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Mar 31st 2023
Hey @cronos_chain and @cosmos Farmers! @TectonicFi incentives are live on their new isolated pools with up to 20% APY on stables!

This means farming is now more
βœ… Secure
βœ… Flexible
βœ… Capital Efficient

How can you earn these FREE INCENTIVES? πŸ€‘
First you gotta know

what is @TectonicFi and @VenoFinance!

Tectonic is like @AaveAave, a cross-chain money market for earning passive yield and instant loans!

Veno is like @LidoFinance, a $CRO liquid staking protocol giving you extra APY with $LCRO, an auto-compounding yield-bearing token! Image
Tectonic's isolated pools allow for multiple lending markets, each supporting their own assets, like a sandbox for smaller cap coins!

Each pool has its own risks, making it safer to list smaller tokens without increasing risk for other pools.

Got it? Let's explore strategies! Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
@0LNetwork's strategy is to stay as close as possible to the #Libra/#Diem code base, rather than fragmenting #technology products. This approach is more efficient on resources and best for the wider open-source #ecosystem these #tools extend and depend upon
#0LNetwork #Move Image
The #forking strategy is simple in concept: take the unmodified #Diem code, import it into the 0L, and add layers of features. But it's not that simple in execution
They has to insert many changes in main places of the diem-core code for the #0L layers and side-cars to work
What they inherited from #Libra/#Diem is a spaceship on all accounts. There are #engineering breakthroughs #throughout the project, and the #architecture is sensibly designed and expertly assembled
#0L #0LNetwork #move #code #coding #crypto
Read 9 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Bull markets are fun, but innovation is born from the belly of the bear.

Relatively new entrants like $ARB and $OP have been popping off, and there are tons of innovative new projects on the horizon.

Let's discuss the up-and-comer I'm most excited for: @monad_xyz 🧡 (1/18) Image
This thread covers:

1) A brief look at the state of composability and transaction throughput

2) Monad's core innovations and competitive advantages

3) What to look out for πŸ‘€

Monad's tech features fundamental optimizations to consensus and execution that allow it to scale more efficiently than other blockchains while remaining EVM compatible.

This will give it an advantage in one of the most important aspects of web3: composability.

Read 18 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
SYNTHR is more than a siloed price exposure platform - we're a core #infrastructure project that will allow users to #Mint highly solvent synthetic assets that foster #composability and capital efficiency within #DeFi 🐸

Here's how we will be highly composable to DEXs β¬‡οΈπŸ§΅ Image
I. Yield-farming: Synthr will run #LP incentivisation programs with #DEXs , allowing users to deposit syAssets and earn $SYNTH, all whilst building deeper liquidity across these DEXs and on various #chains .
II. Enabling Atomic Swaps
Our partner #DEXs will use SYNTHR’s low-slippage swapping engine, SynthSwap, to execute atomic swaps initiated by their users.

Read 5 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
1/ Two crypto chads - Jack (J) of @cosmos and Kyle (K) of @multicoincap - recently butted heads on Web3's direction of travel via @Cryptocito’s (CC) YT.

Are Cosmos appchains sound? Or will the space aggregate towards 2-3 layer-1s?

Let’s see what they said.
2/ CC asks about the #appchain thesis:

K says appchain thesis is 98% flawed. The only variable that matters is growth, and L1s haven’t finished growing.

J says that appchains will enable #composability that made DeFi so good in the first place, future-proofing the industry.
3/ CC asks about #scalability (P1):

K believes 2-3 L1s will dominate 90% of the market. Appchains increase complexity and friction, while L1 efficiency is far from its final form. Scalability is not as big a challenge as people think.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 5th 2022
Today we will take apart the Stargate Finance ($STG) project!
Stargate Finance is a fully composable liquidity transport protocol built on LayerZero technology. If your unfamiliar with how this works read through Layer Zero Network. LayerZero aims to enable the transfer of funds between several blockchains.
Stargate has achieved over 1B in TVL (total value locked) in just 5 days since launch. Stargate is the first and only bridge that solves the bridging tilemma which I will cover in more detail below.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
1- Listening to the last live from @redactedcartel, and sorry to say but those guys are BUILDING. After #HIDDENHAND deployment cumulating 1m$ of Bribes, now it's their #PIREX solution that is live. Here is a simplified description of the 3 possible #farming strats:
2.1- Easy Mode: Auto-compounder -> $uCVX
Deposit $CVX, and let your quantity of $CVX increasing. Very interesting for retails with small portfolio to avoid gas fees to collect bribes. This strat is built in partnership with #Union from @0xAlunara
2.2- Standard Mode: Liquid wrapped version of $CVX (either through redemption or on a @CurveFinance liquidity pool) -> $pCVX
@redactedcartel confirms it will maintain Pool's peg, and will allow LPers to earn:
- LP fees + gauge directing $CRV emission
- Bribes Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 12th 2022
1/ There have been many amazing #threads about $stETH and $ETH, to complement that we will uncover the basis of #liquidstaking in our latest #visualguide

