Day 488 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 275 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Former Fox News Co-President Bill Shine has joined the Trump White House as assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff for communications, White House says.
Shine's entry is another example of Hannity's influence with a media-driven, base-cultivating president.…
Trump claims aboard Air Force One that President Obama "was very close to going to war" with North Korea, adding "he would have lost 50 million people, plus." Trump defends his approach, saying NK has ended missile testing.
Presumably he means without documentation but this literally says no one should enter the country.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar says that the U.S. government has nearly 3,000 separated migrant children in custody. Last week Azar told a Senate panel there were 2,047 migrant children in custody.
14 month old boy separated from immigrant parents at the border, was returned after 85 days, covered with lice, had apparently not been bathed - part of lawsuits filed by states against Trump administration @LisaDNews reports @NewsHour tonight
A 6-year-old boy in ORR custody with a bone condition – separated from his mother - was denied medical care for a month and a half, per his mom's lawyer…
A loophole in federal policy allows the "Tent City" at the Tornillo Port of Entry in TX & a massive shelter in Homestead, FL to escape the rigorous child welfare inspections that nearly all other similar shelters are subjected to, CBS News reports.…
A U.S. judge in Sacramento has rejected a request by the Trump admin to block two California laws that protect immigrants in the country illegally.
For Texas border town, immigration isn’t a problem — it’s a way of life…

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged
Think about this. Trump would rather weaken our military than welcome immigrant recruits.…
As Trump rails against immigrants crowding out US workers, his Mar-a-Lago Club seeks to hire...foreigners.
Such hypocrisy!…
From @maxboot: "If Trump announced he were going to spit-roast immigrant kids & eat them on national TV...most Republicans probably would approve of that, too. The entire Republican platform can now be reduced to three words: Whatever Trump says".…
Despite saying that he expected to have a decision on July 4 whether Trump would sit down for an interview with Mueller, Rudy Giuliani now says that he has "no decision" to announce, according to CBS News.…
Mueller is tapping additional DOJ resources for help with new legal battles.
He's making more use of career prosecutors from the offices of U.S. attorneys and DOJ HQ—a sign he may be laying the groundwork to hand off parts of his probe.…
Danish government seeks to confiscate profits Danske Bank made from laundering $8 billion of Putin regime dirty money, including funds connected to the Magnitsky case.
And Trump wants to meet Putin alone.…
A W.H. official involved in the process says that Trump's Supreme Court pick will come down to "who he feels most comfortable with in a personal setting."
"Even some aides recognize that may not be the best way to pick a Supreme Court justice."…
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross appears to have earned at least $1,200,000 from his failure to divest stock holdings until months after he was required to do so, a Center for Public Integrity analysis found.
Ross needs to be prosecuted.…
U.S. pork producers are about to be hit by a second batch of hefty retaliatory tariffs from China and Mexico.
"All we've accomplished is getting more trade barriers. We are the casualty and predicted it from day one."…
Last summer, one of Scott Pruitt's senior schedulers was fired because she questioned the practice of retroactively deleting meetings from official calendars, an ex-EPA official tells NYT. She believed the deletions were illegal.…
Schumer urges Trump to tap Merrick Garland for Supreme Court... Plus short list is now, informally, down to 3…
In call, Schumer also warned Trump that picking someone hostile to Roe/ACA would be “cataclysmic”…
With Scott Pruitt's resignation, Trump's administration departure tracker rolls back to zero
NYT has a good primer on the new acting EPA director, Andrew Wheeler.
Wheeler recently was a lobbyist for the coal company Murray Energy. He is a former chief of staff to Sen. James Inhofe, arguably D.C.'s most prominent climate change denialist.…
Trump called Andrew Wheeler, who is replacing Pruitt, "very much an early Trump supporter. He was with us on the campaign."
Flashback: During primaries, Wheeler implored his FB friends not to back Trump, calling him a "bully" who didn't understand how government worked.
"In the minutes following the announcement of the resignation, The Daily Beast received numerous messages from multiple former EPA staffers, and current White House officials, celebrating the news."…
LOL, this is the woman who confronted Pruitt at lunch last week.
A fourth former Ohio State University wrestler has come forward to contradict Republican Rep. Jim Jordan's claim that he had no idea the wrestling team doctor was molesting athletes.…
Trump on Jim Jordan: “I don’t believe them at all. I believe him. Jim Jordan is one of the most outstanding people I’ve met since I’ve been in Washington. I believe him 100 percent. No question in my mind. I believe Jim Jordan 100 percent. He’s an outstanding man.”
ProPublica has ID'ed a man who's reportedly part of a white supremacist group and participated in Charlottesville.
He works for Northrop Grumman, has federal security clearance. Northrop knows about his involvement but hasn't taken action.…
Iran tells Trump to stop tweeting.
“Your tweets have driven the prices up by at least $10 per barrel,” Iran’s OPEC governor says. “Pls stop it, otherwise it will go even higher!”…
Making China Great Again…
Top Canadian paper mocks Sanders for saying US has been "nice" to Canada: Trump doesn't know how to spell "nice"

The giant balloon that's been dubbed "Trump baby" has been given the green light by London mayor Sadiq Khan to fly near parliament during Trump's UK visit.…
Sacha Baron Cohen: A message from your President @realDonaldTrump on Independence Day.
Get your popcorn ready! 👀
Trump held a campaign rally in Montana. Here's a great thread of quotes and fact checks:
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
When migrant families were separated per Trump administration policy, CBP destroyed hundreds of records in which the children were listed w their parents under family ID #s. So now they can’t find & reunify the families @itscaitlinhd
As trade war w/ China begins, @realDonaldTrump is still benefiting frm projects that include Chinese state companies…
"Who is Michael Flynn?!?!?!"
"A 12-year-old blind girl is among the separated immigrant children that is in foster care in Michigan, said U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn."…