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Day 439 of the war. #Russia's war on its peaceful neighbour.

That neighbour, #Ukraine, continues to be under attack as Monday 8 May begins.

Here's another daily thread with all you need to know about what's happening.
Catch up on yesterday's news here⬇️
#Kyiv - at the end of yesterday's thread, just before midnight UK time, I showed video of a car on fire after drone wreckage fell on it after being shot down.

Now Mayor of the capital, @Vitaliy_Klychko has confirmed there are injuries, four in total in two different incidents. Image
Two of the injured in #Kyiv have been hospitalised.

Another explosion is reported in the capital now too.

#StopRussia #UkraineUnderAttack
Read 31 tweets
Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

Read 62 tweets
#Ukraine: Ukrainian fighters posted on Instagram a very notable photo of the use of the #Israeli🇮🇱 120mm M971 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) cargo mortar bomb, which contains 24 M85/M87 dual purpose AT/AP submunitions. #UkraineWar #Russia #USA #Ukrainian 👇👇 Image
#Ukraine: Is this the Israeli made 120mm M971 DPCIM in the photo.The answer is most likely "NO".-The M971 DPICM was originally developed and manufactured in Israel, but other countries also have a license for production.Let me explain in the next post.👇👇#USA #Russia #America ImageImageImage
#Ukraine: In June 2000, the US company Alliant Techsystems (ATK) entered into negotiations with IMI🇮🇱 for the licensed production of the M971 DPICM in the #US🇺🇸.2004 IMI concluded a license agreement with ATK for the production of DPICMs in the US. #America #Russia #Ukraina #Kiev
Read 5 tweets
Another weekend; we've reach Day 360 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

The daily threads keep coming to ensure you're up to date with all the important news. Already today #Ukraine has been attacked by Cruise missile attack

Details coming up on this, huge 🇷🇺deaths + #RussiaOnFire
First a link to yesterday's thread in case you missed anything, including important news from #Bakhmut at the end of Friday.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

Shortly before dawn, #Russia fired 4 Kalibr cruise missiles from its Black Sea fleet.

#Ukraine says two were shot down.

However, #Khmelnytskyi has been hit.
Two people have been wounded.

Read 19 tweets
And some more ....

Hopefully will keep this realistic work ongoing till @_MrPickle is back.

russia must lose!

thread continued ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
The only way russia could possibly win the war is if the US support is gone.
How can you do that?. Easy, amplify and depict Ukraine as a Nazi state, no matter how ridiculous that sound if its
repeated enough it might work. Watch @cryptodrftng with Olena and Olena with dugin Image
The plan is working, watch US support dropping especially among republicans (russia’s favorite demographic to
@cryptodrftng as just one part of the puzzle, would attack any non extremest, ensuring anyone on the fence would
either leave or switch sides. I know hundreds Image
Read 19 tweets
Hello and welcome to the daily thread about #Ukraine and its defence against #Russia's illegal invasion.

This is Day 352 since last February's all out attack, but now very nearly 9 years since the original invasion. The more the west did nothing, the bolder Putin became:
If you missed anything on Thursday's thread, click and scroll here.

It was particularly telling when a Russian protest group managed to find out #Russia, once cameras has gone, stole back fur coats they'd given to grieving relatives for their losses:
Last night there was a drone wave sent in to Ukraine territory and as I wrote at the time it could well be the precursor to another full missile attack.

That does seem to be happening now with launches detected and mass devastation and death again a possbility for the innocent
Read 38 tweets
Day 337 of #Russia's war of choice.

Thursday 26 January starts with millions in #Ukraine sheltering in bunkers, as waves of drones have been threatening the country and now #Kyiv is under threat

This is the daily thread with all the news, updated throughout each & every day...
So much news yesterday afternoon and evening.

Firstly the tank-coalition news then the angry reply from #Russia.

To glance through anything you may have missed, just click and scroll Wednesday's thread here:

In #Kyiv region, one Telegram channel posted this from #Boyarka, a small town about 25km south-west of downtown Kyiv.

