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Apr 5th 2023
TOMORROW'S #TennesseeCapitol #TennesseeThree ACTION INFO THREAD ā¤µļø

Firstly: Go to for an overview and schedule. (Try a different browser if it won't come up.)

#LocalActionsTN #LocalActionsNashville #TN3
#GunSense #MarchForOurLives
An ask from us: #TNLeg is notorious for cutting cameras and we suspect GOP leaders will try to prevent reporters/the public from entering the #TennesseeCapitol viewing gallery.

PLEASE SHOOT VIDEO. Upload to the #TennesseeThree hashtag ASAP. THANK YOU.
@AftynBehn is the media contact for the #TennesseeThree website. Follow her if you haven't.

Read 16 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
Later TODAY: Join @Nashtivists for a #GunSense #NotOneMore phonebank calling #Tennessee legislators on gun bills (lowering permitless carry age, guns in cars etc.)

TODAY OR TOMORROW: If you haven't already, contact your Metro Councilmember prior to the vote on #NoNewNashvilleStadium tomorrow night.

Our petition here contains language on why we think it's a bad idea, feel free to copy/paste.ā€¦
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Many of you may be wondering who Byron Donalds is? Let me enlighten you on my two time opponent.

Byron Donalds has an open rebellion among other Republicans in #SWFL for attacking women in public with him and his staff physically intimidating them (and me)ā€¦
Byron Donalds loves Donald Trump (and also DeSantis) and is playing them both. But he also loves being the guy that can say things other Republicans canā€™t.ā€¦
Read 29 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
Yes, but if we had 100% background checks, gun permits, red flag laws, and made our background checks meaningful, gun makers would lose business. Neither they, Congress nor the NRA want that. What's 40,000 lives a year when there's money involved? #GunSense #2A #2ndAmendment 1/
2/ #massshooting - Flooding the market with #guns doesn't make us safer but the opposite. Note sales/deaths spikes in 2013, 2016, 2020. Sources: ā†–ļøā€¦. ā†—ļøā†™ļøā€¦.ā†˜ļø ImageImageImageImage
3/ Here are some ideas. Require 3-day waiting period and licenses. Tax ammo 200%. Require 100% background checks for ALL gun transactions including gifts, private sales, etc. And the background checks must be... ImageImageImageImage (Link to latest story)
Read 7 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
Are you on the fence in this election? Do you have friends and family who are still undecided?

Let me offer a persuasive argument.

Iā€™m rejecting Republicans up and down the ticket. Why?

Itā€™s the lies and the fear-mongering for me.

The lies and fear mongering on abortion. Crime. Guns. Jan 6. Elections. Gas prices. Inflation. Tax Policy. Immigration. Public health. Public education.

When I take a step back, I see that the entire Republican platform is built on propaganda and lies. /2
On abortion, the lie is as pervasive as ever. Republicans claim Democrats want to allow healthy babies to be aborted on their due date. Or even AFTER birth.

