With my guest @dazHalle
Disease Control:
Assessing Nigeria's Health Management System

Nigeria's vulnerability to an outbreak of the #COVIDー19 has necessitated preparations by health officials but ARE WE READY?
( thenewhumanitarian.org/news/2020/02/2… )
According to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control, the death toll from the latest #Lassafever outbreak has risen to 103, with 26 states affected.
( xinhuanet.com/english/2020-0… )
Meanwhile, the Nigerian Medical Association tells us that of the 75,000 registered doctors, more than 33,000 have migrated, with 42,000 to take care of more than 200 million people.
( punchng.com/the-doctors-ex… )
We're please to welcome @dazHalle on this edition.
Good morning, Ma.
We're honoured to have you on #TheDiscuss

A @mobilepunch investigation reveals our poor level of preparedness for a major outbreak of #Lassafever and #Coronavirus, contradicting official positions.
As a medical practitioner, how do you reckon?