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Kleine #BlackLivesMattter oder #Migrantifa Spontandemo gegen das nächtliche Racial Profiling. #Opernplatz 23:00
In den Reden wird immer wieder thematisiert, dass seit gestern Racial Profiling massiv zugenommen hat. Derweil bestritt Stadtrat Markus Frank, dass es das gibt, und Polizeipräsident Bereswill markiert Menschen als migrantisch und kriminalisiert sie. #Opernplatz
Während @OBPeterFeldmann Interviews gibt, finden 100 Meter weiter rassistische Kontrollen statt. #Opernplatz
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Turnout in Portland is absolutely MASSIVE tonight! Biggest throng to date at the waterfront getting ready to march to the (In)Justice Center. BIG BIG ENERGY! The Hawthorne Bridge still flows thick with pedestrians arriving. Wow! #BlackLivesMatter #PDXprotests #PortlandProtests
The procession to the (In)Justice Center has begun and it is HUGE
#BlackLivesMattters #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong
The teachers are out in full force tonight wearing green #BlackLivesMattter #PDXprotests
Read 15 tweets
Walls of Moms going up all across America! You gotta love to see it.

Portland @WallOfMoms
Seattle @wallofmomsSEA
Bay Area @wallofmomsba
San Fransisco @WallofMomsSF
Oakland @WallofMomsOAK
LA @WallOfMomsLA
NYC @WallofMoms_NYC
Austin @wallofmomsATX
Detroit @WallofmomsD

Walls of Moms going up all across America! You gotta love to see it.

Chicago @WallOfMomsChi
Baltimore @BaltimoreMoms
Philadelphia @PhillyMomBloc
DC @wallofmomsdc
Denver @wallofmomsden
North Carolina @WallofMomsNC
Michigan @WOMforMI
St. Louis @StlWom
Maine @MeWallof

An explosion of WOM splinter cells!

Houston @WallofMomsHTX
New Hampshire @WallOfMomsNH
Boston @WallofMomsBos
San Diego @moms_wall
Milwaukie @WallofMomsMKE
South Bay @BlocBay
Colorado @WallOfMomsCO
Omaha @WallOfMomsOmaha
Cincinnati @WallofMomsCincy

#wallofmoms #MOMTIFA

Read 8 tweets
People are massing up down the block from Mayor Lightfoot's house to demand justice for people brutalized by Chicago Police at the #DecolonizeZhigaagoong action and that Lightfoot take cops out of Chicago public schools and #DefundCPD.

Lightfoot's block is barricaded by CPD.
#BlackLivesMatter demonstrators have shut down the intersection outside Mayor Lightfoot's house chanting "fuck Lori Lightfoot!"

Moments later, police issued an order to disperse and are threatening arrests.
#BlackLivesMatter demonstrators demanding Mayor Lightfoot #DefundCPD have been holding the street in front of her house for the last two hours.
Read 13 tweets
Much more important than a tweet of mine about twitter that has gone a bit viral, pls share:


#ShaAsiaWashington went to the hospital with high blood pressure and died 2 days later during c-section. 1/
#BlackLivesMattter Image
#ShaAsiaWashington was 26 yrs old and should be alive today, a new mother with her baby daughter.

Her obituary:…

GoFundMe for her family:…

More info on atrocious disparities in Black maternal healthcare:… 2/ Image
Sharing this ig post from #ShaAsiaWashington’s mother-in-law, please boost!

#blackhealthmatters #blacklivesmatter #blm #birthjustice #justiceforshaasia #sayhername Image
Read 3 tweets

La candidatura del rapero #KanyeWest en las elecciones del próximo noviembre pone el panorama electoral patas arriba

¡Te explicamos las implicaciones y sus posibilidades reales de victoria!

👉Dentro hilo👈 Image
Ya se han celebrado las "elecciones internas" de los dos grandes partidos: el demócrata presentará a Joe Biden y el republicano a #Trump.