Itā€™s clear emotional manipulation with zero basis in fact. /3
Read 25 tweets
Jun 8th 2022
Gun owners usually know that #GunControl laws have their roots firmly planted in #racism. Every last law from the French Black Codes in LA to Saturday Night Special laws to efforts afoot today - ALL are racist and #sexist. What follows is a brief history of Gun Control laws.
Racist gun laws predate the founding of the nation. Those laws were openly stated as a way to keep blacks, free men & slaves, and other POC ā€œin their place.ā€ They were instilled to quiet down the racial fears of whites, especially whites in slave states.
In 1751, the Black Codes in Louisiana allowed whites to stop black people & beat them if they were carrying anything that might be a weapon. If blacks refused to stop on demand, they were authorized to ā€œshoot to kill.ā€ Laws were passed prohibiting blacks from gun possession.
Read 15 tweets
May 31st 2022
Virginia Beach #massshooting #OTD in 2019. Twelve dead. Remember how the five dead in the Boston Massacre set in play the American Revolution? There is not one legit reason for #AR15s + high-capacity mags. 1/
2/ AR-15 is short for Armalite Rifle, the name of the company that invented #AR15s for, get this, military use. Ban #AR15 assault rifles. If you need 30-rounds, then you're a mass murderer or a really bad shot. Either way, you're a danger to society. #GunSense #GunViolence ImageImageImageImage
3/ The Supreme Court thinks open carry/conceal carry, etc., are fine, but not inside the #SupremeCourt. #NRA, #Glock, #ShotShow, don't allow open carry or often even guns in their offices, events, etc. GOP cowards. #2A #2ndAmendmentā€¦
Read 5 tweets
May 30th 2022
#Muskogee #Oklahoma #MassShooting #GunSense #BanAR15s - Sunday night Memorial Day festival in Taft, Oklahoma (1 hr. SE of Tulsa) w/ 1,000 to 1,500 people; mass shooter fires 40 rounds; kills 1; wounds 7 ages 9 to 56. Skyler Buckner, 26, jailed. THREAD 1/ā€¦
2/ #2A #GunsOverPeople #GunSense Sin tax guns and ammo. End ALL private sales/transfers without background checks. Background checks are very weak. People who are bipolar, heavily medicated, etc., can still purchase guns legally. Require gun insurance.ā€¦
3/ I'm sick of crap. But #2A US Constitution #FederalistSociety "original intent" folks: Iā€™m okay if you own arms if you're serving in a well-regulated militia with 18th C rifles, muskets and pistols. Meanwhile, another #massshooting in #Taft #Oklahomaā€¦
Read 12 tweets
May 29th 2022
Shootings at U.S. school graduation events - just since the Uvalde school massacre on Tuesday:
- Honolulu, Hawaii (3 wounded)
- N. Wichita, Kan. (1 killed)
- Anniston, Ala. (6 wounded)
- Thomaston, Ga. (1 killed, 2 wounded)
#GunSense #GunsDoNotMakeUsSafer
(sources below)
A 21-year-old man shot and seriously wounded 3 people at a high school graduation ceremony, including a 15-year-old boy who was shot multiple times (Honolulu, HI): #GunSense #GunsDoNotMakeUsSaferā€¦
A 17-year-old boy was shot and killed at a graduation party. A 15-year-old girl was struck by a car while fleeing and critically injured (N. Wichita, Kan.): #GunSense #GunsDoNotMakeUsSaferā€¦
Read 5 tweets
May 29th 2022
#Chattanooga #Massshooting #2A #2ndAmendment - Another one? Flood the market with guns and idiots promoting how everyone should carry them around, #massshootings will happen. Shame on the NRA, Ted Cruz, etc. They can all go to Hell.ā€¦
2/ #2ndAmendment #2A #AR15 The right to carry AR-15 high-capacity semi-automatics was never "original intent". The Constitution was never amended to permit them from being carried around concealed or in the open or in any other way. Activist judges slipped them through. So there. ImageImageImageImage
3/ #2A US Constitution #FederalistSociety "original intent" folks: Iā€™m okay if you own arms if you're serving in a well-regulated militia with 18th Century rifles, muskets and pistols. Meanwhile, another #massshooting in #Chattanooga with 6+ wounded.ā€¦
Read 7 tweets
May 15th 2022
#WhiteSupremacy Ted Nugent Rittenhouse trend with Buffalo Tops Shooting: The real issue is the easy access and carrying of guns and cheap ammo, high-capacity magazines and high-power guns that fit in backpacks, etc. #GunSense #2ndAmendment #2A
2/ #2A US Constitution #FederalistSociety "original intent" folks: Iā€™m okay if you own arms if you're serving in a well-regulated militia with 18th Century rifles, muskets and pistols. Meanwhile, another #massshooting in #Buffalo w/ 10 dead, 3 wounded.ā€¦
3/ A #massshooting is defined as four+ victims. #Benghazi had four dead. #2ndAmendment people think Benghazi was bad but think anyone should have guns. ALL gun transactions MUST require a background check including gifts. FBI background checks are weak. #GunSense
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May 14th 2022
Buffalo Tops shooting; eight killed. AR-15 #2A Truth Social ā€“ You can't carry loaded #guns at #ShotShow (America's biggest gun show), #Glock, Mars-a-Lago, US Army bases, etc. (all places w/ lots of security) as they fear gun nuts!ā€¦
2/ #2A #2ndAmendment - #NRA #SCOTUS / Supreme Court, legislators, executives, etc., for open carry, concealed carry, etc., must ensure THE EXACT SAME LAWS APPLY IN THEIR OFFICES, HOMES and at all times around them, and THEY MUST HAVE NO SECURITY. Thatā€™s how the rest of us feel.
3/ Texas, Georgia, etc., have enacted or will permit carry handguns without a license or training Why stop there? How about allowing anyone to drive, do brain surgery, teach school, fly an airliner or be a cop or governor? #GunSense #2A #Idiots #Trumpā€¦
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May 11th 2022
On Gun Legislation ( a thread):

Our Children Should Not Have to Suffer and Die to Pander to the Machismo Fantasies and Cowardly Fears of a Minority.


What I always think of is the analogy with cars.

People don't generally go around committing mass murder with autos. Sure, people get killed in auto accidents, but it is not intentional. And we all *need* autos for daily tasks, errands, and work (unlike guns) ... so if it is an "evil" it is a necessary one ... daily!

2/ #FBR
Yet, what of cars? We require registration of them, of the driver, licensing, and training. Why are guns exempt from safety concerns? Why? I'll tell you why ... bc of rednecks who need them to feel "manly" (i.e., machismo)...

