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In our latest publication in @BloodJournal, @pigtowner and I report an increase in myocardial extracellular volume (ECV) in patients with #SickleCell disease despite early intervention with disease-modifying therapies ☹️…
Increased ECV fraction correlates strongly with histologically quantified myocardial fibrosis👉leading to cardiomyopathy (which is a leading cause of death in individuals with #SickleCell disease).
We used Cardiac MRI to study the individuals with #SickleCell disease who started disease-modifying therapy early in childhood vs later. We found no differences in the ECV (aka myocardial fibrosis) @BloodJournal…
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1/As promised & after reading $CRSP latest Q4 2022 #financial #report here is my impression regarding @CRISPRTX latest corporate status. I have focused only on the main issues that I found to be the most interesting & relevant. #CRISPR #BioTech #FinTwit #Genomics #GeneEditing 🧵 CRISPR Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company focused on
2/IMO the most significant corporate event in Q4 was $CRSP announcement that regulatory Exa-cel submissions of both #SickleCell & #BetaThalassemia validated in the #EU & #UK & that the @US_FDA BLA submission is on track by the end of Q1 ‘23 - possibly reaching the #markets in ‘23 Regulatory submissions complete for exagamglogene autotemcel
3/Exa-cel/CTX001 - the key program in $CRSP portfolio, is an #autologous Ex-Vivo #CRISPR/#Cas9 #GeneEditing therapy aimed for patients suffering from #TDT or severe #SCD. The latest readout for both programs was phenomenal with 42/44 TDT & 31/31(!) demonstrated remarkable results 3/Exa-cel - formally known as CTX001 and the key program in
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1/@GraphiteBio announced that after reviewing its business, it decided to discontinue any further development of nulabeglogene autogedtemcel (nula-cel) for #SickleCell disease, to explore a range of strategic alternatives & to reduce 50% in its workforce! #CRISPR #BioTech $GRPH Graphite Bio today announce...
2/@GraphiteBio is also exploring the potential to continue nula-cel development externally. $GRPH intends to continue research activities associated with its early-stage non- genotoxic conditioning program, with the goal of advancing toward potential development candidates.👇
3/In addition, @GraphiteBio’s Board of Directors has approved a corporate restructuring that would reduce the company’s workforce by approximately 50%, among other actions to reduce cash burn while the company explores strategic alternatives. $GRPH Image
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1/🧵 Micro Clots & Endothelial Dysfunction in Long COVID

Plus new Epidemiology in @JAMA_current some say proves #LongCOVID is a hoax⁉️
Truth is…endothelial dysfunction plus inflammation can lead to life-altering brain & body dz.
Let’s explore data

Pic H/T @VirusesImmunity Image
2/ Remember that Vascular flow problems don’t occur in isolation from inflammation.

This new piece by @Jamie_Ducharme balances the discussion well.
It’s time for great studies & NOT immediate widespread treatment with blood thinners that might harm.
3/ The urgency is that people are living w what amounts to newly acquired #dementia.
This WaPo piece starts w “Haze. Slow. Drunk. Lost.”
Our patients are adamant that descriptors like #fatigue & #brainfog don’t do justice to what makes them suicidal.
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Jokes like these are especially damaging and hurtful to patients with chronic illnesses. Additionally, they "validate" provider bias and "normalize" providers' lack of compassion when caring for certain groups of people. There's a lot to unpack, so buckle up 🧵🧵. 1/x Image
1. Using "frequent flyer" as a term to describe patients is dehumanizing, provides very little clinical information and context besides the fact that you think this person comes to the ER/ hospital frequently, and has been shown to ⬆️⬆️ implicit bias of those who read the chart.
Using unproductive terms like "frequent flyer" provides no differentiating information. The person with a life-long #chronicillness, a child who frequently is hurt, an under-resourced adult, and someone with a substance use disorder all fall into the same bucket clinically.
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My name is Muhammad lawal; a 300level student, a sickle cell disease patient who has had to put his academics on halt due to health reasons for 2 years.

If anyone could take the time and read this post and RT'ing it would definitely mean the world to me.
I have had a recent life change that has been extremely tough on me and my family. I have had health issues since 2020 of the Asuu 2 weeks warning strike of (covid 19 lockdown).

