The fifth installment is "When NATO Went to War: Kosovo 1999"
Perhaps. But as I discussed in this thread, identifying the deterrent effect of an alliance is tough
For example...
“On Kosovo, let me be quite clear that NATO will not stand idly by. We will not allow a repeat of the situation in Bosnia in 1991.”
“if required, we will strike in a swift and severe fashion”
It seems he believed that the NATO allies were not be willing to collectively sustain their efforts. In short, they lacked "resolve"
Here is what he said in a May 1, 1999 interview with @UPI
“those nations which have the power, have the responsibility.”
This became the "Blair Doctrine"
As I’ve highlighted before, there is some controversy among scholars about whether the 1999 Kosovo campaign should be considered truly a “NATO” operation or instead a bilateral war between the US and Serbia