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@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista '#Preventing' #Grooming in the #HappiestCountry
The #Oulu #rapecrisis.
"Stop, don't touch me there." | 2y
Oulun kaupunki laittoi 2,5 miljoonaa euroa Turvallinen Oulu -hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä uskonsoturien tuomaa seksuaalirikollisuutta.
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista #Islam'in perusteet
- #muslimi on määrätty taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #vääräuskoisia vastaan. Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa sotilaal­linen toi­minta #islam'issa on.
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🇫🇮🇹🇷⚡️Finnish President Sauli Niinistö insists that his country will only join NATO together with Sweden.
#suomi #finland #sweden #sverige #ukrainewar #russia #ukraine #nato #usa
In other words, Finland intends to wait until Ankara removes its objections to Stockholm's membership. Turkey has previously made it clear that it has no particular problems with Finland.
Niinistö set the July NATO summit in Vilnius as the deadline by which this should be decided. If it doesn't settle down by then, that's when you should start worrying.
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@MikkonenKrista #Islamistit ja lapsensa eivät kokaan tule kristittyyn maahan 'kotoutumaan' tai 'sopeutumaan, vaan tuhoamaan ja tappamaan - Insallah.
#Soros #Jihadists without IDs were attracted to #Finland with the #best #socialbenefits in #Europe.
@MikkonenKrista #MILITIAMEN INFILTRATE EU SHORES | Nov 19, 2019
- Miltias who have used the Refugee influx to present themselves as #Refugees Image
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Intressanta uttalande nu av @AnnLinde. Hon säger att #Sverige i solidaritet med #Turkiet ska införa mycket hårdare terroristlagstiftning och att det inte ska finnas några tvivel om att Sverige "står starkt tillsammans med likasinnade i kampen mot terrorismen".>>
Uttalandet får mig att fundera på när Turkiet blev "likasinnade" helt plötsligt. För innan #NATO-ansökan lämnades in förnekade NATO-vänner frenetiskt att Sverige skulle behöva anpassa sig efter Turkiet, vars problematiska styre och behandling av minoriteter man medgav.>>
De NATO-kritiker som varnade för att vi skulle behöva anpassa vår utrikespolitik efter Turkiet avfärdades som stollar, konspirationsteoretiker eller anklagades t.o.m. för att gå Putins ärenden.>>
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[Tråd]: Diskussionen om Sveriges hållning gentemot #Turkiet är nu på agendan. Och det kan behövas. Turkiets närmsta allierade, #Azerbajdzjan, är kända för att köpa sig goodwill genom s.k. "kaviardiplomati".
Spåren av detta leder även till #Sverige:
Först och främst: Hur nära är relationen mellan #Azerbajdzjan och #Turkiet?
Svaret är väldigt nära. Under kriget mellan #Armenien och Azerbajdzjan användes sloganen "ett folk, två länder" och Turkiet tog total ställning för angriparen Azerbajdzjan.
"– Det känns som att det är Turkiet som är i krig. Turkiet är inget tredje land utan är enligt retoriken i krig mot Armenien", sa den turkisk-armeniske journalisten Rober Koptas.

Turkiet försåg även Azerbajdzjan med vapen och hade så gjort under många år.
Read 16 tweets
Video 3.5 min, maalisk 2021, näkyy Suomessa. #Ruotsi🇸🇪 tietää hyvin miten #LongCovid #Långtidscovid voi muuttaa aivoja, keuhkoja ja sydäntä.

@Folkhalsomynd käyttää Ruotsin väestöä kuin koekaniineina tehden tutkimuksia kansainvälisille markkinoille? #TutkimusEtiikka #Taktiikka
Alla käytännön tiivis käännös englanniksi siitä minkä #Ruotsi🇸🇪- #Aivo #Sydän #Keuhko -tutkimus tiesi jo maaliskuussa 2021 aiheesta #LongCovid #Långtidscovid. Eli tiivistys 3.5 min videon sisällöstä.

Jos tarvitsee, voin kääntää saman suomeksikin. Tarvitseeko?
Suomeksi. HIENO 31.3.2021 julkaistu #Ruotsi🇸🇪 #Sverige #TV4Play uutisvideo jäi aikanaan ~vaille suurta huomiota, edes Ruotsissa.

🧵1/ #TV4_uutiset: ”#Covid19-taudin jälkeiset #Vammat hämmentävät tutkijoita ja asiantuntijoita”.

