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1/28. A serious issue has been bubbling under the surface at #COP27 and it's reaching boiling point as we near the final plenary: the importance of the Convention(@UNFCCC) and its ongoing role in @UN #ClimateChange negotiations. Here is why this is important for #LossAndDamage.🧵
2/28. In the informal stocktaking plenary last night, we heard many interventions from developing country Parties highlighting their concerns regarding efforts by developed country Parties to remove references to the principles of the Convention across all thematic areas.
3/28. Under the Convention, Parties agree to protect the climate system “on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).” These are important agreed principles that must be preserved.
Read 28 tweets
Draft text frm #COP26 president on #Science:
1. 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑠 the importance of best available science for effective #climateaction
& #policymaking;
2. 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 contribution of WG1 to #IPCC #AR6 & looks forward to related
@IPCC_CH reports;
@teriin @COP26
3. 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛 that human activities have caused around 1.1°C of
#globalwarming to date & that impacts are already being felt in every region;
#COP26 @COP26 #TogetherForOurPlanet
4. 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 the urgency of increased ambition & action in relation to #mitigation,
#adaptation & #finance in this critical decade to address gaps betwn current efforts &
#pathways in pursuit of ultimate objective of the Convention & its long-term global goal;
Read 10 tweets
#Artikel6: Können wir in Glasgow den Sack endlich zu machen? Eine Halbzeiteinschätzung zur Hausaufgabenerfüllung auf der #COP26.
1/ Die Hausaufgabe der #COP26 besteht darin, eine Lösung für das seit vier Jahren verschleppte Problem des internationalen Emissionshandels zu lösen. Denn daran hängt der in vielfältiger Weise der Abschluss des gesamten Regelwerks zur Umsetzung des Pariser Übereinkommens.
2/Das Problem ist vertrackt und geht auch in Glasgow aktuell nur schleppend voran. Von einem entscheidungsreifen Dokument sind die Verhandler*innen noch meilenweit entfernt. Trotzdem habe ich Hoffnung auf eine Lösung in Glasgow, wie ich hier darlegen möchte.
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#AcuerdoDeEscazú: el tratado impulsado por @GobiernodeChile, que @sebastianpinera se rehúsa firmar y que pone en entredicho la política medioambiental y exterior de nuestro país Image
En noviembre de 2014, los gobiernos de Chile y Costa Rica, impulsaron el Acuerdo Regional sobre el Acceso a la Información, la Participación Pública y el Acceso a la Justicia en Asuntos Ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe, más conocido como Acuerdo de Escazú.
Este acuerdo de participación internacional que tiene como finalidad establecer un nuevo acuerdo normativo jurídico medioambiental con énfasis en la participación ciudadana, surge el año 2012 en el marco de la Conferencia de @ONU_es sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible.
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Holi, @realmadrid, ¿sabíais que si los chicos vuelan en vuestro A380 al partido de Valladolid el domingo emitiréis el equivalente a 6.400 viajes en tren ida y vuelta? Poca broma. Si dedicáis un minuto a leer este hilo, os explicamos cómo jugar limpio también fuera del campo. 👇🏾
Lo de que llevarais camisetas verdes durante la #COP25 para mostrar vuestro compromiso ante la #EmergenciaClimática fue pintón, pero si luego cogéis un avión entero para desplazar al equipo tan solo 200 kilómetros, como que no cuadra.
Esta semana ya habéis hecho un viaje en avión nada menos que a Salamanca. Siendo muy optimistas, cada jugador del @realmadrid contribuyó al cambio climático con una emisión de 90 kilogramos de GEI. En bus o tren habría sido radicalmente inferior.…
Read 5 tweets
Australia is likely to be a wrecker on global climate change policy in the 2020s and I don't see that much hope of it changing.

A quick thread on why:
Here's the leader of Australia's opposition yesterday, amidst historic bushfires, refusing to link what's happening to government policy on coal:
If people want to know why Australia's government is trying to skate past this crisis, it's because the opposition is giving them political cover.

