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If ppl do not understand this implications here...then I KNOW I understand more about the LARGE WEB OF GLOBAL CORRUPTION that is by the evidence of this article... ARE BEING TAKEN DOWN! We are getting little baby crumbs, but those of us that have done the work...we know Mr. Guo ImageImage
Guo's Pent House in NY "became engulfed in fire" WHILE THE FEDS WHERE SEARCHING IT! This happened one month ago.
🎼Take Down The CCP!🎼 #MicDrop #TakeDownTheCCP
Read 6 tweets
🧶 Vlákno ze (snad jen) dnešní @snemovna k nedůvěře vládě Petra Fialy začínám paradoxně dobrou zprávou: dnes má narozeniny Petr Fiala. Přeji vše nejlepší, hlavně hodně zdraví, štěstí, lásky a vnitřní spokojenosti @P_Fiala 🥳
A na narozeniny pana premiéra máme i Mezinárodní den ztráty paměti politiků z hnutí ANO!
Domluva z grémia: nejdřív vystoupí zástupce navrhovatele, tedy Andrej Babiš. Pak bude vystupovat premiér Fiala, dále v podstatě na střídačku vlády / opozice. Poslední takto bude vystupovat ministr Síkela. To už bude otevřena rozprava.
Read 183 tweets
2 cents on #PodcastWithIK: @junaidakram83 & @hoflolz were either shit scared of @ImranKhanPTI or were in awe. Had no hard-hitting questions, kept on building context in his favor before asking a qs & ZERO rebuttals. @talhaahad was keeping IK in check. Kudos to him! (1/n) 🧵
@ImranKhanPTI is drumming old beats that will swoon #Youthias & #Imrandos only. Anyone w/ little wisdom knows @ImranKhanPTI builds towers of promises & then eventually falls from it. Give him 2/3rd majority & bet he will find a new scapegoat to carry burden of his failures. (2/n)
#TheMissingQuestions: no questions on #MasjideNabawi incident, #FarahGogi, #Toshakhana, growing polarization in 🇵🇰, seeds of hatred he sowed, collusion w/ establishment, economic failures & poor governance. Agar massage hee karna tha, to parlor le jaatey, podcast kyun? (3/n)
Read 5 tweets
Let me say this about some of yall who just love to run your mouth and compare big bang to BTS (this is coming from someone who enjoys listening to both groups drama aside). You all are just reaping what you sowed. I remember very clearly the ridicule yall put these boys through+
When JK said he looked up to GD and when the boys talked about how much they admired big bangs work (especially GD who actually was involved in the writing and producing of big bangs work and his own solo stuff). Yall were so mean I ended crying reading some of yall comments+
Don't come over here talking about army is bullying u when we are literally stating that facts as they are "big bang was never on the level that BTS is at their peak!" FYI BTS hasn't peaked yet. I've been keeping quiet because I don't do fanwars but some of yall are becoming+
Read 24 tweets
"...gezielten und langanhaltenden Ausfall der #Strom- oder #Wasserversorgung zu bewirken ist...eine hochkomplexe Aufgabe. Das geht nicht so einfach wie in Hollywood, dass man nur ein bisschen auf der Tastatur klimpern muss"

Mein Interview mit @LANline_DE…
"Die hohe Kunst des langanhaltenden, dauerhaften Ausfalls ist sehr komplex. Das hat man auch bei #StuxNet gesehen"
"In der #Ukraine wiederum gab es 2015 und 2016 Angriffe auf die #Stromversorgung. Hier war offenbar geplant, die Stromversorgung langanhaltend und großflächig lahmzulegen, das hat aber nicht funktioniert."
Read 23 tweets
Warum #Hackback eine sehr schlechte Idee ist...

..und das Zurückhalten von Sicherheitslücken ein unkalkulierbares Risiko ist..

..und immer die Versorgung der eigene Bevölkerung durch kritische Infrastrukturen gefährdet!

Mal in 5:55 Min erklärt

Ja gut, könnte sein... ich war ein wenig #ProfessionellAngepisst

Ja okay, ich wollte evtl. ganz gerne #AllesAnzünden

Hmmm, ja schon wollte ich n büschn #Brandroden

Aber mal ehrlich: Ihr an meiner Stelle etwa nicht?!? 😬
Anyways. Kein Hackback. Nie. Nix!

Wenn das jemand fordert, schleift den zu diesem Video und dreht laut auf. ☝️

Sonst instant #Brandroden hier, echt jetzt. Orrrrrrrr 🤨

Read 3 tweets
FPL's anti-solar bill is up in 2 spots today, on House Floor, currently in session, & its final Senate Committee Stop, Rules, at 1:30. Will be doing my best to provide updates throughout the day on this bill - which has been wildly opposed by Floridians but still pushed through.
The bill, HB 741, is not yet up, but several amendments were filed. You can see that three from Rep @AnnaForFlorida have been withdrawn, apparently because they were ruled out of order:…
Those amendments included: Language to allow for access to third-party sale of power by groups including schools, non profits, + more, ability for municipality to direct PSC to do feasibility study for switching to municipal utility, & establishment o/ 100% renewable energy goal.
Read 75 tweets
Schwachsinn ey!

Digitale Zeugnisse: Braucht das digitale Zeugnis eine #Blockchain?

"Digitale Schulzeugnisse sollen Bewerbungen einfacher machen, absichern soll das System eine Blockchain. Doch es gibt Probleme – wie schon beim digitalen Führerschein."…
"Das für die Umsetzung federführende Land Sachsen-Anhalt hat die Bundesdruckerei und den Zusammenschluss öffentlicher IT-Dienstleister Govdigital mit der Umsetzung des Vorhabens betraut."

Ähm whut??? @BuBernd @eGouvernante @marcelberlin bitte fixt das mal schnell jemand? 😳
"Vergangene Woche allerdings wurde das Testsystem offline genommen. Der Schritt erfolgte, nachdem die IT-Sicherheitsforscher @LilithWittmann und @fluepke per Twitter auf mehrere #Schwachstellen des Systems hingewiesen hatten."
Read 18 tweets
26. Verhandlungstag im Verfahren gegen #LinaE und weitere vor dem OLG Dresden #dd1901. Geladen sind dieses Mal mehrere Sachverständige zum Thema DNA-Auswertung. Der erste Zeuge war bereits im vergangenen Jahr geladen. Er soll Auskunft über DNA-Spuren geben, ...
... die nachdem Überfall auf Enrico Böhm an einer Plastiktüte gesichert wurden. Generell sind Vortrag und Diskussion von sehr viel Fachlichkeit und entsprechenden Verständnisfragen sowohl vom Gericht, als auch der Verteidigung geprägt. #dd1901
Der Gutachter ist scheinbar etwas in seiner Fachlichkeit gefangen und hat Probleme dem fragenden Senat immer hilfreiche Antworten zu geben. Für das aus in diesem Fall aus Laien bestehenden Publikum, ohne Akteneinsicht, dürfte sich der Vortrag noch schwieriger gestalten. #dd1901
Read 36 tweets
1/ Når rusaktivistene i politiet blir sinte

Hittil har ikke @politiforum skrevet med ett eneste ord om #Politiskandalen. Denne saken er både hyklersk og skummel.…

#NNPF #Narkotwitter #Politiskandalen @politidir
For det første skal man ta personvern på alvor. Samtidig er dette en ekstraordinær situasjon og omstendigheter som MÅ veies inn. Samfunnet må kunne vite om politiet i landet er uavhengig eller ikke. For det andre bekrefter dette de aller mest alvorlige påstandene om #samrøre...
mellom #NNPF og politiet. Men legg også merke til språket. Helt fra innledningen av skriver PF om en «privatperson». Ilys av maktasymmetrien som er fra før, og posisjonene som disse politiansatte har, er dette en skummel og lite kritisk måte...
Read 13 tweets
COPA awarded Officer Ella French a 3 day suspension posthumously.