"Things have went downhill quickly and it has never been the same ever since"
By march 2020, i was ill, where i have been in the hospital constantly and i was diagnosed with bilateral total hip replacement and bilateral total knee replacement. December 2020, Where i was counselled for surgery to have a better mobility.
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Wonderful to have our work on using genome editing in single cells to better understand hemoglobin switching published in @NatureComms today. Terrific work by Yong Shen, @JeffreyVerboon, and colleagues from the @JianXuLab and Orkin labs:
👇Short thread
13 years ago, we had identified BCL11A as a key regulator of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) expression:…

But how was it acting to silence HbF? (1/n)
10 years ago we characterized a number of HPFH and delta-beta-thalassemia deletions and showed that there may be roles for long-range elements in the silencing of HbF:…

But definitive perturbations were not done then (2/n)
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I am perplexed how #RogerChou can not only sit on the #CDCOWG but is a lead author. He recused himself at the #CDC meeting due to #COIs bc of his work as ‘expert witness’ in Purdue litigation but is lead author 🤷🏻‍♀️ @CDCDirector @CDCInjury could you explain how this is ethical? 1/
Listening to the #CDCOWG from perspective of #caregiver & advocate was disheartening. For me @CDCDirector assurances that #patients voices were heard was meaningless. She may say that we’ve been heard but then how are so many feeling as we haven’t been? Why are the #legislation 2
of these guidelines continuing? Why are those who have benefitted from #opioid #pain medications being removed, shamed & stigmatized? Why is care not individualized? It’s very clear our #voices have not been heard. There is nothing that was said that eased my concern for 3/
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I just want to scream as loud as I can, then cry into my pillow. I’m trying to find a new #SickleCell doctor, but the program I want to go to isn’t accepting new patients.
I don’t feel comfortable enough to go to a private practice so I’m doing the intake for the SCD program at the main campus of the same medical network. Hopefully the medical care will be just a good, but I’m not holding my breath.
I just hope that they’re willing to actually treat my pain instead of twisting it into something where I’m taking all of the blame. Since my current doctor thinks that my pain is somehow my fault like I’m purposefully causing pain crises.
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35% of children in the US qualify for coverage with Medicaid/CHIP
70% of #sicklecell patients have Medicaid/CHIP (!!!!!)

We think that brings equality because Medicaid/CHIP brings access to care (but not all physicians accept patients with Medicaid/CHIP).

