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Greek Orthodox navel-gazer and Duginite, Matthew Heimbach sows chaos-sex magick wherever he goes. He's Eastern Orthodox so he can put two wives away. #AltRight #RussianClown #NavelGazer #Chaos #Dugin #Zionist #SexMagick #magick ImageImageImageImage
Matthew Heimbach with fellow clown, Jordan Jereb, in Florida
Jordan Jereb is the #ADL informant who falsely stated that his white supremacist group had given paramilitary training to the Jewish #Parkland shooter, Nikolas Cruz. #Dugin #Chaos
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Pour aller plus loin : le médiocre succès des #Republicains aux 🇺🇸 était prévisible. Peu importent l'impopularité de #Biden et la crise économique.
Aux 🇺🇸, la politique est fondamentalement ethnique.
Les #Republicains sont avant tout le parti des Blancs non Hispaniques.
Les BNH vont devenir minoritaires aux 🇺🇸. En tendance, il va bientôt être impossible pour les #Republicains de gagner les élections. Leur dernière présidentielle gagnée au vote populaire remonte à 2004. Le #Texas sera bientôt #Democrate , et alors : finito.
Les #Republicains espèrent que les Latinos (aux 2/3 #Democrates ) changent de bord, mais c'est très incertain et pas pour aujourd'hui. Alors, l'électorat républicain risque de réaliser que, même si elle compte son lot de tarés, l' #altright ne racontait pas que des conneries.
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L’elezione a presidente del Senato di @LaRussaFCIM sembra rispondere alla necessità di garantire a #Meloni un adeguato presidio della Camera numericamente più vulnerabile per la coalizione, segnalando contestualmente una rinnovata considerazione per le forze armate.
L'elezione a presidente della Camera di Lorenzo Fontana sembra rappresentare invece un investimento sul discorso pubblico. Si tratta cioè di usare quella postazione istituzionale per svolgere un ruolo simmetrico e opposto a quello che fu di #Boldrini.
Fontana come risposta al progressismo #liberal, nella misura in cui all’interno della #Lega rappresenta più di ogni altro la congiunzione con l’#altright statunitense.
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Jordan Peterson bereitet mit seinem sozialdarwinistischen und misogynen Biologismus das intellektuelle Fundament der #AltRight. Am Donnerstag soll er in Berlin sprechen. Wer ist der Psychologieprofessor aus Kanada und warum ist er so gefährlich?…
Fragile Männlichkeit ist wohl eines der Hauptmotive, aus dem sich die Alt-Right und die „neue“ Rechte speist. Hier rekrutiert die rechtsextreme Szene ihr Personal, junge, unzufriedene Männer, die ihren Platz in modernen Gesellschaften nicht gefunden haben.
Den ideologischen Nährboden bereitet dabei der Worthülsenakrobat Jordan Peterson, mit seinem Alpha-Male-Hummer-Geraune. Sein Hauptziel ist es, den angeblich unterdrückten, weißen, heterosexuellen Mann zu befreien und ihn wieder an Traditionen heranzuführen.
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Am #B2909 kommt Jordan B. Peterson, einer der Stichwortgeber der radikalen Rechten in den USA, nach #Berlin.
#KeineShow für Frauenfeinde & Trump-Fans!

Antifa-Tresen & Input
🕙17.09. | 19 Uhr
📍Bandito Rosso

🕙29.09. | 18 Uhr

➡️ Image
Einer der Chefideologen der radikalen Rechten in den USA ist Jordan B. Peterson, der am 29.9. im #Tempodrom auftreten wird. Peterson beliefert einen Mob aus Frauenfeinden, LGBTQIA*-Hassern und Neonazis mit Ideologie.

#KeineShowfürTäter am #B2909!