Sure, Albanese has *talked* more about the bushfires, but he's not offering anything very different on policy, which is what counts.
Read 22 tweets
My annual carbon removal look back thread for 2019!
tl;dr: 2019 saw lots of encouraging, but incremental advances across a portfolio of carbon removal strategies. 2020 will be an important year for leaders across sectors to up their ambition on carbon removal to put global economy on track for Bton/year scale CO2 removal by 2030.
Research: Having had the opportunity to work w/ academic experts like @CarbonWrangler @RogerAines @jwilceclab @ThoughtEnergy @Dan_L_Sanchez @phil_renforth @klaus_lackner, I think lack of funding is the immediate obstacle holding carbon removal researchers back today.
Read 40 tweets
Despite serious challenges, there’s been plenty of good global health news in 2019
@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho World leaders from 193 countries adopted the broadest-ever set of health commitments.
The political declaration on #HealthForAll aims to ensure that everyone, everywhere can access quality healthcare, and that no one is pushed into poverty by health costs
@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho With WHO support
took decisive steps towards expanding health coverage in 2019 #HealthForAll #WHOImpact
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Comienza #DiálogosEFEverde en los estudios de televisión de la Agencia EFE con el subdirector de @EFEverde, @PedroPabloGMay, de moderador. #EconomíaCircular
Puedes verlo en streaming aquí:
El foro #DiálogosEFEverde ha comenzado con las reflexiones de cada ponente acerca de la #COP25. #EconomíaCircular
La Alta comisionada para la #Agenda2030 @cristinagallach ha destacado que: “La #COP25 ha contribuido a la divulgación de temas que veíamos lejanos y los #ODS se cumplirán si movilizamos todas las energías”.
Read 22 tweets
The lede of this otherwise excellent story by @SominiSengupta, as well as the headline on A1 in the print version, make it sound as if the US was responsible for the failure of #COP25. That may fit the conventional narrative, but it’s wrong.
I’m told by a senior negotiator that the claim that the US blocked language on ambition is simply false: that was China & India. Having been in the USG, that rings true to me — and I know that enviro campaigners are often unduly paranoid about the US. But the issue runs deeper.
There’s no question that Trump and his administration have been a disaster for the planet. But at the int’l level they have undermined climate action by walking AWAY from the #ParisAgreement, not by actively interfering in the negotiations. It’s a sin of omission, not commission.
Read 7 tweets
(1/3) Pasada la #COP25, vuelvo sobre Argentina. ¿Qué tenemos por delante?
A mi juicio, la más importante está en el marco de lo asumido en setiembre de este año a instancias de la convocatoria de Chile a la "Alianza de Ambición Climática". Ver aquí 👇… Image
(2/3) 2020: Argentina está entre los países que ya han comprometido elevar la ambición de la meta nacional (NDC) durante 2020. Recordemos que la actual NDC es no superar los 483 MtCO2e en 2030, hoy emitimos ~482 MtCO2e (
Ver Anexo I en el comunicado. Image
(3/3) 2050: Argentina debe comenzar a diseñar su estrategia de largo plazo (bah, mediano plazo) para alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de carbono en el 2050. Ver Anexo II en el comunicado Gob.Chile.