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
2/ #LiquidStaking is one of the ways to generate a #yield from an asset by utilizing the #composability of liquid staking derivative (LSD) #tokens

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
3/ #LiquidStaking is needed to reduce the barrier to become #validator and indirectly to increase #liquidity across the networks.

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
Read 13 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
#BAYC Investment Thesis
As with any investment, I wrote this for myself before plunking down for a @BoredApeYC NFT. I've learned much more since. I'm sharing this to keep myself honest, seek feedback, and explain to TradFi friends why I'm so excited about web3/crypto. /1
11/23/21 Purchase at 40ETH
BAYC #9128
Decent rarity score: Rarity Tools v2 score 121.07, Rarity rank #2139
4-trait: blue dress, hypnotized eyes, silver stud, fez hat
Downside = 100% loss of capital
Upside = >130x

So what makes this special beyond just an image? /2
(A) Access to a community with
- Founders: authentic, involved and responsive @CryptoGarga @GordonGoner @TomatoBAYC @SassBAYC
- Culture: diverse membership that is happy, positive and supportive
- Network: web3 creators who give early looks at projects (mostly NFTs right now) /3
Read 24 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
When you look at #crypto thru #GameFi, everything starts to make sense 😳
e.g. in-game assets for #P2E clearly justify a market for Brrwg/Lndg items #scholarships .
Which also justifies why in-game assets have to be #NFTs, pledged as LTV collateral.
.. this gives true meaning to #composability.
.. which explains #iov (web3), decentralization and user-owned-content; #web3 version of user-generated-content in #Web2.
>> πŸ˜‡ ... and it all starts with #bitcoin (digital scarcity). I
I'm so glad I paid attention in #economics even though half of it is a ponzi musical chairs game πŸ˜†
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
#Radix is at #CES, perfect time for an informational MEGATHREAD about @radixdlt! Radix is a sharded and #decentralized distributed ledger that is specifically built to serve DeFi. Rather than fixing #scalability by breaking #composability, Radix delivers both without compromises!
Consensus layer: Cerberus.

After seven years of intense R&D and testing, the academic whitepaper of Radix’ Cerberus consensus protocol was published in 2020. Cerberus allows the Radix network to scale linearly with no upper limits!
On top of that, Cerberus also allows for atomic composability across shards! These are two features that are critical for DeFi. It's achieved through the unique 'braided' synchronization of consensus across shards and the ability for all transactions to be processed in parallel.
Read 22 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Our team is excited to introduce Mempool Explorer, a net-new way to build real-time streams of in-flight transaction data. Builders & traders can now easily work with live mempool data.

Read the blog ➑️
Go hands-on ➑️
Thread ⬇️ Mempool Explorer from Block...
What can you do with #MPEX?

πŸ’Έ Detect when >$10k of liquidity BEGINS to move in or out of a protocol
πŸ’¬ Send slack messages for every inbound or outbound pending TX associated with your hot wallet
πŸͺ„ Know when an Oracle is in the process of updating

& much more.
Mempool data enables you to see #Ethereum events BEFORE they happen.πŸ§™

However, because mempool data is pre-consensus, there is no single source of mempool-truth. This makes working with mempool data resource-intensive & error-prone for most builders and traders.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 4th 2020
I created the first 'Collateral Swap': Swapping the underlying collateral in a @MakerDAO Vault/CDP with another asset, using @AaveAave 's flash loan feature and @UniswapExchange for collateral conversion, all in one transaction w/o liquidation. πŸ˜‡

#DeFi #composability #ethereum
Use case: swap the underlying collateral of a debt position for a better performing asset, without needing to payback the loan / lose your DAI position(s)
Example: if ETH price ⬇️, BAT price ⏫, then it's safer to have your collateral in BAT.

There's probably an arbitrage use case as well ...πŸ€”
Read 8 tweets

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