🔹 No country is fully prepared for an epidemic
🔹 during Ebola outbreak, 10% of tweets had bad info
🔹 Others were rumors about govt conspiracies
🔹 Others were chaos inducing tweets
🔹Long term care facilities have older, less heathy populations. DON'T visit them if sick. When visiting, use good #hand hygiene
🔹Facility workers should use masks

Ex: closing schools
🔹 People may congregate elsewhere & spread virus
🔹 Makes it harder for health care workers to go to work - need childcare
4/8 #InfectiousDisease
Do a better job at hand hygiene!
The CDC has a site about how to best wash your hands / sanitize if soap & water aren't an option. 5/8 #handwashing

🔹 Cough into elbow or cover mouth with tissue
🔹 Wash/sanitize hands

Above all, DON'T PANIC.
If you think you may have #COVIDー19, call your doctor / hospital so that they can direct you to the correct entrance to prevent contaminating others.
Most importantly, DO NOT go to the doctor or ER if you don't have symptoms! 8/8 #coronavirus

We NEED our healthcare workers to stay healthy!