3/ #FBR #resist #SandyHook #2ndAmendment #resistance
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Nov 1st 2021
Out chilling with 1,000s of fellow Virginians enthused to send @TerryMcAuliffe back to the Governorā€™s mansion. #VAGovernor #VirginiaElection #VirginiaForMcAuliffe #gotv @VaDemocracy @vademocrats
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Jan 1st 2020
There are a range of opportunities and challenges we will confront in the year ahead, starting with a defense of the #RuleOfLaw. As Chief Justice Roberts stated, we must do our best to "discharg[e] our solemn obligation to equal justice under law."ā€¦
We must stand up against hate in all its forms, from racism to xenophobia to anti-semitism. That's what Billings, Montana did so powerfully after it faced a spate of hate crimes, showing solidarity and making plain that hate had no place there.ā€¦
We must work creatively to protect public safety and victims, including those whose lives are at risk from domestic violence. Taking #gunsense measures, like enforcing protecting orders, can save lives, as @BethDAlady is now doing.ā€¦
Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
Welcome to the #Pennsylvania Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending 09/15/19. This is where you'll find all the votes and quotes from our 18 House members as well as @SenBobCasey and @SenToomey.
#MoCTrack 1/26
@SenBobCasey @SenToomey The folks at @538Politics have you covered if you want to assess what percentage of the time your MoC votes along with the Trump Administrationā€™s agenda. And we collect all of that for our 20 PA MoCs all in one place for you.
#MoCTrack 2/26
@SenBobCasey @SenToomey @538politics The biggest vote this week saw the House choosing to protect #ANWR from energy exploitation!
#MoCTrack 3/26ā€¦
Read 26 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
This is the response by a Texas House member (Matt Schaefer - House District 6) to the shootings today in Midland / Odessa. Iā€™m disgusted. We need new representation in Austin. Now. @MomsDemand #gunsense
And, while Schaefer was very upfront that he will not be for any kind of #gunsense, even though its what a majority of Texans support, heā€™s lying about supporting Public Education. Heā€™s an F.
When Matt Schaefer, espouses ā€œgod given rightsā€ and persons with ā€œevil intentā€, look at this study from @ndrewwhitehead , @LandonSchnabel and @socofthesacred , linking Christian Nationalism and opposition to gun laws:ā€¦
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Aug 28th 2019
THREAD- Domestic Terrorism has always been a big threat, and itā€™s a good thing that the media is finally using this language. Dealing with it will take all levels of government of civil society. /1 #domesticterrorism #domesticterrorist #domesticterrorismlaw
Terrorism is social and political activism using violence or credibly threatening it. It is designed to create mass fear, and often has massive financial and logistical support. /2 #terrorism #domesticterrorism
Due to the potential for damage and mass casualties, the tremendous resources terrorists often have, and the exorbitant costs to society, Terrorism is in fact different than crime. Municipalities can predict murders over the course of a fiscal year, they can't afford bombs. /3
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Jun 18th 2019
.@shannonrwatts, if u read More Guns, Less Crime (Univ of Chicago Press, 2010 3rd ed), u would know that the most vulnerable people benefit the most from owning guns: the most likely victims of violent crime (poor blacks) & those weaker physically (women & elderly).
#2A @NRA @gun
Gun control advocates are the racists, sexists, & don't want poor owning guns. When you have discretionary permits, gun control advocates give permits to wealthy, white men. Not those who need them. See LA.ā€¦
You want only wealth.ā€¦
Why do you, @MomsDemand & @Everytow hate the poor?
"In 2013, all but two Democrats in the Colorado House of Representatives voted against a Republican amendment to exempt impoverished individuals from a new tax on private transfers of guns."
#racist #guncontrol #gunsense
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Jun 2nd 2019
There are many dubious arguments in regards to gun control and blatant red herrings. I thought I would capture the most common and write appropriate responses (read through)ā€¦. #guncontrolnow #neveragain #nra #gunsense #Guncontrol #2A
ā€œThe government wants to take my guns.ā€

No.. no.. no they donā€™t. Besides, have you even thought about the logistics of such an operation? Whoā€™s coming? Police? Military? No, they wouldnā€™t give up their guns. Maybe Obama will come knock on your door and ask nicely.
ā€œI donā€™t want to register my guns because the government will know what I have.ā€

You are paranoid. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in Europe and they register. Registering will create greater accountability and provide better tracking to solve crimes.
Read 37 tweets
Feb 23rd 2019
Hi @davidhogg111 The person you are wrongly targeting with chants of ā€œvote her outā€ is the same person on November 27, 1978, who held #HarveyMilk in her arms, trying to stop the bleeding after heā€™d been shot. Do you know the story? Let me explain it to you...
2. Harvey Milk was the FIRST elected openly gay official, sitting on the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. A deranged man who was full of hate shot & killed Milk and another. He barely missed Dianne Feinstein, who stayed with Milk until an ambulance took his body away
Read 10 tweets

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