I am former fraud investigator. 👊Hire #Whistleblowers #SaveTheChildren #MAGA 👇
1. bit.ly/2G8JoAq
2. bit.ly/2yaR3ZW
3. bit.ly/2xaKUze

Please RT and comment while following the thread 👇
@SCauffee @An0n_Safety @PantherEyez7 @EllaaaCruzzz @12TheBirds @jusdeplorableme @IsaacKappy @GartrellLinda @WhiteHouse @JNaquins @jodaka97 @GW1stPOTUS @Maggieb1B @LizCrokin

We Demand
1. A Grand Jury
2. All youth Exonerated
3. All victim Reimbursed & Compensation

Caseworker Cindy Howard Denied Immunity law.justia.com/cases/federal/…

Why were our children starved at #El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch? I shut down this #HellHole4Kids 11/2017
Why were are their assets $10 million? #WhereDidTheMoneyGo? bit.ly/2J54elr