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Let me tell you Again how corrupt your "Justice System" is. We all know i plead to the lesser of my charges. With this plea came 12 months probation. I have been Preparing myself that its the beginning of the end of this Nightmare. So yesterday was my 1st meeting with my Image
Probation officer. The 1st thing he tells me is that my terms have been "updated." I said updated to what? He said instead of 12 months you now. have 2 years probation. WHAAAT?? Why wasnt i notified of this by anybodu? Why wasnt i given a reason? I thought once Court was over
that, That was it? We went to DA's office to find out why?? They sent us back to Public defender. I called my public defender, no answer, left voicemail. The Court papers i have say 12 months! Probation officer says it's probably a "mistake." I can see it being a "mistake" if
Read 6 tweets
I keep seeing people ask #StopCopCity activists the same question:

“bUt IsN’t MoRe TrAiNiNg A gOoD tHiNg?”

The short answer is, of course, NO! #AbolishThePolice

Let’s do a quick THREAD 🧵🪡 about the person who heads up training for Atlanta Police Department:

Fred Watson. Portrait photo of Fred Johnson
Major Fred Watson is the APD “Training Academy Director” in charge of all training for Atlanta Police. He is also on the GA POST advisory board.

Watson oversees the “Police Curriculum” sub-group for the South River Forest Cop City Task Force— he’s very involved in Cop City. Major Watson listed on the ...
Watson was an early member of the notoriously violent & corrupt RED DOG Unit, focused on narcotics.

Anyone who KNOWS about RED DOG knows this is a huge 🚩— it had to be disbanded in 2011.

RED DOG was similar to the SCORPION unit that killed #TyreNichols…
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Nouvelle pétition pour la #DissolutionBravM dont on rappelle qu'elle n'est qu'un rebranding des voltigeurs de Pasqua, dissous après l'assassinat de Malik Oussekine en 1986, avec 37 ans d'innovations techniques des moyens de répression en plus.…
Rappelons qu'à l'époque la police de métropole était encore théoriquement dans la doctrine "zéro morts"; ce qui explique 1. la dissolution des voltigeurs, 2. la visite de Mitterrand à la famille et 3. les excuses publiques de cette brute épaisse de Pasqua.
Nous avons quitté cette doctrine au cours des années 2000 (avec un tournant particulier en 2005), pour réintroduire un modèle colonial du maintien de l'Ordre d'abord dans les quartiers populaires avant que cette nouvelle doctrine ne s'étende (inégalement) sur tout le territoire.
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Wir nutzen den internationalen Tag gegen #Polizeigewalt für einen Blick auf die Spitze des Eisbergs des #Polizeiproblem der Polizei #Dortmund. Eine unvollständige Chronik von Vorfällen aus 2022. 🧵1/ Zwei Zivilpolizisten der Polizei Dortmund mit einer Maschine
Januar 2022: Die Polizei #Dortmund erhält nach einjähriger Pilotphase flächendeckend #Taser. Die Einführung dieser "Wunderwaffe" wird flankiert von massiven Einsätzen des "DEIG" und sehr viel Polizei-PR. 2/ #Polizeigewalt #copaganda_do… Screenshot Pressemitteilung Polizei Dortmund: "Lichtbog
Februar 2022: 2 Frauen werden auf der Wache Nord in #Dortmund von Polizisten sexistisch beleidigt & geschlagen. In beiden Fällen erstattet die Polizei Anzeige gegen die beiden Betroffenen. Konsequenzen für die Beamten sind nicht bekannt. 3/ #Polizeigewalt…
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Wir haben immer noch Fragen! Wir haben immer noch Forderungen! Die Anklage gegen die #Polizei #Dortmund nach der Tötung von Mouhamed Lamine Dramé ist ein Erfolg - aber kein Grund sich auszuruhen! Ein🧵 #justice4mouhamed 1/ Flyer zur Anklageerhebung g...
Wir fragen: Warum wird nur ein Polizist wegen Totschlags angeklagt, wenn doch alle fünf nach einem gemeinsamen Plan und mit abgestimmten Rollen Mouhamed angriffen? #justice4mouhamed 2/
Wir fragen: Warum wird der Einsatzleiter, der den Einsatz der Maschinenpistole anordnete und dem Schützen sagte "Du bist unser last man standing" nur wegen Anstiftung zur gefährlichen Körperverletzung angeklagt? #justice4mouhamed 3/
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Last night, around 11 pm, I was taking a mind clearing walk around Stanford’s campus and witnessed a white police officer draw a gun on a young Black man. 1/11
I had my head down, hoodie up, headphones in, but I could still hear the piercing “put your hands up” through my audiobook. It was at a busy roundabout, and bikers & pedestrians were crossing right at the scene. The bikers exclaimed later that they were right in the line of fire.
Two women approached me, as I was paging our campus emergency services, desperate to find a way to deescalate. They said they were in the intersection when police had the man come out his car with his hands up. They were scared and wanted comfort. I had no comfort to give.
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Some people really believe we are being hyperbolic when we talk about reformism as a police counterinsurgency strategy, when we frame policing as a manifestation of domestic war and occupation… if you read the literature across any political spectrum they are clear about it: 🧵
“Repression does not always come dressed up in riot gear, or breaking into offices in the middle of the night. It also comes in the form of the friendly “neighborhood liaison” officer, advisory boards to local police departments, & the social scientist hired on as a consultant…”
“…Repression is, first and foremost, a matter of politics: it is the means the state uses to protect itself from political challenges, the methods it employs to preserve its authority and continue its rule.”…
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Is Black media reporting on the NYPD brutalizing a 12-year-old Black child... while a Black female cop looks on?