#ASPHO2021 1/n
Why is this important? Because patients with sickle cell disease have a decrease life expectancy! (by 30 years!) Not only that -- Dr. Allison King found that patients with #sicklecell saw that those on Medicaid clearly repeated grade levels. #ASPHO2021 2/n
From the SIT trial - silent cerebral infarcts wasn’t the risk factor.. per capita income was! Look at the OR of 6.4 for those in the lowest quartile. The most at risk are our older males. #ASPHO2021 3/n
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Queuing up Dr. Kwiatkowski's of @CHOP_Research giving updated results of the #HGB-206 lentiglobin gene therapy for #sicklecelldisease in today's plenary session at #ASPHO2021. Follow this thread for more 1/n Image
Why are we talking about gene therapy for #sicklecell. It's estimated <15% of patients have a sibling matched stem cell transplant donor! 2/n
Today's talk is going over group C - eligibility included here. Enrollment has been completed. This is for SS and S beta0 and S beta+ genotypes. 3/n Image
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#TCTM21 Significantly worse EFS and higher incidence of graft failure among #SickleCell disease patients undergoing #BMTsm on Medicaid compared to private insurance - Very important study from @CIBMTR by Tatenda Geraldine Mupfudze and colleagues…
Similar trend in #BMTsm utilization in adult acute leukemia patients’ - public insurance, race and older age has significant influence on #HCT utilization, abstract by Silas Day #TCTM21…
#TCTM21 Naseem Esteghamat identified disparities in auto #HCT utilization, specifically among African Americans vs Whites (OR: 0.68), patients covered on Medicare or Medicaid vs private insurance (OR: 0.79), and those with lower SES (OR: 0.71).…
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I want to thank @edyong209 for the great shout out this morning. I have been trying to focus on marginalized communities hit hard by the pandemic and to look for stories others aren't writing. Here's a 🧵about some of this work.… via @statnews
I'd pretty much left journalism in 2019 due to having another job, the sudden death of my father, and a crippling house fire. I had a lot to deal with. But as the pandemic grew worse it was clear science writers were desperately needed. I was thrilled to return to @statnews.
One of my first stories was seeing what was happening on the ground in CA. Community clinic docs were among the first to see what we'd all soon learn: that minorities were being hardest hit. @MKushel @NormaJTorres and Louise McCarthy @CCala saw it coming.…
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Thank you to @BethDarnall for speaking at #Minnesota @MinnesotaDHS #Opioid Work Group mtg on Thursday: Spoke of importance of #patientcenteredcare, #patientconsent necessary if taper & strongly advised AGAINST force tapers & using pre-determined MME'S. #ChronicPain #NoOneSize
MN #opioid Work Group created Taper Guidance. It will be out 4 public comment soon. Some areas extremely problematic. Although it states NOT 2 taper solely 2 meet system or state policy; MN Quality Improvement requires Drs 2 meet MME thresholds = TAPER TO MEET STATE POLICY. 🤔
If #ChronicPain pt wants 2 try 2 taper from #opioid analgesics 4 any reason & CONSENTS, there needs 2 be safe way 2 do it. Problem throughout U.S, incl #Minnesota; is non-consensual tapering. Many experts, incl #addiction specialists, stress dangers & even state it's UNETHICAL.
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Dear #MedTwitter, you need a be more aware of the after effects of #MedTrauma. Intense research or questioning/constant second opinions doesn’t always mean hypochondria. Maybe someone was misdiagnosed one too many times which led to too many life threatening situations.
Constant over-explaining doesn’t mean that they’re trying to make up a story. Maybe they just want to make sure that you have all the details to avoid misdiagnosis. Maybe they just want to make sure that you BELIEVE THEM.
These are just a few examples, but PTSD due to #MedTrauma is real and it greatly impacts people with chronic illnesses. I know because I have it myself. My last few health crises I diagnosed myself because I was constantly being misdiagnosed which even put my life at risk.
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I’ll say it AGAIN for the people in the back... I DON’T WANT A “CURE” FOR #SICKLECELLDISEASE! What I DO want is for our pain to be TREATED NOT IGNORED. I DON’T want to worry about the ER docs labelling me as a drug seeker out of IGNORANCE/BIGOTRY. 1/?
When I come to the ER, I want to be BELIEVED when I say I’m having crisis pain. Followed by PROMPT AND EMERGENT administration of the dose of pain medication I NEED! Sickle Cell crises are an #ActualEMERGENCY and require immediate treatment! More time in pain = MORE COMPLICATIONS
The longer someone is in pain without relief, the more likely they’ll need an admission into the hospital! Also, pain scales are garbage! Personally I measure my pain by my ability to function. If I’m in the ER, I’m not functioning!
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Uncommon adversity birth uncommon opportunity

Let thhat sinkkk💡

Uncommon adversity birth uncommon opportunity

The story of Is where it all started👇
It started with this autobiography of Toyin Adesola @iamtoyinadesola

I will be doing this book review../1💪 Image
..over the next 4 days to culminate on 1st September, which is 55th birthday 🎁 of the #SickleCell General @iamtoyinadesola.

And I trust it will be very impactful and exhilarating just like the review of #NelsonMandela's 'Long Walk to Freedom' that I did in July.. /2
..with the benefit of hindsight, @SAMIupdate launched out after the review of this book on the phenomenal Funmi Iyanda @Funmilola's New Dawn on @NTANewsNow.
The NGO turned 12 this year 🎉

I intend to make sense of the 104-page book in thread format

You will love ❤️ it

Read 125 tweets
Detroit. The history of my city is racially-charged and rooted in the effects of structural and individualized racism. #COVID19 exposed that. As a #SickleCell physician who cares for black patients with #chronicpain and #chronic disease, I have known that for a long time 1/n
#Detroit has the largest black community in the country (84.3%). In 1910 it was 98.7% white, but by 1930, due to the Great Migration the black community grew. The increase in diversity was perceived as a threat to the way of life and the isolation of black people began. 2/n
A terrible example of this comes from 1925, an African American physician #OssianSweet, found his home on surrounded by an angry mob; a neighborhood where he was the most affluent, the resentment from his neighbors that a black man had infiltrated, caused hate and violence. 3/n
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My short thread on the #SCDBill2020 starts now.