Esta es la tarea para nosotros, más allá de los resultados de la COP25. Image
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O governo brasileiro chegou e saiu da #COP25 de maneira vergonhosa. Decidiu se juntar aos países vilões da conferência. Agiu para impedir o avanço das negociações, negociou na base da chantagem, e saiu de mãos vazias sem obter novos recursos. Perdeu protagonismo e ficou isolado.
A atitude de deboche do ministro antiambientalista sobre o fracasso da #COP25 atesta sua incompetência e completa inaptidão para função.
O vexame internacional passado pelo Brasil na #COP25 mostra a completa alienação do governo sobre a emergência climática apontada pelos cientistas e uma profunda desconexão do compromisso exigido pela sociedade civil, sobretudo pelos mais jovens.
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La #COP25 se volvió tema de discusión en Chile (por fin), pero leo y escucho con preocupación muchas críticas que confunden las cosas, cómo funcionan esas instancias y lo que en verdad pasó. No caigamos en difundir información falsa.
Mi pequeño aporte acá
El resultado es un fracaso, lo dice @antonioguterres y todos los expertos que conocen del tema. Para entender en el máximo detalle lo que se logró y lo que no, recomiendo este artículo de @CarbonBrief…
Uno de los conflictos se dio con cómo la Presidencia chilena abordó el tema de la ambición en el borrador del sábado y texto final. Aquí en @ClimateHome explican porqué es relevante y porqué en Madrid se le dio la espalda a la acción climática…
Read 11 tweets
Three takeaways from #COP25, which ended earlier today in Madrid without a deal on major issues including carbon markets guidance under #Article6 of the #ParisAgreement on #climatechange:
1. #COP25 showed that the yawning gap between what citizens are demanding on climate action, and what UN negotiations are delivering, is wider than ever.
2. With no deal at #COP25, it’s now time to move on. Countries that are serious about using carbon markets to increase ambition should move forward to set their own strong rules for high-integrity international emissions trading, paving the way for faster, deeper cuts in GHGs.
Read 6 tweets
Thoughts of a 17-year old on #COP25:

First of all, there is very little international news coverage, which makes it hard for people who were not at COP, or involved in the environmental moment, to know what’s going on at the place that’s is supposed to define climate ambition
So let me break it down for you:

1) Only *one* big polluter, the UK, released a plan to cut carbon emissions by 2050

2) Article 6, which decides whether or not “human rights” are to be included in carbon markets, was inconclusive. Hint: human rights are a *must*
3) Endesa, the biggest polluter in Spain, was a diamond sponsor of COP25. If you ask me, they just wanted to greenwash their pollution.
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#COP justice veterans: we've never seen such failure before. 🚨⚰️💔

@BBCNews: agreement through compromise wins the day. 🎉👍😎…
"Black people from the global South heartbroken that rich countries are literally signing their death warrants by the lack of action at the...talks. This bloody white supremacy, colonialism & imperialism is the toxic poison that says our lives don’t matter"
"Even according to its own very weak agenda, #COP25 has failed

Failed to reflect far greater ambition, failed to formalise and increase loss and damage funding..."
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#COP25 closing plenary appears to be ready to begin - Pres Schmidt sits down
Pres opens agenda - PA/2019/L4: important that outcome be ambitious. Thanks facilitating Ministers. Invits adoption of Chile Madrid Time For Action
Switzerland: can we have 1 or 2 minutes to look at decision?
Egypt: asks for website reference to look at decision.
(Pres consults)
Pres: (directs to a Dropbox I think)
Invites adoption of Chile Madrid Time For Action
Suspends meeting of CMA
Opens COP25 plenary
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New #COP25 text on Article 6 (well, as of ~2 hrs ago). Finally, no options or brackets. In general, looks pretty good — although seems unlikely to be agreed. Details follow:
6.2: Robust accounting, including for emissions reductions both inside and outside NDC, as well as for other int’l uses (i.e., CORSIA). Strong reporting requirements. No share of proceeds — but that was never in 6.2 to begin with. Overall mitigation could be met with strong caps.
6.4: Countries punted key issues to COP26. On accounting for outside NDCs, there’s an “opt out” period—but date is TBD. On carryover of CDM units, the vintage year is also TBD. Absent decisions there’d be no opt out period or CDM, making this more robust than it first appears.
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In Madrid at #COP25, but not staying up to the bitter end - largely because the bitter end comes - when? Nobody knows. So - a few thoughts before retiring
It ain't over 'til it's over. This reminds me of COP17 in Durban, which ran loooong into Sunday. And looked like a total shitshow until very near the end - but then produced a watershed moment, the deal that led to the #ParisAgreement. Anything similar looks unlikely here, but...
If it does end in some kind of shitshow, don't blame the process. That's what people do from a distance who've never really thought about it. Any UN process is run by governments - so if it doesn't make progress, look for those governments that don't want to, and blame them
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En lo q se supone son las últimas horas de la @COP25CL les voy contando la tras bambalinas de lo que muchos han llamado "el papelón de Chile" en la cumbre climática de la @UN @UNFCCC

