IL investigators found evidence that Russian cyber intruders tried to DELETE or ALTER VOTER DATA.
They accessed software used on Election Day 2016

In Kansas, despite #RuleOfLaw, officials are being told to keep enforcing #VoterSuppression tactics ruled unconstitutional under #Crosscheck champion .@KrisKobach1787.
Kobach was once in charge of Trump’s now defunct voter “integrity” commission.…
Russia actively infiltrated and successfully manipulated our democracy and free elections. They actively infiltrated through voter disinformation & “data operations.”
NEW 3️⃣…
Every single day more & more information comes out that proves Donald Trump is NOT the legitimate POTUS.
Remember back to that dark Nov night in 2016 as we all stared in disbelief at our TV screens.
We weren’t imagining it- Trump was installed.

The GOP & Russia are actively working to take away your right to vote.
Voting is your greatest power - esp in the face of tyranny. Those who emulate dictators don’t allow free elections.
#VoteThemOut2018 🌊
#VoteBlueNoMatterWho 🌊