That's right, a deceased officer, one who died by the hands of a shitbag, has to lose 3 days of pay for... Checks notes... Late activation of a BWC and failure to complete a stop report as a PPO.
Before anyone's panties get in a bind, I'm not excusing the punishment for the error made.

This is another dog and pony show that a city agency can put on.

When the lead suspect in a homicide or shooting case gets killed you know what happens?

The case gets closed due to the death. There is no one to prosecute, so it goes away.
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Goal and benefit of POCUS is to rapidly narrow the differential diagnosis through asking and answering defined clinical questions.
POCUS will narrow the differential more rapidly
Read 18 tweets
Is it just us, or do you guys love it when #AdamSmith is all, “I am inventing modern economics! To do so, I must now discuss at length that time the Germans and Scythians overran the Roman Empire!” Because we are very much here for that. (III.ii.1) #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
It’s probably just us. Anyway the Germans and Scythians overran the Roman Empire.

It was bad.

(III.ii.1) #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Lots of land was deserted as people fled, then grabbed up or “engrossed” by a few people, who protected their grabbed land with primogeniture and entail. (III.ii.1) #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Read 24 tweets
This thread will debunk the notion that Pence can throw out electors on January 6th. This will be a super thread that goes over what the laws actually says..

Feel free to ask questions, I will try to answer as many as I can at the end of the thread!

Quick overview (might not get to all of this tonight):

The actual law
Historical Examples
Specific conspiracy theories.
Q and A

Election of 1886, Electoral chaos, Governors would sign one slate of Electors, Secretary of States would sign a different one, and in South Carolina you had no certified electors at all. The Constitution just wasn't clear on how to handle this.

Read 44 tweets
Gov't of #Finland new foreign & security policy white paper is out!
(Finnish & Swedish versions too)…
I'll add somewhat random observations in the format: quote + quip in this thread.

The order should not be taken as signifying anything in terms of priorities of the report etc..
Shout out to @Ulkoministerio, who in their feed highlight continuity, predictability and long-term perspective as keys of Finnish foreign & security policy (F&SP) which is based on a human rights framework + coop on global challenges within int'l rules based order.
Read 25 tweets
#PresidentialDebates should not happen without #LiveFactChecking, especially when our #despot is infamous for lies! This is a thread which attempts to dispute some of #TheHateYam's lies. The #SecondPresidentialDebate2020 begins at 24:19 on this video.
At 28:00 #PresidentDeathBreath congratulates himself on what he's done in terms of #PPE. All he did was loot the #FederalStockpile they sold it at auction abroad for #TrumpCrimeSyndicate profit, then #Kushner said it was their own not #ThePeoplesStockpile!…
Then he replaced the quality, American made #PPE stolen from #ThePeoplesStockpile w/substandard mice chewed expired crap he bought from #Putin, he allowed #Putin to fly it into #Boston on fighter jet! #Russian fighter jets do not belong in our airspace!…
Read 21 tweets
Just had a wild idea, so bear with me:
Imagine an #opensource #cryptocrowdfunding model for software products, the kind you buy from @awscloud @Azure @GCPcloud and also the smaller players like @digitalocean and @Rackspace m, where there are no hardware licenses. 1/
You don’t even have to run the software or have access to the hardware running it in this model. Instead of #softwarelicensing, #developers set #crypto #staking thresholds which act as #digitalaccesscontroltokens; #stake x of whichever #Crypto, or y of another, with a discount 2/
when using the project’s #sidechain. So you get staking setup, and essentially get #APIkeys which allow you to join the network in r/w mode. Or you could say to heck with all that, I just want to pay someone. You can pay the network directly to do the work the software does. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Need a break from impeachment talk? We have essential testimony on the CIA's former torture program from Dr. James E. Mitchell, live from Guantanamo!
Today begins the first day of testimony from Dr. Mitchell, psychologist key to development of CIA's 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' Questioning begins with @jamesgconnell, lead counsel for @BaluchiGitmo
This week has igher media attendance than most 9/11 pretrial hearings.
Read 94 tweets
Aujourd’hui, on lance une série threads sur des dialogues ahurissants avec des recruteurs : #Pepitederecruteur !
Pour rire et pour pleurer… on est loin d’un vrai #RéveilEcologique . A dérouler !👇
(1/11) Image
On est à un forum de recrutement, c’est un dialogue entre un étudiant et un RH d’une entreprise du secteur du Luxe.
Etudiant : Bonjour, je me demande : quels sont les profils d’élèves ingénieurs que vous recherchez ? Quels postes recrutent, en ce moment ?
RH : Nous recherchons plutôt des ingénieurs sur la supply chain (les chaînes de production) en France
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@JNTHN_LCKWD Yes liability. Yes accountability.

The NCVIA was created as a means to give people who have rare serious reactions from vaccines a quicker, easier & cheaper way to get compensated rather than be forced into expensive, lengthy & impossible to win civil trials.
@JNTHN_LCKWD Of course anyone can still file a lawsuit if they would like.
@JNTHN_LCKWD Interesting to note that while compensated cases show true serious reactions to vaccines are one in a million, 50% of those compensated since 2017 weren't even for vaccine injuries but from shoulder injuries due to improper placement of the syringe.…
Read 9 tweets
@joshbucky @thereal_truther There's literally not one sign that isn't an outright lie or misinformation/propaganda. Not one.

If u don't believe me, we can dance.

For starters name the 72 vaccines we give children in the first 18 years. In alphabetical order. Not DOSES (which is around 54 if u count flu.)
@joshbucky @thereal_truther So that's one sign that misrepresents the truth. You intentionally used "vaccines" and not "doses of vaccines" to fear-monger. There is a major difference. Not only that, you got the doses wrong too! It's a total f-up (but intentional one.)
@joshbucky @thereal_truther Next up you claim no liability. That's also misinformation. Are you seriously claiming vaccine makers have zero liability? Are you nuts?
Read 18 tweets
Zum Umgang mit der Hitze:

1.) Viel trinken! - kein Alkohol!
2.) Schatten
3.) Ist es in der Wohnung nicht auszuhalten: Alle Fenster auf und Ventilatoren an! ("Durchzug" ist nicht schädlich, das glauben nur Deutsche)
4.) keinen Sport am späten Nachmittag (Max Temperatur gg 18 Uhr)
5.) denkt an eure Großeltern, Eltern und Nachbarn. Kauft ihnen Wasser und Ventilatoren.
6.) lasst niemals Kinder, Tiere und Praktikanten "nur kurz" im Auto sitzen. Lasst einfach niemanden im Auto sitzen, wenn ihr es abstellt.
Wissenschaftlich wäre da noch vom @maithi_nk hinzuzufügen:

Read 6 tweets
So Wade Robson... [A Thread] 👇
1991 – 2001 Dated Brandi Jackson, Jackie Jackson’s daughter. He cheated on her several times and she finally broke with him around 2001. It was Michael who set them up, since Wade had a ‘crush’ on her [video attached].
In 2003 was furious Michael Jackson was accused again of child molestation and though the charges were a lie. And so he willingly expressed it so, even jokingly about it [video attached].
Read 47 tweets
#BOOM Archbishop Chaput goes #MicDrop at #Synod2018
"If we lack the confidence to preach Jesus Christ without hesitation or excuses to every generation, especially to the young, then the Church is just another purveyor of ethical pieties the world doesn’t need."
"The elders of the faith community have the task of passing the truth of the Gospel from age to age, undamaged by compromise or deformation. Yet too often my generation of leaders, in our families & in the Church, has abdicated that responsibility...."
...out of a combination of ignorance, cowardice and laziness in forming young people to carry the faith into the future. Shaping young lives is hard work in the face of a hostile culture."
Read 7 tweets

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