Or, that Democrats want 100k more cops?

@rolandsmartin @shaunking @michaelharriot @tamronhall @jemelehill @Jouelzy @KimberlyNFoster @briebriejoy @JoyAnnReid @SIfill_
@rolandsmartin @shaunking @michaelharriot @tamronhall @jemelehill @Jouelzy @KimberlyNFoster @briebriejoy @JoyAnnReid @SIfill_ After 26 million people took to the streets in 2020 to protest George Floyd being murdered by cops, Democrats want 100,000 more cops and Biden has more than doubled Trump's police budget.

What was the purpose of the protests?! @TamikaDMallory @TezlynFigaro @NAACP @TheBlackCaucus
@rolandsmartin @shaunking @michaelharriot @tamronhall @jemelehill @Jouelzy @KimberlyNFoster @briebriejoy @JoyAnnReid @SIfill_ @TamikaDMallory @TezlynFigaro @NAACP @TheBlackCaucus Seems as though the extent to which the media covered police brutality was based on who was in office.

Nobody cared about #BlackLivesMatter under Obama, but the country erupted in support of BLM under Trump. Under Biden, BLM is neutralized again. Why, @Sunny?

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America showed us after Sandy Hook they don't mind children getting killed!

Abolitionists just want to abolish some shit and we are not scary.
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Been wondering for many years if U.S. intelligence agencies are behind many mass shootings.

There's an
in the #UvaldePolice tape.
Is this evidence?

#BLM ImageImageImageImage
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@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine since i was not asked for my answers; here they are:
@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine #1-"the cop one"
unlike most mayoral candidates contending in this race; i believe in the abolition of our policing institutions. we can build a safety department which doesn't wield any lethal power(power no state should hold btw) #AbolishThePolice
@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine #2-"the crime one"
most crime is not a something we should fight from the top down but eliminate from the bottom up via assuring a society where needs are provided for; acts of desperation will be drastically reduced..
Read 21 tweets
No one asked for this, but I've been thinking a lot about #abolition and #abolishthepolice for some time now. And if I may, I'd like to share my novice perspective, albeit one rooted in my own (anti-)philosophical stance. So here goes.
I'm not convinced that the #abolitionist movement--which I wholly agree with--is an oppositional movement. Philosophically, a call for abolition is not a call to opposition. This distinction, in my mind anyway, is crucial. I'll elaborate.
Hegel told us long ago that oppositional realities (or what he calls dialectics) form a totality in themselves. Think about a fight: if one person chooses not to fight, there is no fight at all--only violence on the part of the aggressor.
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I first met with @ShahidForChange last year to talk #GeneralStrike. Then he and @EFF helped recover my Twitter account from hackers, and later he joined our call with @FlyingWithSara.

