - 14.24%
• Samsung Internet (And) - 5.79%
• Edge (Win) - 5.27%
• Safari (Mac) - 4.83%
• IE (Win) - 3.58%
Device types:
• 📱Mobile - 62.41%
• 🖥️ Desktop - 32.43%
• 💊 Tablet - 5.16%
Read 6 tweets
Last Saturday, @souvikdg and @hallidude chatted about the pros and cons of @CraftCMS on…. If you are deciding on whether to adopt #CraftCMS, you will find this thread useful. (1/13)
@souvikdg @hallidude @CraftCMS .@CraftCMS is a general purpose Content Management System (CMS) which differentiates itself from other #alternatives by offering a clean starting point coupled with great tools to build a #website. (2/13)
@souvikdg @hallidude @CraftCMS .@CraftCMS features a clear separation of concern between the content models, presentation and business logic. Since you begin with a clean slate, you have to bring your own #HTML and #design. There is no starter theme.
Read 14 tweets
1. First release of {#idmodelr} is now on CRAN. {idmodelr} is a library of #infectiousdisease models and utilities for using them. Use case is exploration/education/research + signposting.

#rstats #epitwitter #dynamics #opensource #openscience
2. Current status is WIP with more features - and additional models - planned. Contributions much appreciated!

Planned features:…
3. {#idmodelr} has an accompanying #shiny app that demos some of the functionality and can be used as a standalone tool for exploring infectious disease models.

See here:…
Read 9 tweets

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