Aufruf➡️… Image
Die Plakate, Sticker und Aufrufe sind fertig!
Holt euch Material und unterstützt die Mobi!
Material gibt es hier:

Buchladen zur schwankenden Weltkugel
📍Kastanienallee 85

Buchhandlung Oh*21
📍Oranienstraße 21

#KeinShowfürTäter am #B2909!
Berlinverbot für Jordan B. Peterson! Image
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Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Von uns natürlich auch alles gute zum #4thOfJuly an die #USA.

Traditionell wird dieser Feiertag mit einem Massenschießerei gefeiert.
Dieses Jahr hat der Schütze 5 Menschen töten können, bevor er der Polizei entkam.
Der mutmaßliche Schütze wurde verhaftet.
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*BREAKING* Patriot Front Members are confronted the moment they got off of a train at the Orange Line in Cambridge Massachusetts. The police can be seen protecting Patriot Front members. Media Credit Rod Webber

#Cambridge #PatriotFront #AltRight #Boston
Update this is the Oak Grove Station in Malden which is a suburb of Boston.
Huge shoutout to Rod Webber for capturing this amazing footage, as well as @mattgamer15 for sending us the the footage.
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freecanada .win is a Canadian forum styled like 4/8chan. The content posted is similar alt-right extremist rhetoric. Posted by Canadians. Registered (host: XenForo) in 2019, the vile platform used by many #Freedumbconvoy supporters/participants is relatively unknown #OttawaConvoy
I've shared posts by freecanada .win users-#HornyHonkies threads- showcasing the misogynistic, sexist & patriarchal ideologies held by these #freedomfakers. I'm always disgusted by what I read, but right now (Pride Month, Indigenous Month, Roe v Wade, Canada Day) it's nuts
#OttawaConvoy & #freedomfaker posts regarding #Indigenous peoples make me sick. The snippets are particularly offensive. Being patriotic doesn't mean ignoring your nation's history-good or bad. Based on what I've witnessed, a vast majority of this 'movement' are bigots #FreeDumb ImageImage
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@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker I "Bambini Talpa" sono uno dei mantra della teoria cospirativa di #QAnon. Teoria nata nei meandri di #4chan, un forum per immagini a sfondo #nerd finito colonizzato da #altright ed altre derivazioni sociali con in un comune un odio patologico verso l'#Occidente che (continua)
@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker li avrebbe provati del futuro, della felicità e del coito introducendo concetti come #femminismo (le donne decidono il partner, quindi non loro), #immigrazione (hanno paura che un #messicano che non parla la lingua e non ha amici gli freghi il posto al McD) e (continua)
@CorradoCarta71 @LaBombetta76 @MedBunker capitalismo. La teoria prevede che i #PoteriForti, incarnati in #HillaryClinton, #Soros e #Obama tutti i weekend di riuniscano in pizzeria per mangiarsi i bambini all'uso del #Compagno Stalin. E non sto scherzando. Il problema è che (continua)…
Read 8 tweets
#ElonMusk isn't evil, BUT
👇A thread 🧵

His #libertarian ideology can be cartoonishly evil, bcs its amoral. That makes him a threat to #liberty, #prosperity & 250 years of American #democracy

#Twitter #ElonMuskTwitter #ElonMuskBuyTwitter #DemocracyUnderThreat
There are a few dots to connect, so stick with me...

1️⃣ #PeterThiel wants a #Monarchy
2️⃣ The #KochBrothers are creating an #Oligarchy
3️⃣ #Putin's Russia is the grand vision
4️⃣ #Libertarians are amoral
5️⃣ #Ideology is blindingly dangerous
First, check out this remarkable @Techcrunch article called "Geeks for Monarchy".

Long before the 2016 election brought us a #Trump/#Putin/#Theil/#AltRight mashup of craziness, @klintron laid out this #antidemocracy ideology waaaaaay back in 2013.
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O que o Monark faz aqui é mover a “Janela de Overton” (tática da alt-right, Olavo e do Bolsonaro tbm) de introduzir absurdos para ir normalizando e movendo a opinião pública a ponderar sobre o que não deveria sequer ser considerado. Nazismo não é questão de opinião.
O que o Monark vai fazer se sofrer sanções com isso? De novo a tática da alt-right: vai alegar estar sendo censurado em sua liberdade de opinião movendo a questão de “eu defendo que pessoas que querem judeus mortos possam se organizar” para liberdade de expressão.
Alô @MuseuHolocausto , @jpdoficial1 , @oficialfirs , @fisesp , não dá para deixar algo que atinge milhões de pessoas normalizando o nazismo passar batido assim.
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@slackbastard previously outed aspiring lawyer & @Griffith_Uni student, Steven Pidgeon, as an online #Nazi. Here is more evidence to substantiate that claim. Here Steven is equating people of colour (POC) to monkeys via what he thinks is a funny meme. #1
@slackbastard @Griffith_Uni Here Steven Pidgeon quotes "14/88", which is often used by #Nazis to communicate with each other.

14 refers to the "14 words" = "We must secure the existence of our people & future for the white children".

88 = "Heil Hitler". #2
@slackbastard @Griffith_Uni Here Steven retweets Holocaust "Revisionism" texts deplatformed by Amazon. Steven is an avid reader. #3
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What's fascinating to me about The Republican Party and #CriticalRaceTheory: The Republican Party was created to free people from a White Supremacist institution.

The Democrats used to mock it by calling it "The Black Party".
How does the party of black suffrage and liberation become the preferred party of the #AltRight?
How does an OVERWHELMINGLY (like 90 %) SOUTHERN & UNMISTAKABLEY BLACK PARTY; “The Negro Republican Party” become a Lily White Party?


That’s how.
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Throwback to the time it was revealed that Clint Eastwood directed a movie based on a book written by a secret leader of the KKK.
Asa Earl Carter “formed a paramilitary unit of about 100 men known as ‘the Original Ku Klux Klan of the Confederacy” and “was arrested in 1957 in connection with a Klan shooting”…
In 1956, his group attacked Nat King Cole on stage in Birmingham, Alabama during a concert and castrated a random black man as a “warning to ‘uppity’ Alabama Blacks.”…
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They call it "The Dark Enlightenment"

When Nazism, Fascism & Silicon Valley merge

"Learn about an obscure neo-fascist philosophy started by a British academic in the 1990s.”…
@Ye Kanye?

Why is your little gay friend Peter funding individuals affiliated with White Nationalism?…
This article, it seems to imply that some wealthy individuals are employing diversity to sabotage diversity, employing diversity inorder to create new (and misleading) narratives about diversity — even question its value.…
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Sometimes Hypnosis fails under stress and you have to let it be ok:
An uncomfortably personal thread.

TW: gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, and political PTSD. 1/
Most of you know that I am a subject of my own Hypnosis, and I have been very open about my #masculinization journey over the years.

If you are not familiar, catch up:… 2/
What I am often less open about is the fact that I straight up NEED this Hypnosis to be gender secure as a male.

At one point in my life I wondered if I was trans because though I had no desire to be a woman I absolutely hated my body and my gender expression. 3/
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Ecco perché le #istituzioni devono essere sacre e rispettate
Dagli anni '90 nel nostro #Parlamento abbiamo visto abiti sciatti, risse indecorose, insulti volgari, striscioni offensivi...

Quando i #rappresentanti delle #istituzioni flirtano col #populismo, perdono le #istituzioni
Mi infastidisce molto che adesso si dica che quanto è accaduto era #inaspettato.

La deriva irrazionale di #Trump, prigioniero della sua stessa #narrazione è nata ed è stata alimentata dalla #altright #suprematista, cui i #social colpevolmente ha lasciato via libera.⤵️
Si genera un #circolovizioso per cui, per avere successo, si diffondono #fakenews e #disinformazione, ma poi, come una #droga, si vuole restare amati e ammirati e allora ci si spinge sempre più in là, dalle fandonie ai deliri.

I #discorsiincendiari alle #folle li conosciamo ⤵️ Image
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The torrent of #racist #disinformation in Ireland in the few days since the tragic killing of #GeorgeNkencho has shown it’s driven by a very vocal minority, in concert around key accounts. Co-ordinated, deliberate #FarRight agitators supporting Irish neo-nationalist groups. ImageImageImageImage
Many of these accounts are bulk generators of #racist and #conspiracy content across social media platforms. Well-established among these propagandists is the avowedly racist and #AntiSemitic YouTuber, Keith Woods - aka #NUIG graduate Keith O’Brien of Roscommon #AltShiteUnmasked ImageImageImageImage
#Racist Keith O’Brien generates masses of #FarRight #Propaganda, to 29k subscribers on @YouTube alone. Voices like this are pivotal to local #AltRight movements, but Ireland is small and #AltShiteUnmasked all have real names, addresses, streets they walk down, and a job... ImageImage
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The inside story of how Trump’s Covid coordinator Deborah Birx undermined CDC 

Gave Black People's Health Records to Company Whose Pro-Trump, Homosexual, Founder Has (NAZI) White Nationalist Ties!

"As an African-American woman, Lythcott-Haims wrote, she was taken aback that he would say this to her "with no facial affect." She went on to say that Thiel made "no effort to even acknowledge the pain the concept of apartheid could possibly raise for me, a Black women."
“One day I heard a rumor that Peter defended apartheid (which was then still the law of the land in South Africa), which I found morally repugnant.”… Image
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Which #AltRight &/or Classical Liberal™ &/or proprietarian blabbermouth/zine is gonna drop the first article 'Against Cancel Culture / In Defence of #FreezePeach' re Pete Evans?
cool template, bro
Maybe Pete Evans could get a gig cooking @ Hale & Hearty?

Oh wait.

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@PredictIt, I signed up for your platform yesterday!

How do I propose a new market #prediction wager?
- I say @JoeBiden wins #Election2020,
BUT @realDonaldTrump will squat the @WhiteHouse,
& Biden operates as President, externally.

@FiveThirtyEight @voxdotcom
Remember, its all about holding mega real estate and projecting strong images for @realDonaldTrump.
All the #proudboys #altright #cryptofacistis supporters will arm-up and occupy the @WhiteHouse lawns to protect @realDonaldTrump from building eviction. Those camped out will linger for ~ 1 year until they realized they are hungry and aren't being paid for their efforts.
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The foiled terrorist attack on #GretchenWhitmer is another example of what's left of our justice system still working despite the best attempts of Trump. He is a terrorist sympathizer and has been for years. He cares nothing for Democracy, but that's not what this thread is about
The co-opting of comic book hemes, names and titles is one of the more disturbing recent trends in America and it's not addressed enough as one of the ways the Alt-Right recruits and targets young disaffected white, Asian and Latino men (Afam men are rarely Alt-Right recruits)
Right Wing groups have been using the gaming world to recruit angry white men for years. It's been covered, and most online systems like Playstation and XBox have done little to stop it, because frankly it's hard to censor…
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Activists raised the alarm of #FarRight marches posing as anti-mask rallies and have had their blood spilled for it. Yellow Vests IRL, National Party and co share one enforcement gang to quiet dissent. Ken Geary, ex French Foreign Legion leads them #Altshiteunmasked #KenGeary
It must be noted that #KenGeary is also acting Branch Secretary of the Royal British Legion, Dublin Branch, a charitable organisation for Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and families. They have been contacted for comment and asked to prepare a statement.
Once a decorated soldier, and founding member of the French Foreign Legion Association of Ireland, #KenGeary was quickly expelled for his views. Geary is an Islamaphobe, anti-Semite and Homophobe. It was the recent homophobic attack by his enforcer thugs that put him on our radar
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