#LongCovid #Långtidscovid…
Read 13 tweets
Det är ändå lite konstigt. @LOSverige med alla sina medlemmar, klubbar, nätverk, kontaktytor mellan arbetare i hela #Sverige, inom alla typer av yrken. De sa att LAS var en röd linje. Karl-P Thorwaldsson lovade 1 maj 2019 strejk om regeringen gick fram med försämringar av las...>
>Men sen... Hela stora LO. Vad blev det av hela stora LO:s "motstånd" mot las-slakten? Det blev en namnlista på nätet och några få debattartiklar i fackpressen.
Var det verkligen ALLT hela stora LO kunde prestera i en fråga som enligt oss själva var den viktigaste på årtionden.>
>Finns det någon som tror att LO hade nöjt sig med en namnlista på nätet och tre-fyra debattartiklar om regeringen inte varit S-ledd?

Man sålde ut vårat anställningsskydd för att inte "gunga båten" bara för att Löfvén satt vid makten. Och vi gräsrötter på golvet får ta smällen.>
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[Tråd] Det var bra att frågan om arbetskraftsinvandring, och det utnyttjande av människor som det nuvarande regelsystemet lett till, lyftes i media för ca 1,5 månader sedan. Se det första inslaget i detta #Agenda-avsnitt t.ex.>
#svpol #arbpol #migpol…
Men vad hände egentligen sedan? Vi får hoppas att det opinionsmässiga trycket hålls uppe. Nu när de stora problemen med dagens system uppdagats vill flera av de som skapat detta system plötsligt visa sig handlingskraftiga och "göra något" - men de ideologiska utgångspunkter >
som fick dem att införa dagens ultraliberala regelverk för arbetskraftsinvandring har egentligen inte ändrats. Det är bara inte lika opinionsmässigt gångbart längre.
Fri arbetskraftsinvandring från länder där levnadsstandarden är milsvitt lägre än Sverige, till okvalificerade >
Read 22 tweets
Intressant om hur mycket @amazon, som nu till stort jubel etablerat sig i #Sverige, egentligen hatar att deras arbetare har rättigheter. Så här reagerade företaget när arbetare i Alabama skulle rösta om att organisera sig fackligt: [forts >>]
"This week, Motherboard has been reporting from Bessemer and nearby Birmingham, where workers and organizers are trying to become the first Amazon facility in the United States to unionize, which could have a ripple effect across the country. In addition to the mailers, >>>
text messages, an anti-union website, and the installation of the USPS mailbox, Amazon has also pushed anti-union ads on Twitch, the video game streaming giant that it owns.

Amazon has also posted anti-union literature posted in bathroom stalls, passed out t-shirts >>>
Read 7 tweets
1/ Formel 1 kan rädda oss från COVID-19! ”Hur då” tänker du. Det är ju en oetisk sport som bränner bensin i massor. Sant, men dom har räddat sin verksamhet och skyddat sina anställda på ett helt unikt och otroligt effektivt sätt, långt bättre än #Sverige #strategi #svpol
2/ Formel 1 har kunnat coronasäkra sitt världsmästerskap och sina Grand Prix race med en tydlig strategi. Dom har skyddat sina anställda och sin verksamhet, precis som företag, regioner och länder behöver göra. Hur gick det till? Vad kan vi lära av dem?
3/ Fredagen den 13 mars, en dag som sesvsom oturens högtid, ställdes Australian Grand Prix plötsligt in. Racet skulle gå p, och förarna var på väg ut för att provköra banan. Ett lag, Mc Laren, backade ut ur loppet. Varför? En tekniker i teamet hade fått COVID19
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Due to skyrocketing #COVID19 numbers in #Sweden Foreign Affairs #Denmark is now advising against all unnecessary travel to the entire country. #Sverige #COVID19sverige
#Denmark also advising against all unnecessary travel to #Norway due to #COVID19 infection numbers. Anyone coming back from #Oslo, #Vestland, and #Viken must quarantine upon return to #Danmark
Add #Estonia to the “no unnecessary travel” list from #Denmark Foreign Affairs due to #COVID19 infection rates. Estonia also mandates a 10 day quarantine for anyone traveling there from #Denmark.
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#Denmark is reporting 1,223 #COVID19 infections, its 2nd highest daily tally to date, and four #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. #COVID hospitalizations (182) are down (-2) ICU (24) and ventilator numbers (17) are unchanged. 65,062 corona tests administered yesterday.
#Sweden has added 4,034 #COVID19 infections and suffered another five #coronavirus deaths. Total to date #COVID deaths in #Sverige now exceed 6,000 which is 8x more than #Denmark, 21x #Norway, 16x #Finland and four times more than DK, NO, and FI combined.
#Finland has registered 189 #COVID19 infections and two more #coronavirus deaths since yesterday’s update. Finland does not update hospital stats on Thursdays.
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#Breaking #Sweden’s 2nd #COVID19 wave outbreak is getting much worse. It has reported 10,177 #coronavirus infections since Friday, almost double last weekend’s total, and 31 #COVID deaths. On Friday #Sverige had 4,062 infections the most by far of any day in the pandemic yet. ImageImageImage
In #Denmark Health Minister @Heunicke says the #COVID19 reinfection rate (R0) is now 1.1 down from 1.2. The R0 number measures infection spread with anything over 1 being degrees of a #coronavirus outbreak.
#Breaking #Denmark is reporting a 1,353 #COVID19 infections, its highest daily number yet, and four #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. 73,710 #coronavirus tests were also administered nationally over the last day. ImageImageImage
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Schweden hatte im 1. Halbjahr der CoronaPandemie keine dramatische Übersterblichkeit - und sogar nur ein durchschnittliches Sterbejahr.

