"Natural forest management is one of the largest
#naturalclimatesolutions pathways, which includes TNC's RIL-C method. for selective logging in the tropics."

"we're in this together"
#NaturalClimateSolutions #WEF-UN #COP25 #SavingCapitalism

"we have to work together"
#NaturalClimateSolutions #TheyMeanBusiness #Nature4Climate #WBCSD #CI #TNC
The World Economic Forum partnered with the #UN on June 13, 2019. They now reside over implementation of the so-called UN #SDGs.

The Framing and Language Utilized to Create the Required Momentum

Making money while raping what remains of the Earth's tropical forests.
"Lands of Opportunity - Unleashing the full potential of #naturalclimatesolutions"
Foreword by Justin Adams, The Nature Conservancy,
Global Managing Director Lands

soil bio-geochemical models, we are only now
beginning to fully grasp the potential of the land
to address climate change. We call the range
of opportunities, ‘#naturalclimatesolutions’."
of commitments to #naturalclimatesolutions
has grown rapidly at the international, national
& subnational level. New financing mechanisms for carbon & other #ecosystemservicepayments are emerging,
some accessing mainstream capital markets"

in #naturalclimatesolutions over the years
particularly the conservation movement. But
we’ve always known that the size of the task
demands the combined action of multiple
parties—govt's, civil society, businesses,
indigenous peoples..."

sinks, while generating jobs & #economicgrowth."

"For years, renewable energy, energy efficiency
and cleaner transport have been the principle
means of decarbonization. They have also seen
considerable progress....
"We would however need emissions from fossil fuels to be #netzero by 2040 to meet the Paris climate goals—a
desirable but perhaps near-impossible event.
Attention is therefore turning to land use."

oil cultivation."
But are we going to stop the industrial production of palm?
No. #palm is expanding
#NaturalClimateSolutions are naturally created for the rich to maintain power, status quo, profits

Trees (engineered) will be planted for one main purpose: to be killed for cont'd industrialization.
frameworks that have underpinned international

Few industries have as many opportunities or
incentives to align #naturalclimatesolutions
with their business models as forestry..."

Programme for the Endor$ement of Fore$t Certification (PEFC) $$
Collaboration for Forests & Agriculture project (World Wildlife Fund, National Wildlife Fund & the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation), are using "decision support systems to help the soy industry" ...
#GreenImperialism #WWF
Advocate deployment of #naturalclimatesolutions by national & subnational governments, & applaud government leaders who take action."
"Support funding for #naturalclimatesolutions through carbon finance..."
Support forestry "in embracing & accelerating reforestation & sustainable timber practices through innovation, new markets ... Support the growth of the emerging ‘#Naturetech’ sector"



offered by the land sector mean that the time is now ripe for unifying our efforts."
#NaturalClimateSolutions #Nature4Climate

1. Elevate the profile of natural climate solutions.
2. Broaden land use efforts so that they are comprehensive, multi-sectoral & international.
3. Catalyze action from gov'ts & the private sector to deploy #naturalclimatesolutions."

Emily Farnworth, Head of Climate Initiatives, World Economic Forum or
Chris Conifer, Manager, #NaturalClimateSolutions, #WBCSD
Also the co-founder & former director of Counter Culture w/ We Mean Business co-founder:
Akin to decoupling greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth - RIL-C promises reduced #logging emissions —without reducing timber supply.
#Fairytales for #Capitalists
TFF RIL Standard #Certification:
#NaturalClimateSolutions for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

#NaturalClimateSolutions #CarbonOffsets #BAU+++
#Logging #TNC #WWF #EmergingMarkets
#Certification is a racket
#NaturalClimateSolutions: pathway for #certification$$
#NaturalClimateSolutions for #Profits
#NaturalClimateSolutions for #Profits
#NaturalClimateSolutions #COP25
#EmergingMarkets #Offsets
#NaturalClimateSolutions for #Certification $$$$$$$$$$$$$
“Unless you value the forest – and derive value from it – you lose it. It’s a simple economic reality.”
(believed no living tree ever)
By contrast, less than 1/10 of Earth's tropical #forests are left to flourish & live without harm
#NaturalClimateSolutions exploit & profit from the #biodiversity crisis
They have a message for you:

Learn about WRI:

Many familiar faces.
Christiana Figueres
Patricia Espinosa
Catherine McKenna
Achim Steiner
Andrew Steer
Theresa May
Mayor Anne Hidalgo
Full list: