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Jun 2nd 2023
🌈Did you know that @TheAbbeyWeHo, the iconic gay bar in West Hollywood, started as a humble coffeehouse in 1991?

Explore the history of this vibrant venue below. #TheAbbey #WeHo #LGBTQ (1/8) Image
☕️ Owner David Cooley relied on community outreach, providing cookies for nearby support groups, fostering loyalty and making The Abbey a meeting spot for HIV/AIDS activists. #TheAbbey #Community (2/8)
🏳️‍🌈 In the mid-1990s, The Abbey transitioned into a gay bar, creating an inclusive space to enjoy LA's diverse queer community and becoming an iconic LGBTQ+ establishment. #TheAbbey #GayBar #Inclusion (3/8)
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May 24th 2023
Dear Chagall Elementary School Families,

We have exciting plans for our schoolwide end-of-year/holiday celebration!
Sivan break begins on Fifthday this week, so please take a break from your yom tov preparations and join us this evening for some #seasonal family fun at Chagall Elementary.
Our schoolwide celebration this Sivan will feature games, foods, and activity stations. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take a break from yom tov prep and join us on Fourthday evening to make our #holiday #party special!

Read 16 tweets
May 5th 2023
La nueva Ley 15.430 en Buenos Aires tiene como objetivo hacer que las interacciones con el Estado sean más rápidas, eficientes, cómodas y transparentes para los ciudadanos y las empresas. #ley15430 #administraciónpública #provinciadebuenosaires abro hilo de lo sustancial 🧵 Image
1.- Ley Nº 15.430 busca hacer más eficientes y transparentes, y menos costosas, las interacciones con el gobierno provincial. #administracionpublica #eficiencia #transparencia
2.- La nueva ley prohíbe al gobierno provincial solicitar documentos que contengan información que ya se encuentre en sus archivos u otras bases de datos de acceso público. #documentos #protecciondedatos #transparencia
Read 12 tweets
May 5th 2023
Chapitre 1 : Le sexe et le genre.

La #transidentité soulève énormément de questions et donne lieu à une...

@hackingsocialfr 1/10 Illustration du chapitre 1,...
@hackingsocialfr ... multitude d’#affirmations qui souvent se contredisent les unes les autres. Je ne suis quant à moi pas surprise de la bousculade ambiante, ce thème étant à peu près le plus perturbant qu’on puisse trouver puisqu’il touche à...

#transgenre #lgbtphobie 2/10
@hackingsocialfr ... l’#identité de chacun et chacune, et qu’il vient remettre en question le fonctionnement même de notre société. Nous pensons tous et toutes avoir une idée claire de ce qu’est un #homme ou une #femme et de...