They claim it's one of the #Iran-made attack drones being shot down. I'm not convinced by the audio alone.

Read 45 tweets
Kolejna sprawa: z lekkim zaskoczeniem obserwuję pompowanie medialnego balonika pt. "Leopardy 2 na Ukrainę!"
Niektórzy komentujący uważają to za przełom a owe czołgi za niemalże wunderwaffe.
#Ukraine️ #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineRussiaWar Image
Łącznie dostarczonych będzie od około 84 do 160 czołgów Leopard 2 różnych wersji na przestrzeni Q2-Q4.
do 160 czołgów.
To słodkie.
W 2022 roku Polska podarowała Ukrainie ponad 300 maszyn rodziny T-72 i PT-91!
Średniomiesięcznie UA traci około 40 czołgów i 90 TO/BMP. Image
Inaczej rzecz ujmując 80 lub 160 Leopardów 2 to uzupełnienie od 2 do 4 miesięcy walk na froncie. Tak żeby rozumieć o czym piszemy. Plus 31 Abramsów? Super! +1 miesiąc strat załatany.
Oczywiście Leopardy 2A5/2A6 są czołgiem lepszym od wszystkiego co mają RUS -wliczając T-90M
Read 7 tweets
Today it's Day 336 of #Russia's full invasion and war on #Ukraine.

It's also a special day for many people.
Burns' Night in #Scotland
St Dwynwen's Day for lovers in #Wales
While it's also the 45th birthday of @ZelenskyyUa - mnogo lita Mr President!

Here's the daily thread
@ZelenskyyUa It should also be a very special day for #Ukraine's military leaders with confirmation coming from #Germany and the #USA that the country's top fighting tanks are finally going to be given to the country.

The news leaked out y'day. Here's Tuesday's thread
It's also been a very pleasant start to the day for me, to see two more donations to my "coffee fund" this morning.

Eric and Renée (who has been super generous), I give you my sincerest thank yous.

And thanks to everyone who writes messages of support or kind words.
Read 51 tweets
Day 325 of #Russia's illegal war and the weekend begins with another attack on #Ukraine.

This is the daily thread with all the news around the conflict in one place.

For yesterday's news, click and scroll here:

Currently there is an air raid warning over 5 regions of #Ukraine with 7 of #Russia's Tu-95 jets in flight and one Tu-22.

#Kyiv #Sumy #Poltava #Chernihiv and #Cherkasy oblasts all considered at risk right now.

There have already been 5-6 explosions reported in the capital.
A leisurely morning in #Kyiv was ruined with sounds like this and people scuttling unexpectedly for shelters - the alarm raised AFTER the first blasts.

Mayor @Vitaliy_Klychko confirms a number of explosions - an attack on infrastructure.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia
Read 90 tweets
Krótki raport z regionu Bachmutu.

Siły UA na północ od Sołedaru utrzymują się we wsiach Wesełe, Rozdoliwka, Mykołajiwka, Krasnopoliwka. Miejscowości te są już bardzo mocno zniszczone. Większość domów to gruzy między którymi UA zbudowało szereg umocnień. 1/ Image
Mimo to, wspomniane miejscowości, wraz z biegnącymi w tym regionie ciekami wodnymi, linią kolejową, wzgórzami po jej zachodnie i wschodniej stronie stronie są bardzo ważnym elementem blokującym postępy RUS na zachód i północ. 2/ Image
Dla UA obecnie ważne jest utrzymanie regionu wsi Wesełe (i wzgórz w tym regionie) oraz Rozdoliwka ponieważ ich upadek otworzy RUS bezpośrednią drogę na Siewiersk i Spirne od południa. Upadek Jakowliwki nie był tragedią, kiedy Sołedar był w rękach UA. Teraz jest niebezpiecznie. 3/ Image
Read 10 tweets
Shchaslyvoho Rizdva! Ukrainian for Happy Christmas.

I extend warmest wishes to those who still celebrate today in #Ukraine including those in Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia, and to all Russians who protest against the illegal war too.