Fuera de los 2 grandes partidos ningún 3er candidato ha logrado éxito reseñable alguno desde 1912. La jugada de #KanyeWest es arriesgada. Image
No obstante el candidato tiene algunas bazas a su favor:

💵 Una fortuna personal que le permitirá sufragar su propia campaña electoral.
🎤 El apoyo de buena parte del mundo del arte y la cultura.
📺 Una potentísima imagen televisiva gracias también a su esposa Kim #kardashian. Image
Read 12 tweets
Dear #KPOP #BTSARMY. #kpopstansareoverparty #kpopstans #kpopfans please help us mourn this murdered artist #HaacaaluuHundeessaa from #Ethiopia. The government killed 2 days ago because he wanted democracy and human rights for his #Oromo people. here are some of his most popular
Songs. and here is an article about his… and here is a good profile about him.… please show love and support to his music fans around the world.@BTS_twt
We need support from all music fans around the world today. we need you to dance to his tunes and make tik tok with it. and twit at the prime minister who killed him at @PMEthiopia @cnni @CNN @washingtonpost @Beyonce #BlackLivesMattter.@Jawar_Mohammed @IlhanMN
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OH HEY THERE I’m Yara the Osteological Oligarch, and my face just got distributed across Berlin!!

So let me tell you a little about my PhD research on bone evolution (and bonus fossil virus evidence) in English! 🦠 🦴 💀 ✨

#Osteology #SciComm
Seriously tho..

My mother can’t read german.. I can’t read german.

It’s titled “the time traveler”.. either millions of years back or a year forward are my options tbh

But if you CAN read german here is the link:…
So I tweet about all kinds of natur-y things, many of you might wonder whats she actually study?

Right now, B O N E S🦴

While this was mostly for the 📸 I DO rely heavily on mammals for my research because humans and mice have been studied the most on a bone-cell level!
Read 11 tweets
¡Qué tiempos aquellos! 🥲🥲
Ahora cualquier día imponen cuotas de #LGTBI.… a través de @smoda
"En los 70, las azafatas que trabajaban para la compañía Southwest solo conseguían el puesto si vestían microshorts y botas altas. El lema de la aerolínea en la época era «el sexo vende asientos»
👏👏👏 Image
"Quienes llevaran gafas o tuvieran la nariz demasiado ancha también serían ignoradas. Así quedaban fuera de juego no solo aquellas aquejadas de miopía, sino también las MUJERES NEGRAS."
Read 3 tweets
@DanScavino Trump scandals in the last week:

1) Corruptly getting allies out of prison sentences.

2) Allowing Putin to offer bounties on US soldiers' lives with not a word of protest, and in fact offering Russia assistance on the global stage.

3) Promoting White Power tweets.

@DanScavino 4) Calling #BlackLivesMattter protesters "terrorists."

5) Admitting that he asked his administration to "slow the [coronavirus] testing down."

6) Record daily coronavirus infections, and still rising.

@DanScavino 7) Bolton confirming that Trump extorted Ukraine for election aid, and suggested other impeachable offences occurred.

8) Using Rolling Stones songs despite cease-and-desist orders.

Read 5 tweets
Lest we forget, the comics section is a chronicle of our times. #BlackLivesMattter ImageImage
Also all the PPE content we deserve ImageImage
I’m coming halfway thru the movie for this one Image
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Unfortunately I wasn't able to get this out on #JUNETEENTH2020 but to celebrate let's give an extra special hello to a neo-Nazi we've been tracking for awhile now! Say hello to Gordon MacKenzie of Jeffersonville, Indiana and member of NSC-131's Dixie Chapter :-)! [Long Thread]
26 year old "Gordy" was born and raised in Issaquah, Washington and lived in Costa Mesa, California before moving to Jeffersonville Indiana. Most of what we know of Gordy comes from his neo-Nazi instagram where he uses the screenname "Gabb3r".
Gordy's Instagram shows the chilling journey of his radicalization and movement through several white supremacist groups. Unfortunately for Gordy, he also left various remements of his pre-Nazi life, such as pictures/interactions with friends, that allowed us to identify him.
Read 22 tweets
Ich ärgere mich so sehr, dass ich es öffentlich mache: Das @NDR Hamburg Journal läd den Polizeipräsidenten ins Studio ein, aber hat abgelehnt, die Betroffenen zu interviewen: weil sie anonymisiert werden wollen. Genau das ist Teil des Problems von #Polizeigewalt.

