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"I am convinced that immunizing young #children [] will lead to a tsunami of #autoimmune diseases." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist

Don't think for 1 sec. that the #pharmaceutical industry is unaware of the implications as outlined by V. Bossche.

"We cannot, we should not, under NO condition, vaccinate any child." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, #virologist

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks in #children - Geert Vanden Bossche speaks

Full presentation:

April 10, 2019: "Why Are #Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?"

"It’s not so much our cleanliness but our increasingly #industrial lifestyle that is blocking the intake of these important #microorganisms."…
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For our int. readers:
(THREAD) Soldier on the run in #Belgium / #Netherlands:
#Leopoldsburg a soldier stole a rocket launcher, a machine gun & a short weapon from barracks & apparently planned an #assassination of a well-known #virologist. #terrorism #nazis #army 1/
According to information, the man is a professional soldier stationed in #Peutie in Flemish #Brabant & living in #Limburg. He is said to be armed with a rocket launcher, a machine gun & a pistol. The soldier is also said to be wearing a bulletproof vest. 3/
Read 20 tweets
I did not finish this, and it seems it was a bit too technical to interest anyone, but man, it is in the technical parts that the interest lies, and again, if there's a #virologist out there who can rebut this, I am very eager to hear why this is wrong.
Wade writes: "of all known SARS-related beta-coronaviruses, only SARS2 possesses a furin cleavage site. All the other viruses have their S2 unit cleaved at a different site and by a different mechanism." True? False?
He then writes, "A string of amino acids like that of the furin cleavage site is much more likely to be acquired all together through a quite different process known as recombination." This seems to me alas very likely to be true.
Read 15 tweets
I would like to hear from any qualified #virologist who could tell me if this essay strikes him or her as unconvincing in its outline or its particulars, and why, precisely. It seems to me as close to conclusive as we can be absent direct evidence--
but I am not a virologist, nor even a biologist; surely there are aspects of this I don't understand. Nonetheless, here are the points he makes that strike me as compelling, and my specific questions about them:
1) The statement in the Lancet was organized by Daszak, who did indeed have a conflict of interest. That alone wouldn't especially strongly bother me--it's a fallacy to assume the statement wasn't correct because of that. But this does:
Read 41 tweets
🔴#Crisanti: "#Riaperture senza criterio, colpa non è dei ragazzi"
"È una polemica a senso unico. Io l’ho ignorata fino all'ultimo, ma quando vengono dette delle bugie a fini politici, con sprezzo di tutte le sofferenze e dei morti, rispondo indignato.
🤾‍♂️"Altro che Decreto Rilancio" i Professionisti in rivolta
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#DecretoRilancio: è botta e risposta tra #governo e #professionisti.
🚨La beffa dei #rimborsi e le #aziende chiudono
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#Coronavirus: economia sempre più in ginocchio ed esplode la rabbia degli #imprenditori.
Read 29 tweets
ICYMI back on Feb. 7, 2020, I published: "A Harvester of Sorrow – First Wave of the SARS 2.0 Novel Coronavirus" / #COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #SARS… Image
San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions #COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #SARS…
#COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #2ndWave no kidding, use summer as a time to prep just in case, no matter what anyone says, bc a virus is much smarter than any of you...
Read 318 tweets
I am opening for 'peer review' ¿? the email I sent to gather more data about #Hydroxychloroquine and #Azithromycin on the French study.… @jeremyphoward
If any #virologist and/or #microbiologist is willing to dig deeper, let me know.
This one is the email I sent to the Ministry of Health (in spanish)... has a bit more detail behind what I believe can be done.…
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"Restrictions imposed to control the virus — & public panic — have transformed #Italy’s commercial & financial capital in a way some Milanese fear will result in a deep & lasting economic blow."… #Milan #ItalyCoronavirus
1/ "Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte this week said the economic blow to Italy could be 'very strong.'”
2/ “'If the virus spreads, and it will spread, I think any local or national politician would have to take very drastic action, and that will virtually halt the economy,' said Roberto Perotti, an economist at #Milan’s Bocconi University, who was #workingfromhome this week."
Read 8 tweets
1/2 Being a #virologist @DKFZ, I just HAVE to retweet this one. Yes, folks, #viruses do cause #cancer also in humans! Check out my #teaching slide in the next tweet! #HPV #HBV #HCV #EBV #HTLV #CancerResearch #infectiousdiseases #virology
@DKFZ 2/2 Merkel cell #carcinoma is a hideous #disease, but luckily very rare (though almost always associated w/ McPyV on the northern hemisphere). Even much, much more common #cancers are associated with #virus #infections (or #bacteria like H.pylori)! #HPV #HBV #HCV #EBV #HTLV Image
3/2 😅 Sorry, let me add one more remark: of course not ALL the shown #cancer cases are associated with #infections, but a significant fraction of the indicated cancer types are (e.g. #HPV in 99% of #CervicalCancer, aprx. 75% #HBV or #HCV in #livercancer!)
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