Day 318 here's my daily #RussiaUkraine thread
All the important news concerning #Russia's illegal invasion and #Ukraine's heroic defence in one handy thread.

It's Saturday 7 January. For a recap of Friday's stories, you can click and scroll here:

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

Concerning news emerging overnight that #Russia¦n hackers attacked 3 nuclear research labs in the USA

The group known as Cold River targeted employees at facilities in New York, Chicago and California last summer according to Reuters.…
Read 42 tweets
Welcome to 2023, welcome to day 312 of the #RussiaUkraineWar.

Different year, same story as #Russia's terrorism continued right through the new year, but lucky for you my daily threads continue to document the terror and war crimes.

It's already been a terrible start to the day
So much happened in the last hour of 2022 as attacks intensify over #Kyiv. Earlier there was another massive missile attack.

If you missed anything, check out yesterday's thread right here:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine

Proud of my country, making a special point of honouring and supporting the people of #Ukraine in the New Year fireworks and light show in #London.

Early in 2022 @BorisJohnson warned Europe could see the biggest war in Europe since 1945 and he was right.

Read 74 tweets
So we bid farewell to 2022
A year etched into the history books as the start of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine.

This is my daily thread number 311. Updating the news concerning the war in real time 24/7 each day.

Please share, spread the word and support!
I want to say thank you to everyone who's supported me in 2022, whether it's with words of encouragement, tip-offs, donations to my fundraiser or buying me a coffee.

I have tried to answer all comments and questions (tho some don't show up from time to time) and DMs remain open.
I didn't post much on the thread yesterday evening as it was quiet and remains so for the first 4.5 hours of Saturday in #Ukraine so far.

Here's the link for the start of yesterday's thread. If you missed anything you can scroll though:

Read 84 tweets
Day 309 of the war. #Russia's illegal war on #Ukraine.
Thanks for reading yet another daily thread

Thursday started with explosions for many in #Kyiv with a nationwide air alert. City leaders in the capital say it's air defence working.

Here's y'day link
With enemy aircraft moving, this alert for many regions including #Kyiv has already lasted over 2 hours.

More ships appeared in the Black Sea armed with missiles too, according to Gov of #Mykolaiv (RU: #Nikolaev) Vitaliy Kim

There has still been the regular shelling during the night in #Ukraine

Two villages near #Zaporizhzhia were hit by #Russia's artillery. Also struck of course was #Nikopol, which I don't always mention in these threads but continues to be targeted daily.

Read 65 tweets
Welcome to the daily thread on Friday 16 December, Day 296 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

In case you need a catch-up on anything you may have missed on Thursday, click and scroll this link:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

First a story causing concern in #Ukraine where rumours abound that President #Zelenskyy's entourage is so worried by the popularity of the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhny, they want to replace him.

Original report paywalled @TheEconomist…
#Bakhmut holds...

But it must be among the most scary places on Earth right now.

#DonbasIsUkraine #StopRussia
Read 25 tweets
NEW 🧵on 🇺🇦 Self-propelled artillery:


I will evaluate each piece of equipment with some specifics & interesting facts about it. ⤵️



➡️Fires a 122 mm shell, with a range of 15 km.
➡️It is a fully amphibious vehicle, meaning it stays functional on land & water.
➡️There are 292 units in 🇺🇦 service & 6 🇷🇺 have been captured so far.


➡️Fires a 152.4 mm shell, with a range of 18,5 km.
➡️The Akatsiya can cross 3m wide trenches & climb 30° gradients.
➡️There are 256 units in 🇺🇦 service & 31 🇷🇺 have been captured so far.
Read 14 tweets
In Regular updates on Russian disinformation narratives targeting Ukraine, we find new #Putin's explanation for attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure. #AgainstRussianLies #InfoWatch
Seeming to forget whose missiles and tanks crossed whose border first, Russia’s state-run RIA. Novosti quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin discussing how Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly committed acts of sabotage on Russian territory. #RussiainvadedUkraine
Speaking during an award ceremony at the Kremlin on Thursday, Putin argued that "There is much noise now about our attacks on the energy infrastructure of our neighbouring country. Yes, we are doing this. But who started it?” #UkraineUnderAttack
Read 4 tweets
Hello and welcome to the daily news feed for Day 285 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine.