#sciences #recherche 3/10
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Apr 27th 2023
Good morning from the Keck Center @theNASEM where I am so pleased to be part of their workshop this morning to support and sustain the workforce to care for people with serious illness! #hapc #pedpc #wellness #wellbeing #suffering Image
The first panel shared experiences from the front lines so vulnerably and beautifully. @MaguirePeggy @PhilRodgersMD @RachelMayAdams ImageImage
Now @CAPCpalliative CEO @BrynnBHealth discussing the current and future workforce we need in #hapc Image
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Apr 12th 2023
1· 📣 "Nous, CASPER [...] faisons appel à nos #laboratoires, #universités, collectifs de #recherche et collègues de travail, et demandons des mesures de réduction des risques simples et efficaces, face à la circulation du #COVID19" ✊…
2· ‼️ Le #COVID est donc un risque majeur de #santé publique, face auquel notre responsabilité de chercheur·ses est grande. On observe une surmortalité durable depuis 2020 en France et au-delà."
3· ⚠️ "Il est également un risque au quotidien pour nos collègues fragiles (ou pour notre entourage privé), mais également pour tout un chacun. [...] le #COVID long produit souvent une baisse des fonctions cognitives, ce dont de nombreux·ses collègues peuvent témoigner." Illustration de l’article :...
Read 17 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
#Inclusión #Derechos #Personas #Dignidad
Esta mañana he participado en el debate preelectoral organizado por Eapn Euskadi.
En primer lugar, he querido lamentar la ausencia en este debate de la candidata del PNV y del candidato de EH Bildu. Image
Os comparto algunas de las ideas que he defendido en este debate
Desde el Departamento que dirijo en la Diputación hemos priorizado a quienes tienen más dificultades para acceder a un empleo, tienen menor renta y llevan más tiempo en desempleo. Image
La transición ecológica se debe hacer rápida y de forma eficaz y justa, pero va a costar. El cambio climático es una realidad, por lo que esta transición debe ser rápida y justa, lo que exige un esfuerzo inversor alto. Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
🧑‍🏭Le marché du travail à Hong-Kong semble être le plus impacté par l'#IA alors que celui en Inde, le moins... La lecture de l'étude de @GoldmanSachs révèle des graphiques intéressants concernant la disparité des impacts de l'#IA :
🤖 46% des taches réalisées au bureau et dans le domaine administratif, 44% dans le juridique, ou encore 37% dans l'ingénierie peuvent être automatisées, 25% en moyenne et surtout moins de 11% dans la logistique, le transport, la production, l'industrie, le bâtiment, etc.
😱 Dans le détail entre un complément par l'#IA et un remplacement par l'#IA, les métiers ne sont pas égaux.. La part de remplacement par #GPT est forte dans l'administratif et le juridique...
#AI #Automation #ChatGPT
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Mar 29th 2023
🧵“This escalating battle for control over free expression in education should worry us all,” said PEN America CEO @SuzanneNossel in remarks before the House Committee on Education & the Workforce’s Subcommittee on Higher Education & Workforce Development.…
Nossel: "The university campus is the incubator of democratic citizenship and the breeding ground for leaders in every sector of society. If we don’t get free speech and open discourse right on campus, we won’t get it right in the media, the courts, or out on the streets." (2/x)
Nossel: "At PEN America we argue that the essential drive to render American campuses more diverse, equitable, and inclusive need not—and must not—come at the expense of robust, uncompromising protections for free speech and academic freedom." (3/x) #DEI #FreeSpeech #Education
Read 14 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
#Diversity #equity #Inclusion #DEI And, of course, it's all about the money. Just like #MeToo . Just like #TimesUp and it is all performative and divisive, not inclusive. Profiteering 101. @StanfordLaw COME CLEAN NOW on the entire DEI program and……
@UndercoverMoth9 - once again DEI is all about the money and contracts. Anyone else notice that on April 4, 2011 when Joe Biden introduced the unregulated "Dear Colleague" Title IX letter that all this profiteering racket started, admin swelled, fees swelled, public paid and ROI?
And if you look up Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - what company comes up first? McKinsey - a Management Consultancy Company. When are kids going to get an education instead of being targets for profiteering? @McKinsey ?…
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Mar 27th 2023
@NSFTtweets Thank you. This should not have taken 2 1/2 years to correct. We look forward to hearing the @NSFTtweets Board answers to our other questions at or before the Board meeting on the 6 April.
@NSFTtweets Amending the website is a first step, that acknowledges the problem.

Now the work starts.