#COP25 #COP25FailedPeople #COP25Madrid
@thecliniccl @FESChile

Siga el hilo...
@COP25CL @UN @UNFCCC @thecliniccl @FESChile Llevan 24 horas de alargue y las críticas a la gestión de @CarolaSchmidtZ como presidenta de la COP25, hoy se largaron con todo!
Les dejo una foto de la transcripción de la conferencia que dieron una serie de organizaciones esta mañana.
Traduzco al instante!
@COP25CL @UN @UNFCCC @thecliniccl @FESChile @CarolaSchmidtZ "La presidencia chilena tenía un solo trabajo, proteger la integridad del Acuerdo de Paris, y no permitir que sea desgarrado x el cinismo y la codicia. El enfoque q la presidencia ha tomado muestra cómo ha escuchado a los contaminadores y no a la gente" Jennifer Morgan Greenpeace
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Horas preocupantes en esta conferencia climática: Brasil y China están empezando a bloquear fuerte en conjunto, y la presidencia sigue cediendo, ignorando que muchos otros países quieren que el nuevo texto incluya metas más ambiciosas contra el cambio climático > seguir hilo 👇🏼
Ejemplo? Frans Timermans le pide a la presidencia de la conferencia de clima: necesitamos más ambición de lo que ahora está en oferta en la #COP25, no podemos decirle al mundo que estamos reduciendo nuestras ambiciones en la lucha contra el cambio climático
Y el pedido no es solo de países: empresas como Unilever, IKEA, ESF, Acciona o Iberdrola, y cientos de empresas y referentes del sector privado están pidiendo lo mismo, tanto públicamente como en los pasillos de la #COP25 . Qué espera la presidencia chilena, entonces?
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Horas de tensión en la @COP25CL. Los textos que fueron presentados por la Presidencia chilena, en manos de @CarolaSchmidtZ, son considerados como "totalmente inaceptables" por la sociedad civil y los expertos presentes en Madrid. (abrimos hilo)
“Estamos en las últimas horas de estas negociaciones y lo que vemos aquí es que los últimos textos son totalmente inaceptables. Adoptar esto sería traicionar a todas las personas del mundo que sufren los efectos de la #CrisisClimática y que piden que se tomen medidas”.
. @climatemorgan: “La presidencia chilena tenía un solo trabajo, proteger la integridad del acuerdo de París y no permitir que fuera desgarrado por el cinismo y la codicia. Y ahora mismo, está fallando." @COP25CL @MMAChile @CarolaSchmidtZ
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THREAD: Mesoamerica’s #5GreatForests are critical for wildlife, carbon sequestration, plus clean air, water, and food security to five million people.

For #COP25, we are spreading the word about them with our partner @Global_Wildlife. Here, 1 of the 5: the Maya Forest. (1/5) Image
The Maya Forest:

➡️At over 13 mil. acres, it's the largest tropical forest in Central America.
➡️It touches 3 countries: Belize, Guatemala, Mexico.
➡️It's home to thousands of archaeological sites. (2/5) Image
Also, it has lots of wildlife. From white-lipped peccaries to scarlet macaws to the Central American river turtle ...

... and the iconic big cat of the Americas, the jaguar. (3/5)
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BREAKING: New #COP25 text on Art 6/carbon markets just released. Bottom line is that Article 6.2 on bilateral transfers is almost complete and looks strong. But 6.4 still has options and brackets so the outcome for environmental integrity still hangs remains in the balance.
On 6.2, the text provides robust accounting guidance, including on the key issue of no double counting, covering all emissions reductions generated both inside and outside NDCs as well as those transferred for use for other purposes (i.e., airlines under CORSIA).
On 6.4 the text still includes options that are quite far apart on key issues of baselines, no double-counting, and transition of old Kyoto Protocol CDM credits into Paris. How those are resolved will be crucial to determining integrity.
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