Any movement gets success only when public become part of it& take it as its own responsibility.
Isn't #fitness about our own health?
Give your points,how to make #FitIndiaMovement a success?
In series of tweets I'll share my journey of #fitness.
From death in #KargilWar
1stAmputee marathon runner
1stBlade runner
1stSolo disabled Skydiver
&how thru @majdpsingh_TCO amputees are being enabled to be #fit using #sports

I have 50 bomb particles in my body(1 in liver)
Rt leg is amputated& lt underwent open knee surgery and its thigh&calf muscle are sliced by bomb.
Knee&ribs pain 24x7
Intestines partly removed leading to indigestion troubles
Phantom pain

In @majdpsingh_TCO ( The Challenging Ones) we encourage amputees to
1.Feel proud in what they are
2.Come out for #running #marathon or any #sports
3. It helps elevate their #confidence and #fitness
4.That leads to #success in #life

By now in @majdpsingh_TCO we could connect 2000 amputees across #India and more got enabled.
But we were restricted to metros as we use marathons & none organizes such things in small cities.
To spread #ability #fitness in real India @swachhability was started.

@swachhability movement was aiming at real India to:
1.#enable #disabled from within.
2.Bring #inclusion and make them taste #fitness through runs.
3.#SwachhBharat lead by #Disabled
In 3yrs18cities:
55000 in total
30000 students
2500 disabled

Today its not just me who is #fit despite so many injuries but many #disabled as they realized #life is good as #fit
Not to stop here&open new areas of #adventure& #sports for #Indians
Convey that it's all in mind I took up solo #SkyDiving

I, as 100% disabled, am doing all this as:
1. I love me and wish to live like king by being #fit
2. Taking it as my duty to do my bit for my country
Let's pitch in our bit.
Be Fit
& make #India #Fit and #beautiful
Jai hind