Ein Thread. (1)
2 Tage nach der #BlackLivesMatter-Kundgebung am 6. Juni verteidigt Hamburgs Polizeipräsident die Ingewahrsamnahme von Jugendlichen im @NDR Hamburg Journal - und lügt dabei, ohne rot zu werden. Skandalisiert hat das u.a. @JuliaKopatzki @zeitonline: (2)
Ich habe daraufhin Kontakt zwischen dem @NDR Hamburg Journal & mehreren der in Gewahrsam genommenen Jugendlichen hergestellt, weil sie ihre Sicht auf den Einsatz erzählen wollen: Wie sie gegen #Polizeigewalt demonstrieren & genau das erfahren. (3)…
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Ms Poetry has some backup tonight from Newnan #BlackLivesMattter
This is the beginning of the dialogue, not the end. Building trust will take time and it will take buy in from everyone
Ms Poetry emerging from the council meeting
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Okay, a quick thread which should be obvious. There are clearly still people in the UK who think the Premier League’s #BlackLivesMatter campaign is just corporate bandwagon-jumping, a way of paying lip-service to a flashy American concept. Here’s why that is not true.
The Premier League’s #BlackLivesMattter campaign is not empty corporate messaging. It was driven forward by players, most notably Troy Deeney and Wes Morgan. Deeney is one of the smartest athletes I have ever interviewed on the historical roots of racism. This is player power.
It is embarrassingly ignorant to come on Twitter and dismiss #BlackLivesMatter as a solely American issue when a former black Premier League footballer was killed by allegedly excessive police force as recently as 2016.…
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On Friday it was my birthday. I celebrated at home with my family. I had cake. I was spoiled. I couldn't have been happier. But it was different of course this year. And not just because of coronavirus and lockdown.
Over the past 54 years the ways of marking my annual milestone have naturally changed. Evolved. In childhood there were the parties. All boys, sports mainly, in the rambling back garden of our beautiful family home in a comfortable corner of Hertfordshire.
The teenage years are a bit blurry. An awkward Chinese meal in Beaconsfield - with parents still present - flickers into view. The abiding memory of my 18th at Chorleywood tennis club is of confronting gate crashers, a damaged parquet floor and a swiftly terminated membership.
Read 26 tweets
Ich habe die letzten Wochen nichts zu #Polizeigewalt #BlackLivesMattter #Rassismus im Polizeikontext geschrieben. Die Ambivalenz brodelt in mir, sowohl zu den (ganz stark vereinfacht) zwei Seite der Debatte, als auch zu der grundsätzlichen Tatsache, dass ich zwar... #Thread 1/x
gerne meine Sicht zum Thema beitragen will aber dass andererseits kaum ein Medium & Twitter erst Recht nicht, geeignet ist die Komplexität des Problems darzustellen, ohne dass die nötigen Verkürzungen nicht missverstanden werden können/wollen. Ich mache es jetzt doch, aber... 2/x
zuerst ein Disclaimer: Ich kann keine Innenansichten zu den USA beitragen. Und o.g. Aspekt berücksichtigend, kann ich nur Einzelnes beleuchten, so sehr ich mich auch mühe, ein "vollständiges Bild" bleibt immer Flickwerk.
Und das ist auch schon mein Hauptpunkt: ich habe in 3/x
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The #LEADatStanfordMed is hosting our graduation event tonight! Our scholars from diverse backgrounds and specialties have spent 10 months with us focusing on leadership capacity building and developing educational materials to advance #diversityandinclusion.
We've even adapted to #COVID19, and showed activism on campus in solidarity against #RacismInAmerica

#BlackLivesMatter #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives #LEADatStanfordMed #SoMeDocs
One voice can create a unified message
Why don't we speak up?