Question 2: What steps will the @NSFTtweets Board take to correct the 2022 #Equality, #Diversity and #Inclusion Strategy & all trust communications and policies?
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Mar 17th 2023
Some time in September 2022, I successfully interviewed for a Band 8 role. It was a secondment. I was excited. I've seen or heard of colleagues who've gone for secondments. It happens a lot in the NHS, its straightforward. It tends to happen relatively swiftly.
So I was busy obliviously dreaming of starting my new job 'soon'. Then HR conversations started! It turned out that because I am on a work visa, the Home Office rules do not allow for someone on a skilled worker visa to be seconded to another organisation.
There's a lot of data stating that BAME representation in Band 8a & above positions is very low in the NHS. It has been said, that it is important that we have staff teams that represent the populations they serve. This promotes better patient care & improves patient outcomes.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
We are thrilled to present Virtual Volunteer™, a digital visual assistant powered by @OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model. Virtual Volunteer will answer any question about an image and provide instantaneous visual assistance in real-time within the app. #Accessibility #Inclusion #CSUN
@OpenAI #BeMyEyes’ Virtual Volunteer™ is already available for a pool of beta testers. Join our waitlist in the Be My Eyes app!
And to read more about Virtual Volunteer, visit our new blog post:…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
We recommend reading @CCriadoPerez's Invisible Women, about the ways policy development & impact assessments fail to assess the impact on women.

Equality Impact Assessments matter.

We have asked @TeamQEH to correct their EIAs to include the 4 missing protected characteristics. Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust Equality Impact Assessmen
Despite now having the correct list of protected characteristics in V3 of the @TeamQEH Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, the policy & EIAs do not cover those with the protected characteristic of sex as it uses the word “gender” instead of sex. >

#IWD2023 #SexMatters
. @TeamQEH was informed of these errors first in 2020 and has failed to correct the omissions and use of gender and transgender in the #Equality, #Diversity and #Inclusion policy and equality impact assessments ( EIAs). >
Read 8 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
We're delighted to be here at the beginning of our 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞!

The day is just starting @UniofNewcastle as we get ready for our excellent line-up of guest speakers.

We'll have updates throughout the day... 🧵
as we hear from Professor Iyiola Solanke, chair of the Unite Students Commission on Living Black at University, from @UniofOxford; Nicola Frampton from @StudentMindsOrg ; Osaro Otobo from @Halpin_HE ; Melissa Browne from @UniKent, Victoria Tolmie-Loverseed from @Unipol...
Rebecca O'Hare @UniversityLeeds; Jo Nuckley @oiahe; & Kerry Watson from #UniteStudents. The event, part of our 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 (, includes topics such as belonging, mental health, employee training...
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Mar 7th 2023
1/10: Let's talk about #WhitePrivilege. It's a term used to describe the advantages and benefits that white people receive solely because of the color of their skin.
2/10: These benefits include access to better education, job opportunities, and healthcare, as well as the ability to move through life without being discriminated against based on skin color.
3/10: White privilege doesn't mean that white people don't face challenges or difficulties in life. It simply means that they won't face additional obstacles because of their skin color.
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Jan 26th 2023
¿Podrá el chatGPT (IA) actuar como facilitador inclusivo en la educación?
@juandoming Espero vuestros votos y también comentarios para enriquecer la hipótesis. #encuesta #chatGPT #IA #inclusión
INCLUSIÓN: Facilitar que todo el mundo llegue a alcanzar su excelencia personalizada y que hasta ahora le había sido imposible hacerlo por motivos diferentes -sesgos, barreras sociales, económicas, digitales, educativas...) con instrumentos, herramientas diversas...@juandoming
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Jan 22nd 2023
[1/🧵] — #XRPL (#XRP) vs. @Ripple #CBDC

A short thread comparing and contrasting the #opensource public #decentralized #XRPLedger with #Ripple's private #CBDC Ledger based on XRPL👇 Source:
[2/6] ▶️ What do central bankers expect?

#Interoperability — ILP
#Security, #Trust & #Speed — Unregulated
⚠️ #OverlayServices — Hooks and @EvernodeXRPL
#Access and #Inclusion — XRPL-DEX & AMM
#Stability & #Resilience — 10+ years old (XRPL) Source:
[3/6] ▶️ Why does it have to be a private solution?

With proven security & all of the #XRPL Tooling at its disposal, the only thing a CB lacks is "control" of the gov. process.

