Just a friendly reminder @moderna_tx told the @SECGov that the @US_FDA defines #mRNA as gene therapy. And called it an unprecedented new category of #medicines tho they really want that #vaccine classification anyways for liability protections & fear the public wouldn’t take it.
And in case you missed it, major partners of #Moderna include #DARPA#BARDA (a division of the #CDC) #Gates Foundation and the #NIH has ownership interest with licensure rights just like #Gates#conflict of interest much?
What’s even worst? Oh well the #NIH worked with #Moderna to finalize their #shots within 2 days of receiving the #sequence (code) alone from a #communist#China on Jan 13th 2020. For perspective, the #CDC didn’t identify #patient zero until Jan 19th. @cnnbrk
Call me nostalgic @tnsenate but considering both #Moderna and #Pfizer package inserts of the so called “fully approved” still under #EUA clearly state they are in their original ongoing #clinical#trials for safety and efficacy #InformedConsent applies because #History matters.
They started with dividing people over #Masks by intertwining their use with a political statement. But it hasn’t been #politics and #business as usual. All masks are under Emergency Use Authorization. #EUA strictly prohibits companies from claiming or even implying they work.
Same goes for all #pcrtest and alike. Just like masks and the shots they too are under Emergency Use Authorization. The very nature of an #emergency means the #scientific method was not respected. No one can claim any test is effective for the detection of #COVID19
The #EUA is a new #legal instrument signed into law by George W #bush in 2005 to save us from #Terrorisme & pandemics as the two relate obviously. See the #PREP Act and know legal immunity is a farce. They’re accountable. Contracts can’t change #law. Willful misconduct is obvious
The FDA couldn’t make it more obvious. See the definitions page 28 for human gene therapy. Basically any modified nucleic acid (mRNA) that alters cells (make viral proteins) is human gene therapy.
It wasn’t a liberal who announced the Iraq war and New World Order led by a credible United Nations or Emergency Use Authorization or incentivized lockdowns. That was #Conservative#Republican#GOP@GOP#Bush was in #Dallas at #JFK assassination. #Cuba Father of the #CIA”
#building7#WTC23 collapsing without being hit gave Bush JR what he needed a war on terror. It was JR who made Emergency Use Authorization and facial recognition law realID. Everyone knows “Homeland” connection to Hitler. Nazis introduced the term “homeland” at their first rally.
That rally was at Nuremberg where doctors scientists & media would be executed for manipulating and forcing #Jews into medical experimentation. This is where #InformedConsent comes from. All #COVID19#vaccines are experimental.