Be part of the conversation. There are multiple ways to use your voice.

#LEADatStanfordMed #crucialconversations #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives #BlackLivesMatter
Read 20 tweets
In het #fvdjournaal zei Baudet vandaag dat hij de #blacklifematters demonstraties beangstigend vindt. Mijn advies is dan ook: laten de #blacklifematters demonstraties nog even aan blijven houden.
#racisme is 👉🏼Hiddema die wat vooroordelen uit het vakjargon van de psychologie graait, in een poging Akwasi te beledigen. #Baudet reageert instemmend, breed glimlachend #fvdjournaal

Feit 👉🏼 dit laat zien dat #blacklifematters een morele revolutie is.
#fvd heeft de afgelopen 24 uur €798,- betaald aan @Facebook om leugens, xenofobe berichten ["De massale immigratie bedreigt alles wat ons lief is."] en racistische boodschappen ["gevaarlijke radicalen als Akwasi"] onder miljoenen Nederlanders te verspreiden. #blacklifematters ImageImage
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To all the businesses & organisations issuing statements in support of #BlackLivesMattter how about instead of platitudes, you tell us exactly how many black people you will have on your Board & in the senior management at your organisation by this time next year
It isn't only meaningful metric & won't resolve many facets of a complex issue, but it is within your gift, is measurable & practical & will have impact. And individuals who say they are committed to the cause, ask your employers, clients & organisations you work or do biz with
And to all those asking what the specific demands of the protesters are, perhaps this could be a starting point offer.....and if companies find it easier to spend millions setting up funds to tackle various aspects of racial injustice rather than make such commitments, well....
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This just got censored on Facebook
On August 28th of 1955, after allegedly whistling at a 21-year old white woman in a local store, Emmitt Till, 14, was roused from sleep at his grandfather’s home. The pair was...accompanied by a quisling black man who was
charged with pointing Till out. Bryant and Milam then drove Till to an undisclosed location where they whipped him, gouged out one of his eyes and shot him in the head. They then tied a cotton gin fan around Till’s lifeless corpse and dumped him into the Tallahatchie River.
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This person—a Black imam—sounds like he is MAD that folks are protesting for Black lives. Don’t let nobody’s sunken place theology lead you in a ditch. #BlackLivesMattter IS A MORAL DECLARATION, even for those who are coming into new awareness of that fact. @manrilla
Look this ain’t hard. Are there opportunists in movement spaces who adopt movement rhetoric when it seems expedient to do so? ALL THE TIME. But if you are in it to win it, you engage that in ways that benefits the movement needs anyway. Hold folks feet to the fire long term.
If your employer/elected official/spiritual leader expresses a commitment in this moment to institutional change, make them PUBLICLY ACCOUNTABLE for follow up and lasting shifts when the cameras are gone. I don’t need people to love me, I need them to do right by me.
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Colston falls #BlackLivesMatterUK
Hard to express how much this moment means for Bristol #BlackLivesMattter
People will ask: What does removing a statue achieve? In reality, this is part of a growing global movement allied to the #BlackLivesMatter struggle, which seeks to remove monuments erected during a surprisingly sort period of time – the 1890s to the 1920s (1/4)
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Already a few hundred Black Lives Matter protesters have gathered outside the US Embassy ready for today’s protest which starts at 2pm. Plenty of police already as well, many walking through chatting with the crowd @LBC
Police wouldn’t let the marching crowd get any closer to the US Embassy, so they took the knee, shouting things like ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘F*ck Boris, F*ck Trump.’ @LBC
Vauxhall Bridge blocked as protesters take the knee in the middle of it. Just over the river at the US Embassy you can see thousands have already gathered #BlackLivesMattter @LBC
Read 13 tweets

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