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🧵/13 I’m a cleaner. I want talk to the left about covid. I clean for biz but mostly domestic homes. I like to do a good job & leave a place near spotless. That means tackling dust, grime, dirt, mould & mildew, bodily excretions, pet dander to name a few. It can be grim.
2/13 i was cleaning b4 covid so I have that as a comparison. I want to talk to the left (you’d typically be my allies right? I’m working a low status insecure relative poor pay job?) bcs I feel abandoned & let down-if you consider yourself an ally to low paid pls read on🙏🏼
3/13 1st up: 😷. Do you think they’re a symbol of authoritarian control & they don’t work? Why? Who told you that? Baggy cloth/surgical masks ≠no they don’t offer full protection against an airborne virus but a respirator like trades have worn for decades since before covid do
Read 13 tweets
1/ Noto che su alcune bacheche si stanno mettendo in relazione le accuse di corruzione di alcuni esponenti politici in #Ucraina con la partecipazione di #Zelensky a #Sanremo. A parte che mi sembra una considerazione così poco intelligente ai limiti dell'assurdo, un paio di spunti
1) #Zelensky ha fatto proprio un repulisti nei gg scorsi proprio per punire chi si è approfittato della situazione
2) L'#Ucraina non è un Paese perfetto e sicuramente si dovrà vigilare, ma la corruzione non è certamente una un fenomeno che riguarda solo #Kiev
3) Cji fa le pulci a #Zelensky, non ha nemmeno la minima idea di cosa succeda in #Russia, quanto a corruzione. Peccato che non lo si venga a sapere e che nessuno da quelle parti perde il posto per questo motivo. Se succede, è solo perché è diventato ostile a #Putin & co
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Rosalie is more kind to this study than I will likely be (still reading it). But her assessment is spot on. The questions they asked & tools they used gave them an answer. Problem is its not definitive & doesn't advance our understanding of whether foreign influence #InfoOps work
For example I could argue, with lots of empirical data, that the attitudes of Republicans towards NATO and Putin / Russia HAVE absolutely shifted significantly towards the Kremlin's favor ..exactly as the Kremlin has wanted. Neither of these narratives were looked at in the study
Trying to determine effectiveness within the aggregate of the whole social mediasphere is of course going 2b extremely difficult. Like with some effective cyber attacks u flood the zone (white noise) so that the very small very significant target actions are nearly imperceptible
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Ah ecco, ora si spiega ogni cosa. Anche se si capiva comunque da dove provenissero certi sgangherati sproloqui atlantisti e guerrafondai di tale #Parsi.

Principalmente dalle tecnocrazie d'oltreoceano. Image
E ovviamente, non poteva mancare all'appello la nostra #Tocci nazionale. Quella che fa parte solo di "istituti indipendenti", e che mette sempre in discussione la credibilità e l'autonomia delle posizioni politiche altrui. Image
Non c'è due senza tre: ma qui sono andato a colpo sicuro, perché le argomentazioni dei primi due, sono intercambiabili tra loro quanto con quelle della nostra "esperta indipendente" Marta #Ottaviani.

La stessa che ha dichiarato di avere subìto la #InfoWar, ma non di praticarla. Image
Read 8 tweets
Als het rapport van een student zou komen zou ik zeggen: je maakt een paar interessante punten maar probeer nu eens om ze logisch in rij en gelid te zetten. Want er zitten nogal wat interne strijdigheden in. En een paar zwarte gaten van formaat.
Als je dit, bestuurlijk gezien, als praktische oplossing wil implementeren breng je een clusterbom tot ontploffing die het #pas en de #aeriuscalculator met terugwerkende kracht doet verbleken. Daarover straks meer.
Read 80 tweets
On a très peu entendu parler de cette affaire judiciaire en 🇫🇷, et pourtant le procès #AlexJones est un fabuleux cas d’école : un complotiste qui s’effondre au tribunal et qui est obligé de reconnaître qu’il avait tout inventé .

Et il y a du lourd ⬇️⬇️…
Qui est ce charmant monsieur ?
Propriétaire du site « d’information » #infowar, il était devenu spécialiste en théories débiles , avec une spécialisation sur le harcèlement de victimes .
Son plus haut fait d’armes: affirmer que la tuerie de #SandyHook n’avait jamais eu lieu , et que c’était un complot des opposants aux armes à feu
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Mini thread 1/ Trovo davvero singolare che in nessuna trasmissione televisiva sia stato presa in considerazione l'ombra russa sulla #crisidigoverno. #Italia è da mesi sotto attacco violento di #infowar da parte di #Mosca
2/ C'è Una partecipazione a trasmissioni televisive e al dibattito pubblico di persone direttamente connesse al regime del #Cremlino che non ha eguali in tutto il resto d'Europa.
3/ Abbiamo assistito sull'#Ucraina a uno schieramento da parte di accademici e giornalisti italiani a favore delle posizioni russe che non ha eguali in Europa
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EISI published my report on how the West is killing media freedom.
Today I will quote from there. There's a lot of shocking information out there. And a whole investigation into who the fact checkers are, how they are engaged in propaganda, how they fool people's brains,
who pays for it and why, as well as who in Russia is engaged in this vile and shameful work.
Spoiler 1. I disclose the sources of financing of Georgian, Kazakh, Ukrainian and Baltic fact checkers.
Spoiler 2. I tell the fact checkers of the anti-Russian project "Verified. Media"
headed by a certain Ilya Ber.
Quote for the seed:
1. Freedom of the media, as well as freedom of speech in the classical sense of these values, no longer exists in the West. Neither the libertarian (completely free), nor the social model of the relationship of the authorities
Read 13 tweets
De la démocratie en Amérique.

