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Most recents (7)

1/4 "Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder found in a 2019 study that the average house is prone to “#indoor #air quality levels on par with a polluted major city.”"…
2/4 "Preliminary results from the study show that #air #quality levels were so poor at the end of the study, the researchers had to recalibrate their #sensitive instruments almost immediately."

#indoor #air #quality
3/4 "So, breathe easy by investing in a high quality #air #purifier. If you’re looking for the best air purifier on the market, we did the research for you by scanning 12 #expert #reviews."
Read 4 tweets
How #respirators actually work and which type is best?

I see many claims #masks don't work. This thread will explain *how* they block #viruses much smaller than the size of the holes in the #filter and why you can still smell nasty things while wearing effective masks. 🧵1/ Image showing size comparison of white blood cell, red blood cell, light dust particle and COVID-19 virus. Image from:
This thread is long so if you would like an unrolled one page web view that is easier to read or share, look at this tweet to find the link more quickly ( ). 2/
One of the issues is that there are different types of masks that are designed for different purposes. Cloth masks and the common blue earloop procedure masks were never designed to protect people from airborne pathogens that hang in the air for extended periods of time. 3/
Read 51 tweets
I want to share an analogy & call to #Hospitals to #ProtectHCWs. 2+ years yet hospitals leave workers open to PREVENTABLE death & disability. They need to held to task & REQUIRED to properly & fully protect their workers. Please join me & share this. #HCWs #Covid #LongCovid (1/3)
#HCWs DESERVE government protections, as do patients! It is unethical for them to continue to skirt proper air filtration & personal protective equipment MINIMUMS. @OSHA_DOL are you listening? #OSHA #P100 #respirators #Ventilate #HEPA #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp (2/3)
Providing P100 respirators, increasing proper indoor air filtration, & testing workers regularly will help attract & retain staff. In addition to it being the RIGHT THING TO DO! Questions? Contact me #DoTheRightThing #LegislateProtection #ProtectHCWs #Nurses #ProtectRNs (3/3)
Read 4 tweets
A rash of mask tweets 🧵.

On elastomeric masks, N95s, KN95s, FFP2s, KF94s, care and fit, sourcing, testing, real-world examples & tips, warnings, children's masks, cute alternatives - and why you might want to upgrade now.

#facemask #facemasks #Masks #COVIDisAirborne Image
Why you might want to strengthen your first and most important line of defense.

Bear in mind the type of people you are sharing your supermarket air with.

#facemask #facemasks #Mask #Masks #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne ImageImageImageImage
One of the best primers on new mask technology in one short interview.…

Teases out technical classifications of 'hi-fi' (high-filtration) masks such as N95s, KN95s or KF94s - and why cloth & surgical masks are not an option now.

Think '2022', not '1918'. Image
Read 66 tweets
I’d like to acknowledge & thank immensely all the words & actions of support by so many. On a personal note, it has warmed my heart ❤️& soul and offers some hope that others facing similar challenges aren't alone.

This can’t only be happening to me.

Sending a hug🤗 & a special shout out to @MerlinofCanada whom I’ve followed for a long time now.

He’s one of those special people who are instrumental in steering the #Covid19AB boat through @jkenney’s many predictable and preventable waves.
Secondly I’d like to apologize for taking so long to do this. I’d run the clock around the dial the night of my thread, it started pouring, I was emotionally spent & needed rest.

Cardboard & stencils are sign-ready & phrases written but I haven’t been able to get out there.
Read 7 tweets
THREAD on Masks & Respirators

Which mask types are effective against Covid-19?

Face masks of different types have been in demand ever since the coronavirus outbreak became a global Pandemic

Lot of people have started wearing face masks
#CoronavirusPandemic #Covid_19 1/n
Apart from health workers, security officers and cashiers in supermarkets, regular commuters and blue-collar workers who take public transport have started wearing face masks in public. 

Some masks are effective for days, some are for hours.

Some FACTS regarding the different type of masks. 

1.What are the common types of masks

Cloth mask
Surgical mask

2. What are the Respirators

N- 95
N- 99
N- 100

3.Difference between mask & respirator

Mask has loose fit, it doesn't seal nose and mouth snugly.
Read 33 tweets
Pl retweet >> Ventilator, the lifesavers in #Covid19 epidemic r hugely in short supply. @sonalasthana is a leading surgeon @ Aster Healthcare, Bangalore. He's driving an effort into 3D printing of splitters to augment ventilator capacity👇

Project link… /1
Splitters are a quick, simple way to 4X no of patients each ventilator supports. The designs are #opensource & they can be printed locally (remotely) by doctors & hospitals. Demo video

I along with @jboutelle @rashmi are supporting Sonal in his effort. /2
For those wanting to explore this further, pl go through this thread

If you want to get in touch with the team, DM me.

#COVID2019 #Covid19India #coronavirus #ventilators #respirators #staysafe #epidemic #lockdownindia #SARSCoV2 #healthcare #epidemiology
Read 3 tweets

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