In this new analysis, economist @hzsong assesses the effectiveness of China’s economic policies during #covid19 & offers some recommendations.
Thread below:…
The key to policy effectiveness, then, is to prevent business from bankruptcy or laying off workers.…
1) reducing employers’ social security contributions;
2) delaying loan payments;
3) cutting interest rates;
4) increasing fiscal expenditure.
We use one test to measure these policies’ effectiveness: credit spread.…
Wide spread = higher risk of corporate default.
For China, we look at the spread between private firms & state-owned enterprises to assess policies’ effectiveness.
Only one case on Feb 19 in which a significant reduction in default risk was the result of a policy response.
That’s when Beijing decided to cut employer social security contributions.

- When dealing w/ #Covid19, fiscal policy is more effective than monetary policy.
- Targeted cuts are more effective than a major fiscal stimulus.
Ultimately, policy priority should be preventing failure among the most vulnerable parts of the economy.