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1. Thread on Marina Abramovic... #MarinaAbramovic Image
2. Marina Abramovic became megafamous for her Spirit Cooking... #SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
3. She wrote on walls in pigs blood - Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights #MarinaAbramovic #spiritcooking Image
Read 53 tweets
Jane Hartley has some miles on her.
She’s a co-founder of the observatory group, and fellow advisors include a former president of a central bank and a former Clinton administrator. #CFR
Xinxin Li is the Managing Director aka Senior China Analyst.
Mr. Li covers macroeconomic and political developments in China, including monetary, political and regulatory issues. He rejoined the Observatory Group after spending 2012-‘13 with CIC (China’s sovereign wealth fund).
Read 25 tweets
1. ho pochissimo tempo,come ieri,ma sono sconcertata dal fatto che si attacchi la pubblicazione delle somme percepite da un politico per le sue attività di speaker. Parliamo di #Renzi, ma potrebbe essere qualunque altro politico
2. come sapete difendo il diritto alla #privacy come diritto umano,ma citare la privacy in questo caso è una vera impostura. Lo capisce chiunque si sia mai occupato di privacy
3. le somme percepite da #Renzi o qualsiasi altro politico per i suoi discorsi lautamente pagati NON sono coperte da #privacy: un politico ne DEVE rendere conto,come deve anche rendere conto dei contenuti. E infatti questo tema è stato al centro della campagna di #HillaryClinton
Read 11 tweets
The judge on Sussmann’s case was a parter at Covington & Burling LLP and served on the Obama/Biden transition team as an advisor on Justice Department issues. Seems totally fair.
Everything you need to know about Covington. Everything.
MORE: The judge in Sussmann’s case is married to Amy Jeffress, a former Justice Department official and national security counselor to former United States Attorney General Eric Holder.
Read 9 tweets
Piano #EU consulenza #McKinsey #Concept1992
-Eliminazione totale di decenni di garanzie sociali e occupazionali
-Fine di sussidi statali, abbassare salari regioni depresse come le regioni siderurgiche
-svendita imprese statali per consentire razionalizzazione da parte dei privati
Il Presidente e Direttore di #McKinsey James #Manyika membro #Trilateral2020...…
#PodestaEmails Proposta di #McKinsey a sostegno della Transizione Presidenziale #USA2008
Read 3 tweets
1. I just finished reading the chapter on #WikiLeaks (59 pages) contained in the #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report on "Russian Active Measures Campaigns and Interference in the 2016 US Election"…
2. the description of #WikiLeaks' publishing activities by this #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report appears a true #EdgarHoover's disinformation campaign to make a legitimate media org completely radioactive
3. Clearly, to describe #WikiLeaks and its publishing activities the #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report completely rely on #US intelligence community+ #MikePompeo's characterisation of #WikiLeaks. There is not even any pretense of an independent approach
Read 13 tweets
Wat is #Pizzagate...? Pizzagate is ontdekt door #wikileaks die de mails van #JohnPodesta te pakken kregen. Daaruit bleek dat er veel gebruik werd gemaakt van codetaal uit de pedofilie. Image
Codetaal gevonden in de #PodestaEmails Image
Men zegt dat #Pizzagate fakenews is, maar door wie? Door #StephenColbert die zeer goede vrienden ls met #Podesta... En door onder andere Snopes, die betaald worden door Soros.... Ik zou zeggen #DoTheMath Image
Read 16 tweets
1. qualcuno mi ha chiesto (NON ritrovo il tweet)perché ho raccontato di essere stata l'unica giornalista media partner di #WikiLeaks per le email dei #Dem USA(#PodestaEmails): l'ho raccontato perché dopo 4 anni,NON c'è stato un media che mi ha chiesto di raccontare cosa ho visto
2. essere l'unica giornalista che è stata media partner di #WikiLeaks nella pubblicazione delle email dei #Dem(#PodestaEmails) al centro del #Russiagate NON è un vantaggio:se ci fossero stati altri,avrebbero potuto dire anche loro cosa hanno visto.Purtroppo,NON c'era nessun altro
3. il punto è: perché non c'era nessun altro media partner? E' questa la domanda da farsi. E a cui, in un futuro non lontano, risponderò
Read 3 tweets
#MKUltra #Pizzagate #PodestaEmails #LinkinPark

1)Did you know that Lincoln Park is a military base in Canada where children have been experimented and tortured for a top-secret CIA project called MK Ultra?

Did you know that Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington has lived with Image
2) trauma and depression due to the sexual abuse he has experienced throughout his life as a child?Did you know that Chester "never knew" who his father was?
Did you know that the Linkin Park brand logo symbolizes the destruction of the spiral triangle symbol used by pedophiles?
3) Did you know that John Podesta, Clinton's chief of staff who was exposed for #pizzagate #PodestaEmails, is said to be the father of Chester Bennington?

Did you know that Linkin Park received a grant from the Clinton Foundation during Podesta's time as chair of the 2016
Read 6 tweets
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets

With #Pizzagate trending, I thought I would create a thread of insightful documentaries and videos for people heading down the rabbit hole.

#SatanicElite #TheGreatAwakening (0/11)
1. Out of Shadows

A documentary exploring allegations of child abuse within the #HollywoodElite and links to #Satanism.

