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Dec 6th 2022
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel!
The footage of a man similar to #Russian President Vladimir #Putin driving across the #CrimeanBridge in a Mercedes appeared yesterday. Apparently, this performance should show the courage of the country's leader himself,...
the safety of the repaired bridge and closeness to the ordinary people (communication with the builders). But #Russian President Vladimir #Putin has not been in a car on the #CrimeanBridge in recent months and has not participated in performances with builders.
For these purposes, there exist a double of the President, who really looks very much like #Putin. It was the double of the President that we all observed on staged filming in the area of ​​the #CrimeanBridge. Putin himself is too cowardly to take part in such events.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
Russian sources are reporting that AFU is completing preparations for a massive offensive in the #Zaporizhzhia sector.

If the offensive truly happened, it would propably look something like this. AFU's first & most important objective would be to cut the "land bridge" to #Crimea
If Ukraine attacks in two direction at the same time like on the map, the eastern side of the offensive would likely go to #Berdyansk or even #Mariupol

The main objective is still to reach the sea and cut the railroads and highways. #Crimea would then be cut from supplies
AFU would definitely go for #Melitopol because its an important logistics hub & has an airfield that russia uses in its operations. They would probably also go for #Enerdohar to take the NPP back.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
Wednesday begins
Day 2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ of #Russia's 10 day war. #Ukraine's still there. #Zelenskyy's still there!

This is the daily news thread.
First a reminder our fundraiser closes 14/10/22 at 11:00 UK, 06:00 EST, 12:00 CET. Please spare what you can. Thanks💙💛…
The terror continues from #Russia tonight.

But before the details on that, as usual a quick link to the start of yesterday's thread for those catching up on news from #Ukraine.

#Zaporizhzhia was subjected to a new wave of rocket attacks in the city.

Rescue workers are already at the scene, there are reports of casualties. #Ukraine has asked not to publish photos yet, but this CCTV gives you an idea of the power of the incoming #Russia|n missiles
Read 35 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
Already on Sunday evening, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin, after talking with several permanent members of the Russian Security Council, removed the discussion of the issue of agreeing on the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons from the agenda.
He decided on a "massive missile strike" on #Ukraine. Given constant failures at the front, the explosion and collapse of part of the #CrimeanBridge, a symbol of the realization of #Putin's imperial ambitions, of course, demanded a "response" and, preferably, immediate.
At the time of choosing the response, #Putin was considering only three options. The first, indistinct, is to launch several missile strikes on #Ukraine's critical infrastructure and a symbolic "decision-making center", for example, the parliament building.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
🇺🇦 Russian strikes across #Ukraine on Monday came after an attack on the #CrimeanBridge, a critical supply link between Russia and the Crimean peninsula.

Vladimir Putin claims he only targeted key military and energy infrastructure ⤵️
🇺🇦 How did the West respond to Monday's strikes?

The #G7 is holding crisis talks today, under increasing pressure to provide heavier weapons to #Kyiv, explains FRANCE 24's @ArmenGeorgian.

Powers that had been hesitant to provide military support are now changing their stance ⤵️
@ArmenGeorgian 🇺🇦 The United Nations convened a special session on #Ukraine, opening on Monday and expected to last until Wednesday.

Member states will vote on a resolution concerning territorial integrity over the country.

Correspondent @lemasurierjess reports ⤵️
Read 7 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
As I predicted, #UkraineRussianWar has escalated after #CrimeanBridge attack. #Russia launched more than 100 missile & kamikaze drone strikes of energy, communication & military infrastructure in #Kyiv, #Kharkiv, #Lviv & other parts of #Ukraine. 11 people are confirmed killed.
Ukrainian police reports that 87 people, including police members, were wounded during large-scale #Russian missile & kamikaze drone strikes. There are power, water, mobile phone & internet outages in #Kyiv, #Kharkiv, #Lviv & other parts of #Ukraine. #UkraineRussianWar #Russia
"The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhnyi, published a scheme of Russian strikes on the territory of Ukraine on Monday morning."
#UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine #Russia #UkraineWar…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Smoke over #Kyiv. Strikes at civilian targets exclusively.
#Kyiv thread.
Strike at the pedestrian bridge in #Kyiv.
I'll try to explain u their logic as I think I understand it in very very well.

1) They want to show to their people realization of "bridge for bridge" idea. Show that their army is so great it can retaliate.

2) Symbolism. TBC
Strike at the pedestrian bridge in #Kyiv.

2) Symbolism. They think this bridge means to us what #CrimeanBridge means to them. Another stupid logic. This bridge has been a target of jokes. Just a place to make a cool photo.

