- need to be able to test and integrate
- need to design solutions in context
- models will (and need to) change & evolve
- consider changes in the system.
- Know-all & remember all - ability to absorb and recall perfectly
- Debater: predict positions of opponent debaters and adjust position
- Understanding: focus on where students need knowledge
Trying to understand everything in every student's mind and design knowledge paths based on student knowledge & activity.
- Break knowledge points down into "pixels".
- Evaluate video capture, behaviour, time
AI Tutor learned from expert teachers for 3 years. It is now better.
& Scariest part of AI == self-evolving.
- Standford Academics
- Saw huge need for high quality online courses
- Founded Coursera in 2012
- Left Aug 2016 (Coursera in a good place)
- Now focusing on AI in human health with Insitro
- get machine learning
- also have domain knowledge
Need both to see opportunities and see where problems lie. Insitro is bringing #MachineLearning as a core skill in field of drug development