All the important details in one thread, updated throughout the day.

One person's been killed and another 3 injured in a #Russia attack on #KryvyiRih region.

Three rockets struck the ArcelorMittal site in President Zelenskyy's home territory.

A subsequent fire has now been extinguished.

Fewer aircraft in #Ukraine's skies recently and the #UK MOD explains why in its daily update:

Read 52 tweets
NEW 🧵on 🇷🇺 Missile attacks:


In the recent months we have seen the 🇷🇺 signature move: MISSILE ATTACKS on major cities & infrastructure.

Most of the missiles are launched from strategic bombers (& a smaller part from ships)
➡️An important military airbase is #Engels-2:

➡️Located deep into #Russia and unreachable for any counteroffensive actions.
➡️Distances to 🇺🇦 cities range from 750 km up to 1250 km.
➡️I've drawn some examples on the map below:

➡️It was historically home to the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division, but in 2009 this was reformed.
➡️Now it is the operating airbase for the 184th & 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment
Read 6 tweets
In 9 months, Russia has already spent a quarter of its annual budget on the war, but the needs of the war will only grow 1/20
#RussiaIsLosing #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianArmy #UkraineUnderAttack @HelloMrBond Image
2/20 Russia's direct military costs for the 9 months of the war, are about $82 bln. This estimate includes direct costs that are necessary to support military operations. The estimate does not include others defense spending or economic losses…
3/20 In 2021, all budget revenues of Russia amounted to $340 billion. That is, the Russian Federation has already spent a quarter of last year's revenues on the war against Ukraine.
Read 20 tweets
Sześć ogólnych i możliwych kierunków potencjalnej ofensywy UA w grudniu/początek stycznia, jeśli tylko pozwoli na to pogoda. W chwili obecnej działania utrudnia błoto, aczkolwiek wg różnych prognoz, w grudniu może się to zmienić, a w styczniu na pewno będą silne mrozy.1/
Każdy kolor to możliwy scenariusz, aczkolwiek jak wiadomo, Kijów może nas zaskoczyć czymś innym. Również dobrze, może dojść do szeregu małych, lokalnych ataków i skierowania w region, gdzie uda się osiągnąć przełamanie części odwodów posiadanych odwodów aby je powiększyć. 2/
Kolor czerwony. Atak na Melitopol i pomocnicze uderzenie na obszar po zachodniej stronie kanału krymskiego + próba zdobycia Nowej Kachowki. Jeśli UA się na to zdecydują, to przeprowadzą atak bardzo dużymi siłami (co najmniej 15 brygad w ataku głównym i 5 w pomocniczym). 3/
Read 18 tweets
1/3 Every so often members of the international community suggest that it’s #Ukraine's duty to surrender part of its territory to russia. “To avoid further death and suffering”, the rhetoric goes.
Ukraine isn’t just territory. Ukraine is its people.
#territoriesarepeople Image
2/3 Here’re a few examples of the messages we get from people who are living under occupation:
#UkraineUnderAttack ImageImageImageImage
3/3 Is this peace? Don’t think so. Living under russia’s rule is a death sentence for Ukrainians. So, to all of those who call for compromise in the name of peace — NOPE. Why? Because #TERRITORIESarePEOPLE. Read more…
Read 3 tweets
Good morning, with all the dour news from partisanship to whatever is going on with Twitter I thought I would start my daily essay with some comedy. hat tip to @wartranslated
That truck is the ultimate catfish for a mechanic. From 50 feet away you might think its repairable... up close its total scrap. Imagine being a flesh and blood creature when that rain of metal comes down? Yeah that parts not funny. What will drill neat little holes in steel
will pink mist anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it. No wonder the Russian's have decided running is better than driving. More and more reports coming in that the latest tranche of Russian Lend Lease to Ukraine will not disappoint. Though to be honest I don't know if that is
Read 14 tweets

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