I interviewed him on everything, including the allegations against him

During our 60-min conversation, lawyer, organizer, Congressional candidate and rapper @ShahidForChange and I talked Mike Gravel, the Squad and #ForceTheVote, the George Floyd Act, police reform, #DefundThePolice and abolition, and power in protest music

"Mike Gravel was like an actual real-life Jedi… He’s one of the only members of congress in the entire last century to show up for work"

- @ShahidForChange on Mike Gravel, who endorsed Shahid and whose legacy continues today through @GravelInstitute

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Happy July 4th

Let’s talk about those who still aren’t free, as a result of racism in policing, prosecution, and sentencing — also known as @thenewjimcrow

Cops kill 3 people a day

Black people are 300+% more likely to be the victim

But it’s a lot more insidious than that.

1 out of every 3 Black boys and 1 out of every 6 Latino boys born today can expect to be sentenced to prison

A Black person is 500% more likely to be stopped without just cause than a white person

Black people are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites
32% of the US population is Black or Latino, but 56% of the US incarcerated population is Black or Latino

In fact, if Black and Latino people were merely incarcerated at the same rates as whites, prison and jail populations would decline by almost 40%
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The #1 way cops are equipped to repress protest movements and perform no-knock raids on private homes is the BILLIONS of $ in military weaponry from the federal govt.

This is the militarization of the police, and it’s made an already violent institution even more dangerous.

The origins of the 1033 program lie in the “forever wars” on drugs, crime, and terror.

In 1989, Congress gave the Pentagon temporary authority to give military equipment to local law enforcement.

Anything was OK as long as it was deemed suitable “in counter-drug activities.”
In 1996, Congress made the Pentagon’s temporary authority to give weapons of war to local law enforcement agencies permanent and expanded its purview to “counterterrorism”, creating 1033 as we know it.

Since, 10,000 jurisdictions have received $7 billion-plus in equipment.
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If you haven’t heard of @MOHAVVKJOHNSON, it’s because @LoriLightfoot and the Chicago PD don’t want you to.

Mohawk has been on house arrest for 309 days — with no trial, and despite having no criminal record


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The Chicago PD “has tried to turn the rapper and comedian into a cautionary example to social justice protesters” - @imLeor, @chicagoreader

Mohawk Johnson was arrested at a protest to #DefundThePolice and #AbolishICE

He was charged with aggravated battery of a “peace officer”
While @MOHAVVKJOHNSON was charged with battery, here’s what really happened, in his words:

“Four to five officers grabbed me and held me against the car before they handcuffed me, and didn't tell me why. They kept yelling, 'Don't struggle…’ I said, 'I'm not struggling.’”
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The most common question posed to abolitionists is ‘what about rapists and pedophiles?’ 🧵

While this is a sensitive subject, the facts clearly demonstrate that criminalization, cops and cages don’t protect us from the sexual predators the politicians and media warn us about…
Sex offender registries were designed to track perpetrators of the most heinous offenses, but their reach has extended exponentially to include even teen sexting and consensual relations between young people.

Those on registries are denied civil, constitutional and human rights.
1. “Stranger danger” is a myth: 90% of sex assault victims know the attacker

2. 95% of sexual offenses are committed by someone *not* on a registry

3. Only 3.5% of registrants are convicted of another sexual offense within 3 years, compared to the average recidivism rate of 67%
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Want answers on what it means to #AbolishThePolice and #AbolishPrisons?