Gov. on the #XRPL is conducted through amendments and voting, which cannot be controlled centrally. Source:
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Dec 14th 2022
Inclusive Medical/Health Insurance Policies are integral to ensure Universal Health Coverage. However, grim reality is that our insurance policies aren't inclusive of persons with disabilities among other marginalized groups despite the circular by IRDAI dated 2nd June 2020. 1/n. Circular by Insurance Regul...
2/ Delhi High Court in Saurabh Shukla v. Max Bupa Insurance & Anr., dated 13th December 2022, ordered the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India to ensure insurance policies are designed for persons with disability.
3/ The court remarked that "it is the settled position in law that the right to life includes the right to health and healthcare is an integral part of the same." […]
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Dec 12th 2022
Billions around the globe are just one medical emergency away from slipping into the vicious cycle of poverty because of their capability deprivation. (1/n)

Post in collaboration with @poornam_idam

#HealthForAll #UHCDay #LeaveNoOneBehind #Inclusion #UniversalAccessibility On a green background with ...
2/ Medical debt is a major cause of poverty in India and around the globe as half of the world lacks access to essential health services.


#HealthForAll #UHCDay #LeaveNoOneBehind #Inclusion #UniversalAccessibility
3/ Persons with disabilities face double trouble owing to their disproportionate requirement for medical services & inaccessible medical infrastructure (both in terms of the monetary & built environment).

#HealthForAll #UHCDay #LeaveNoOneBehind #Inclusion #UniversalAccessibility
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Dec 3rd 2022
A mujeres y hombres con #Discapacidad los invitan a aportar en diferentes escenarios públicos, trabajan pero no les pagan, ni tienen el reconocimiento. #NoSomosCiudadanosDeTercera. #GarantíaDeDerechos. #3DeDiciembre. #TambiénSonColombia. #TambiénSomosColombia. 💛💙❤️🇨🇴🕊️✨
Las mujeres y hombres con #Discapacidad no tenemos empleo por los imaginarios sociales, el desconocimiento y la falta de garantía de derechos; nos encontramos en emergencia humanitaria. #ProtocolofacultativoYa. #3DeDiciembre. #NosotrosTambiénSomosColombia. 💛💙❤️🇨🇴🕊️✨
#AntetodoMujeres. Las mujeres con #Discapacidad tenemos derecho a ser madres si se desea y a diferencia de otras mujeres, en la mayoría de los casos nuestros hijos son deseados. #Inclusión. #GarantíaDeDerechos. #3DeDiciembre. #TambiénSomosColombia. 💛💙❤️🇨🇴✨♥️
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Dec 1st 2022
There really is no way forward but to #RepealTheGRA.

This is a definitive clash between Gender Reassignment otoh, and Sex, Sexuality & Belief oto.

GR, without the practical enforcement of its legal certificate, is little more than personality expressed via gender stereotypes.
But because in reality it’s a psychological condition, it’s inescapably locked into escalation.

I feel like a man (euphoria)
I look like a man (validation)
I’m treated as a man (confirmation)
Treat me like a man (inclusion)
See me as a man (imposition)
Say I’m a man (control)
This escalation set it on a fixed course from its beginning,
to override the Protected Characteristics that would otherwise undermine it.

Sex renders GR a fiction.
Sexuality reveals it as constructed, not innate.
Belief denies it outright.

This is protected by law.
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Nov 18th 2022
Hi @JenMsft, is there any way to skip the Windows configuration steps that appear every few months during Windows updates?
My mentally retarded brother gets really confused when hey appear on his system after Windows automatically rebooted after updating: he cannot get past them:
he then panics as it means he cannot use his PC to video-call his care-takers any more until someone assists him getting past them.

The panic makes him skip calling for help using his land-line.

His level operation of an autistic 3-year old in an adult body living on his own.
We are fully aware that is remarkable, and that eventually he won't be able any more.

But from an #inclusion point of view, it would be really nice if this feature can be disabled on a system for any future updates.

How is that possible?
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