Le cas #muskbuystwitter pose des questions politiques (plus que technologiques) importantes étant donné le rôle central de Twitter dans l'actualité et l'agenda politique, sa propriété est une question sensible.

Petit thread sur la question 👇
1/ L’evenement tient à la personnalité de Musk, excessive, et une idéologie, à la fois libertatienne et conservatrice. Son projet de liberté de parole maximale, à l’image des plateformes de l’Alt-Tech a été salué par l’Alt-Right US qui s’est toujours estimée censurée
2/ Par ailleurs, sa proximité avec Trump inquiète le camp démocrate / progressiste US, notamment pour ses prises de position sociétales (anti-woke, etc.) mais pas que... leur entente tient aussi du fait que Trump est l'un des grands sponsos du projet #Starship de #SpaceX .
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Read 159 tweets
Seit dem Truppenaufmarsch Ende letzten Jahres, habe ich misstrauisch auf die zahlreichen TikTok-Videos der Truppenbewegungen geschielt. Damals ergaben sie für mich Sinn: Um Druck aufzubauen, Bedrohung zu schaffen und die Gerüchteküche anzuheizen…
Doch irgendwann - bei mir war es Ende Januar - fingen die immergleichen Videos an zu langweilen. Noch ein Zug und noch einer. Ihre Wirkung lies nach. Ob 120.000 Truppen? Oder 150.000? Für die vermeintliche Verhandlungs-Drohkulisse eigentlich egal, oder?…
Gespannt habe ich also auf die nächste Phase der #InfoOps gewartet, ohne zu ahnen was passieren würde.

Dann kamen die Amerikaner. Und die Engländer. Und die Ukrainer…
Read 22 tweets
The #toolkit dropped by @GretaThunberg had many key players but the name of the foreign expert Pieter Friedrich was dramatic as he was the part of a true story we were working(About group which tried every possible way to unsettle India)
These series of events have been around everyone for long but yet major stakeholders failed to notice this shift from proxy war to info-war/psy-war
Our attempt was to try & map this network, we did expect a elaborate design but the reach & depth of the planning was shocking(2/17) Image
The proxy war:
The story starts from the 1980’s, where Bhajan Singh Bhinder aka Iqbal choudhary was funding a terror network for carrying out large scale violence with the help of another terrorist Lal Singh & Pakistan’s ISI. India escaped this attack,Lal Singh got arrested(3/17) Image
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#COVIDー19 #Russie 1/ Pour le Kremlin, la priorité n°1 reste de contrôler l’ «espace informationnel» russe, c’est-à-dire de faire en sorte que les voix critiquant la gestion par le gouvernement du coronavirus en Russie restent muselées.
2/ Ou du moins le plus possible, dans un contexte où l’entourage du président cherche à légitimer le maintien au pouvoir de celui-ci après 2024. Premier test.
3/ En parallèle, le Kremlin cherche à exploiter la crise vis-à-vis des pays occidentaux – à une échelle certes bien moindre que la #Chine (cf. 13->16).
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As #India continues attempts to ban foreign voices & analysis, wouldn’t you question the thinkers within that country as to how free & honest their own thinking is?

#StopSuspendingPakistanis because you can’t counter our voices, opinions or understanding! Image
The #Indians claim that they are better at #InfoWar than any other country, yet they are unable to counter true statements without their rhetoric or hysteria.

Go back & check old tweets, you’ll find the bulk of educated, civilized #Indians unable to speak without hate.
#InfoWars are won with facts & analysis. #India can’t win a war because they manufacture facts favorable to them, whether true on ground or not.

“300 #terrorists dead in #Balakot,” actually, 2 trees.
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It’s interesting watching the Chief #Indian Propagandist creating questions about #Pakistani journalists, who have a reputation of being pro-#India.

Simultaneously, he accuses @OfficialDGISPR of manufacturing a false narrative on #Kashmir.
For those of us who have learned #India’s #InfoWar model, we should have millions of #US & #UK bots re-tweeting & insulting #Pakistanis, full of misspellings & foul language.

The standard of the game from their side is amateur at best.
We can expect multiple references to perceived victories, while covering up failures in surgical strikes & planes “shot down.”

And if that doesn’t work, they will try to ban you from @Twitter for questioning the #Indian state over #Kashmir.
Read 5 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:
And download it here:…

"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
Read 49 tweets

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