2. Hidden Shadows

Documentary inspired by Out of Shadows focusing on the UK elite and allegations of child abuse, coverups, and potential of a VIP paedophile ring. Incredible sources, all from @shaunattwood

#HiddenShadows #UK (2/11)
Read 14 tweets
#Xfiles Il Pentagono ha un virus.. ogni anno tira fuori praticamente gli stessi video #UFO ripresi dagli F18 Hornet..oh my gosh… Image
#JohnPodesta Il mio più grande fallimento del 2014 è stato quello di non aver garantito la divulgazione degli #XFiles...oh my gosh Image
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Una visione intima di un capitolo di John D #Rockefeller scritto da Frederick #Gates, rappresentante dei Rockefeller (NYT 1912)… Image
Relazione sulla vaccinazione contro la #meningite
scritta da Frederick #Gates Tenente medico #USArmy Fort Riley (1918)… Image
La genesi...Anthony #Fauci Bill #Gates Sr David #Rockefeller George #Soros Image
Read 5 tweets
Il giornalista Gianni #Riotta @LaStampa che insultava il lavoro dei veri giornalisti come #Greenwald e #Assange (da 10 anni rinchiuso,spiato con relazione #ONU su torture psicologiche) è lo stesso che si preoccupa per #Iacoboni perchè il giornalismo è mestiere pericoloso ?? Image
Sapete perchè #LaStampa non ha mai sostenuto #Assange?....semplice perchè anche loro sono su #Wikileaks..come dimostra "from LaStampa" nei #PodestaEmails boss campagna elettorale Hillary #Clinton… Image
Read 4 tweets
It’s the @DNC, Stupid: Democratic Party, Not #Russia, Has Delegitimized the Democratic Process…
@DNC Clinton’s comments to the effect that @TulsiGabbard is being groomed by Russia & that @DrJillStein is a #RussianAsset were echoed by #DNC-friendly pundits, externalizing what Gabbard called the “rot” in the Democratic party onto domestic critics and a nation across the planet.
@DNC @TulsiGabbard @DrJillStein Establishment #Democrats and those who amplify them continue to project blame for the public’s doubt in the U.S. election process onto outside influence, despite the clear history of the party’s subversion of #electionintegrity.
Read 35 tweets
#DavidKoch dies 8/23/19 🤔
If You Flew Epstein’s ‘#LolitaExpress’ Private Jet—the Feds Want to Talk to You.
7/9/19 Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman pleaded for people to come forward with any information about #EpsteinBlackBook…
Read 4 tweets
Merry Christmas everyone.

Powerful synthesis of the evidence thus far on #Guccifer2 from @with_integrity:

Guccifer 2.0 Game Over – Year End Review…
A Christmas present that everyone who appreciates the truth will thoroughly enjoy.…
Discussing the #Forensicator's first analysis of #NGPVAN:

"That study has been the subject of some controversy, although mostly built on conflating the findings with various interpretations of them, and with reporting on the study conducted by third parties."
Read 35 tweets
Huge Thread on Child Pedophile Services #OpExposeCPS #MissingKids #WhereAreTheChildren #FosterCare

#Bush #Clinton #Obama Admin - The School to State Care to Prison to Sex Trafficking pipeline. @Drag0nsVsPed0s #ARIELSARMY @NoLongerIgnored
@POTUS @FLOTUS @IvankaTrump
Thank you for taking a stand against child sex trafficking. You have taken on quite a cesspool from the last 4 admins 2 #SaveTheChildren
Pull Federal funding from states not complying with your executive orders. #ThisIsNotAGame
Kids missing from group homes a common thread in Milwaukee sex trafficking…
Read 162 tweets
"In view of the more recent work published by the #Forensicator regarding potential media collusion with #Guccifer2.0, we are inclined to revisit an interview given by #WikiLeaks Editor-In-Chief #JulianAssange in August of 2016.."

"The significance of revisiting #Assange’s statements is the degree to which his most significant claim is corroborated or paralleled by the #Forensicator’s analysis."
Read 6 tweets
1) #skydreadnought

Cigar shaped UFO's

Turns out- ?

It's U.S. military aircraft
Using anti-gravity technology
(Like we BEEN sayin, as always)

When "alien" disclosure goes public

(For the purpose of
"A common threat" all nations should "ban 2gether to fight")

Just know...
You've been purposely kept ignorant
Stuck in time&knowledge

&the controllers will seem to have "god-like" powers...

They're not


you will be manipulated into submission&acceptance

But that's ALWAYS been
The plan.


There are no "aliens"

Operating in the energetic
"Spirit body" realm that is your true natural state (that you've been trained to deny exists)

That feed off the energy you emit

Lower vibrational frequencies
(That are proven& measurable)
Make them stronger..
Read 15 tweets
1) Here is a story of why we think #WeHaveTheMemo

See Q post below.

#DOJ, one is the investigation of the DNC breach and the #SteeleDossier. The #DNC was breached by #SethRich who sent the data to #Wikileaks. Highest levels made aware. Think big.

@POTUS #ReleaseTheMemo
2) #Google funded Crowdstrike w $100m. Brennan/Clapper used Crowdstrike thru Google to find leaker. #DNC finds out it's #SethRich. Q wrote: (SR 187)(MS 13 (2) 187). Example made of Seth, murdered by 2 #MS13 members, which were themselves killed a few blocks away. #WeHaveTheMemo
3) #DebbieWassermanSchultz shuts down #SethRich investigation. "Failed robbery attempt". Q says: F-I/D-J ASSIST - the #FBI and #DOJ assist in cleaning it up. Q then says "INSURANCE" - referring to Strzok texts.
Read 11 tweets
You think these rare occurrences are a coincidence?
2018 will be the year that pedophiles are exposed!
The unrepentant knee will bend!
Eyes will be open!
If the knee doesn't bend then this will likely be the result for more exposed pedophiles to come.
Read 114 tweets
• No cabinet official in the Obama Administration was more intimately and directly involved in the Russian reset than Hillary Clinton.
See here and here for the example……
#HillarysRussianSiliconValley 🤑

Read 166 tweets

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