Das ergibt für das Corona-Horrorjahr, in dem Schweden alles falsch gemacht hat, Platz 5 im 10-Jahresvergleich.

Durchschnittlich. Nichts Außergewöhnliches.

"Warum nur das 1. Halbjahr???"

-> Weil es in vielen Artikeln darum ging & versucht wurde, mit den absoluten Zahlen Angst zu erzeugen.

"Jetzt ist es bestimmt viel schlimmer!?!?"

-> Nein... Das HorrorJahr rutscht sogar immer weiter ab. 2020 nur noch auf Platz 6 (bis Ende August)
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#Denmark has just recorded its highest to date number of daily #COVID19 infection cases, and first day ever with over 600, with 678 new infections in the last 24 hours. #Danmark is also reporting two more #coronavirus deaths. ImageImageImage
As for #COVID19 infected Danes in hospital (101) the number continues to climb (+6). Worth noting until today #Denmark has not had in excess of 100 #coronavirus hospitalizations since the end of May. The number in ICU (16) is also up (+2) as are ventilator (9) numbers (+4) Image
The number of new #COVID19 infections continue to climb again in #Sweden, which added 634 new infection cases and two #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. #sverige #COVID19sverige ImageImageImage
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#Denmark is reporting 559 new #COVID19 infection cases, 2nd highest daily number yet, & 2 more #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. Yesterday 53,885 #COVID tests were administered. The number of infected Danes in hospital (95) has jumped (+17) ICU numbers (14) dipped (-1) ImageImageImageImage
#Sweden has added 533 new #COVID19 infection cases and suffered two more #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. That is a marked increase in daily infections. #Sverige #COVID19sverige ImageImageImageImage
#Finland has registered 91 new #COVID19 infection cases and two more #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. Finland does not update hospital stats on Thursdays. #Suomi ImageImageImage
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ஒரு சில ஐரோப்பா நாடுகள் போல ஸ்வீடெனிலும் கொரோனா தொற்று அதிகரித்துவருவதாக செய்தி. ஸ்டோக்ஹோல்ம் நகரில் கடந்த சில நாட்களாக கொரோனாவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட மக்கள் அதிகரிப்பதாகவும் வெளியில் செல்லும்போது மிகவும் கவனமாக இருக்கவேண்டும் என்று அறிவுறுத்தப்படுகிறது. உஷாரு அய்யா உஷாரு! #coronavirus
கொரோனா முடிந்துவிட்டது என்று நினைக்காமல் விழித்திரு என்ற தொனியில் மருத்துவ துறை சார்ந்த வல்லுனர் கூறியுள்ளார். இந்த தொற்று முடிவடைய பல காலம் இருப்பதாகவும் கூறியுள்ளார்.
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Not good. #Denmark is reporting 558 new #COVID19 infections & two deaths in the last 24 hours. 57,707 #COVID tests were also administered yesterday. The number of #coronavirus infected Danes in hospital (78) is down (-1) those in ICU (15) is up (+1) on a ventilator (5) no change ImageImageImage
#Sweden has added 320 new #COVID19 infection cases and suffered six more #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. #Sverige #COVID19sverige ImageImageImage
#Norway has registered 205 new #COVID19 infection cases and no new #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. The number of infected Norwegians (23) is down (-2) while those in ICU (2) and on a ventilator (0) remain unchanged. ImageImageImage
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#Denmark is reporting 476 new #COVID19 infection cases and one virus death as well as 49,426 #COVID tests done in the last 24 hours. The number of #coronavirus infected Danes in hospital (79) is up (+4) as are ICU (14) numbers (+2) & those on a ventilator (5) are up too (+3). ImageImageImageImage
#Sweden has added 1,199 new #COVID19 infection cases and suffered five more #coronavirus deaths since its last update on Friday. #COVID19sverige #sverige ImageImageImage
#Norway has 71 new #COVID19 infection cases and no new virus deaths since yesterday’s update. The number of #coronavirus infected Norwegians in hospital (21) is down (-2) while those in ICU (1) and on a ventilator (0) remain unchanged. #Norge ImageImageImage