I interviewed @equalityAlec of @CivRightsCorps, and I don't say this often but this is a *must watch*

I interviewed @equalityAlec about his work ending the criminalization of poverty, the history of policing and prisons, the real motives behind reforms like body cams, arguments against #DefundThePolice, what abolition really means, and...

What you can do in your own community:
"No society in recorded history of the modern world ever attempted to take so many human beings from the schools, and families, and jobs, and medical care, and children, and put them into government run cages" - @equalityAlec

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Ever wonder why the virulent panic over violent gangs of the late 80s and 90s has subsided?

It’s not because cops fixed the problem – it’s because it was a racist moral panic that was leveraged to increase police budgets and incarcerate people of color.

Here’s how 👇🧵
Yes, violence in cities was a problem - yet violent crime fell substantially in the 1990s while rhetoric ramped up.

Meanwhile, between 1989 and 1991 the FBI claimed the number of gangs increased threefold.

Their source? Surveys of cops - who gained $ from the supposed crisis. Image
There was also a massive increase in media coverage - in Las Vegas in 1983 there were 4 articles about gangs in local LV papers.

By 1991 there were 174 articles and cops were bringing media along to drug busts.

If you read the paper or watched TV, the Black people were coming.
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My God. Now they murdered 3 month old baby in Mississippi. This cannot be reformed. #DefundThePolice
South Carolina:
#JamalSutherland tased to death in police custody for fun. This cannot be reformed. #DefundThePolice #AbolishThePolice #AbolishPrisons
#MarvinScottIII murdered by LOEs while in custody after being detained for a ridiculous “possession” of weed charge. End this fucking “war on drugs”. #DefundThePolice #AbolishThePolice #AbolishPrisons
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TW: rape, police violence

“The detectives took turns raping her in the backseat as the van cruised the dark streets and as she sat handcuffed, crying and repeatedly telling them ‘No.’ Between assaults… the van pulled over so the cops could switch drivers”


New York is one of 35 states where cops can evade sexual assault charges by claiming it was consensual

Some states have recently closed this loophole

Most have not, “because it has been politically unpopular to push laws that target cops and anger their powerful unions”
In most of the states that do not outlaw sex between on-duty cops and detainees, an officer can claim consent and face only a misdemeanor “official misconduct” charge, which carries a maximum one-year sentence
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“State officials will continue to violate people’s rights with impunity”

Ron Keine was convicted and sentenced to death for kidnapping and murder in 1974

He was exonerated in 1976, 9 days before his execution

#EndQualifiedImmunity 🧵
Misconduct in Ron Keine’s case was “so egregious” the prosecutor lost his license and several officers were fired - @innocence

Yet Ron’s lawsuit was dismissed — because of qualified immunity

And Ron’s case isn’t rare

Qualified immunity enables police brutality and corruption
Qualified immunity is a judicial doctrine from the 1960s that allows public officials, like cops, to act with impunity — even when they break the law

And as we know, the very people empowered to uphold the law break it every day — and laugh about it…
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Derek Chauvin was involved in 5 police killings before suffocating George Floyd to death

But Chauvin's far from the only cop to get away with murder.

In fact, those who *are* fired just get hired somewhere else.

It's endemic.

Why #DefundThePolice then #AbolishThePolice?

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Even those who still believe the fallacy that police and prisons make us safer understand that police accountability is critical — and "wandering cops" are a major concern

A 2020 Yale Law study found 1,100 terminated cops re-hired and walking the streets in Florida alone Image
The national decertification database isn't public, isn't checked by most depts before hiring, and doesn't include some of the biggest states, including California and New Jersey

This sorry excuse for transparency has led to numerous deaths

St. Ann, Missouri, is a prime example
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#AbolishThePolice #Rojava


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