Here are my personal observation on the right step in the right direction by @NGRSenate. The bill as sponsored by Senator Sam Egwu is 'for an act to provide for the prevention, control and management of sickle cell anemia...' /1
My observations which I believe will strengthen the #SCDBill2020 and help it achieve its objectives include:

1. Section 1 labeled sickle cell anemia 'a disease'. This, I believe, will send wrong signal and further deepen stigmatization against persons living with #SickleCell /2
In a country like #Nigeria where you can be stigmatized on just about anything - religion, minority, penury, etc - the tag 'disease' will only become more fuel for stigmatization against these persons.

Enough shaming already exists for them in the society as a whole /3
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This #WorldSickleCellDay, let us renew our commitment to improving the lives of everyone living with #SickleCell disease around the world and celebrate the important progress we’re making against the disease. Join the movement to help raise awareness about #SCD!
#SickleCellDisease is a serious health condition which affects the body’s red blood cells and can cause intense episodes of pain. Learn more about #SCD from @CDC_NCBDDD and @CDCgov:…
As a pediatric intensive specialist I have cared for hundreds of children w/#SickleCell. They are my inspiration to fight every day. My goal & passion is to create a future where we can provide individuals w/#SCD a long life free from pain & complications. The time is now #WSCD20 Image
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You have heard people with sickle cell anemia talk about having "crisis".

Do you understand what "crisis" mean?

Let's take it back a bit. #SickleCell isn't an attack from your village people. The sequence of event that leads to this condition occurs on a molecular level. Far too tiny to see with your eye but let me explain

When you go to the lab to check your genotype, what they look for is a specific set of "proteins" that determine the genotype. This protein is called hemoglobin. Various ingredients combine to form this hemoglobin and they follow a specific sequence

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(1/5) Today’s #SundaySpotlight on #PublicHealth is all about #WorldBloodDonorDay! This is both a call for donations AND a thank you to those that volunteer their life-saving gift of blood. A sufficient supply of blood can only be achieved through consistent and diverse donations.
(2/5) #DYK that a single blood donation can save up to 3️⃣ lives?

#DYK that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood?

There continues to be a need for blood donations and if you’re healthy and able, YOU can help! More via @MensHealthMag:…
(3/5) 🩸 Blood & plasma donations aren’t only needed during emergencies. Black & African American donors are needed to ensure a diverse supply and to support patients like those living with #SickleCell Disease.
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Alright, should we do this? I'm going to attempt my first mini-#tweetatorial on this little capsule right here...

#hydroxyurea is currently the mainstay of disease modifying therapy in #sicklecell disease and with the new landscape of therapeutics, I think we should dive in /1
It was a century before its first clinical use in cancer that hydroxyurea was created by Drs. Dresler and Stein in Germany. The first approval for clinical use came in 1967 from the @US_FDA for oncological indications. /2
And then in 1984, two key papers in @NEJM and @jclinicalinvest by Letvin et al and Platt et al - FETAL HEMOGLOBIN production! And this of course was the 🔑 that unlocked the potential of HU in SCD. This was the game changer. /3
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Today I’m in Orlando with @ASH_hematology meeting with Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania on #SickleCell disease. #SCD Image
@ASH_hematology 300,000 children are born with #SCD each year in Africa; most will die unnecessarily before age 5 years. Today, we continue our work to save this children with our partners @ASH_hematology and several African delegations.
@ASH_hematology As we work to improve the care of children with #SCD in Africa, we must re-double our efforts to improve care for SCD patients in our nation. Far too few patients receive standard of care, or appropriate pain prevention and management.
Read 3 tweets

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