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After a “technical error” sidelined #Denmark’s #coronavirus stats yesterday we have an update today.....and it’s really bad. #Danmark has added 822 new #COVID19 infection cases since Monday with 453 in the last 24 hours single highest accumulation of daily #COVID cases to date. ImageImageImage
#Denmark also added one #coronavirus death yesterday. The number of #COVID19 infected Danes in hospital (60) continues to rise (+9), which is a big concern, while the numbers in ICU (3) also crept up (+1) those on a ventilator (1) remains unchanged. Image
#Sweden has added 360 new #COVID19 infections and suffered four more #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. #sverige #COVID19sverige ImageImageImage
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There is no #COVID19 numbers update from #Denmark today due to some kind of technical issue with @SSI_dk. So we will see what tomorrow brings.
#Sweden has added 230 new #COVID19 infection cases and has suffered nine more #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. #sverige #COVID19sverige ImageImageImage
#Norway has registered 101 new #COVID19 infection cases and had no new #coronavirus deaths. #Norge has had only one virus death since Aug 21st. The number of infected Norwegians in hospital (15) is down (-4) while those in ICU (1) and on a ventilator (0) is unchanged ImageImageImage
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#Denmark is reporting 334 new #COVID19 infections & no new #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. This is the 5th time in six days infections have been 300+. The number of infected Danes in hospital (55) continues to rise (+5) ICU (3) are down (-1) Ventilator (1) unchanged. ImageImageImageImage
#Sweden has added 840 new #COVID19 infection cases and and suffered five more #coronavirus deaths since its last update Friday afternoon. Reminder as of yesterday #Sverige will only update its #COVIDsverige numbers from Tuesday through Friday. ImageImageImage
#Finland has registered 98 new #COVID19 infections and two more #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. Finland does not update hospital stats on Tuesdays. ImageImageImage
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#Denmark is reporting 347 new #COVID19 infection cases & 2 #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. It has added 1,021 new infection cases since Friday (341 Sat, 333 Sun, and today). The number of infected Danes in hospital (50) is up again (+3) ICU (4) Ventilator (1) unchanged ImageImageImage
The sheer number of new daily #COVID19 infections is a huge concern as is the rising number of hospitalizations. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some reimposed/new restrictions here soon. Indeed the Statens Serum Institute (Scandinavian CDC) wants “immediate” action. #Denmark
No #COVID19 numbers from #Sweden today as it has inexplicably decided to update its #coronavirus stats effective today from Tuesday through Fridays weekly. 🤷 #Sverige #COVID19sverige Image
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#Denmark is reporting 292 new #COVID19 infections and no new deaths in the last 24 hours, a slight decline from yesterday albeit still high. The number of #coronavirus infected Danes in hospital (44) continues to climb (+9) ICU (7) is up (+2) on a ventilator (1) down (-1) ImageImageImage
#Sweden has added 311 new #COVID19 infection cases and three new #coronavirus deaths since its last update yesterday afternoon. #Sverige won’t update its numbers again until Monday. #COVID19sverige ImageImageImage
#Finland has registered 43 new #COVID19 infection cases and no new #coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours. The number of infected Finns in hospital (8) is up (+2) while those in ICU (1) re wins unchanged. ImageImageImage
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