Notice it's still standing. Unlike Crimean one.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! #Russian President Vladimir #Putin learned about the explosion on the #CrimeanBridge, followed by a partial collapse and fire on its railway part, about 20 minutes after the incident.
#Putin was awakened and was told the most unpleasant news. The President had been receiving reports on what was happening for several hours until a more or less clear picture was determined. The version that the explosion on the bridge was...
“the work of the #Ukrainian special services” was the main one from the very beginning. But it immediately became clear that without assistance or criminal negligence (it is not clear what is worse) of the #Russian special services, this wouldn't have been possible.
Read 19 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Mushroom cloud in centre of #Kiev
4 Explosions reported in centre of Kiev
#Kyiv #CrimeanBridge
Big Breaking
Russian Missile Strikes Reported In Central #Kiev. Clouds Of Black Smoke Can Be Seen Rising From Buildings

#Zelensky Office may have been hit (unconfirmed)

#Russia Fired 10 Missiles At #Mykolaiv
12 missiles at #Zaporizhzhia
5 missiles at #Kiev centre
Kiev got bombed
5 missiles targeted centre of #Kiev
Missile defense could only intercept one
#Zaporizhzhia #Zaporizhzhya #CrimeanBridge
Read 8 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
A few people have asked why this satellite image of the #CrimeanBridge shows so many damaged sections from a single explosion, so here's a brief Bridges 101 on the likely failure mechanism. 🧵 Diagram of the Crimean Brid...
This section of the bridge is a simple "beam bridge" design. The road deck in each direction is supported on large steel girders, which span between regularly spaced concrete piers. The load on the piers is then transmitted deep into the ground by lots of concrete piles.
1) The explosion causes the failure of one bridge deck near the middle of span 3, clearly indicated by the blackening of the adjacent road surface. (I'll not discuss the specific what and where of the explosion here.) Satellite image of the dama...
Read 8 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Sabotaggio al Ponte di #Crimea - Secondo Mikhail Ignatov, esperto forense, i danni dell'esplosione sarebbero stati molto più gravi se i carri cisterna di carburante fossero esplosi invece di incendiarsi.

La forza dell'esplosione sul ponte di Crimea è equivalente a 100-120 chilogrammi di TNT. Gli attentatori potrebbero aver usato la #plastite come esplosivo: “Più piccola di volume e più facile da nascondere, e la potenza esplosiva corrisponderebbe a una quantità maggiore di TNT.”
“L'esplosione non è stata molto potente, è esplosa solo una cisterna accanto. Gli attentatori avevano pensato a tutto: al passaggio di un treno che trasportava serbatoi di carburante e lubrificanti e all'esplosione del veicolo.”
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
On Kerch Bridge aka #CrimeanBridge. We saw the road bridge clearly damaged but on the outside lane. What I ponder is this train on fire?

Look at train cars, 5 separate fires but not on consecutive cars. One explosion on the CAR BRIDGE is highly unlikely to produce this on train
So let's use a bit of close-up to this photo in the morning when train was still on fire. Look at gap between leftmost fireball and next fireball. Two fuel cars are not on fire. How did the next 4 fires to right start, from ONE explosion that started leftmost fire?

I believe the explosion we see on roadway part of bridge, that is seen on security cam - did not produce each of these 5 separate fires. It may have produced one or 2 or 3 near each other. This photo evidence suggests strongly SEPARATE attack on train, different from road bridge
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Il 24 febbraio #Putin ha dichiarato l'inizio della "Operazione militare speciale" in #Ucraina.
Il motivo principale a giustificare il lancio di questa era la "protezione di coloro che erano stati bullizzati e soggetti a #genocidio negli ultimi 8 anni".
In seguito 1/9
All'esplosione sul ponte di #Crimea di ieri, sui social media si è vista una vera e propria ondata di indignazione da parte dei filo-🇷🇺 a proposito dell'operazione e dei 3 civili morti nell'esplosione. Abbiamo quindi deciso di fare un "grandangolo" sulla situazione effettiva 2/9
Delle morti di civili in 🇺🇦 dall'inizio del conflitto e degli ultimi 8 anni.
Secondo i dati dell' OHCHR, da inizio conflitto nell'intera 🇺🇦 (ambo i lati dal 14 aprile 2014 al 30 settembre 2021 ) sono morti 3393 civili, con più di 7000 feriti a causa delle ostilità. È inoltre 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Day 228 of #Putin's war.
It's already another bloody and murderous day in #Russia's war on its peaceful neighbour.

#Ukraine stands strong though.

Here's the daily thread.
Check through yesterday's news right here⬇️

Seventeen people murdered this morning as #Russia continues its merciless assault on #Zaporizhzhia

Numerous private houses and apartment blocks were damaged, over a hundred injured with 49 in hospital.

12 missiles hit mostly civilian targets.

No doubt #RussiaIsATerroristState
British Defence Ministry update concentrates on the #Kerch Bridge attack on #Crimea

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
Read 25 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Interesting articles in Spring 2008 Aspire Concrete Bridge magazine, showing the type of damage that can occur from a rail tanker fire.

You might need to right-click and download the PDFs for the "Protect" and "Evaluate" articles.

#Kerch #CrimeanBridge… ImageImageImageImage
Here's an article about a sustained fire under the Interstate-85 bridge in Atlanta in March 2017.

• I am not a civil engineer, and have no access to damage assessments
• the rail tanker fire on the #CrimeaBridge was on, not under the bridge…
Sample engineering assessment of damage to road bridge after rail tanker fire underneath it.
• important to know what burned and for how long
• Figure 3 shows the mapping of certain damage indicators to the piers near, and span above, the rail tanker.… ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Photo of Kerch Bridge aka #CrimeanBridge this morning with fire still burning on train. Can see 3 broken parts to bridge but only on one lane. Burn marks on left roadway suggest point of main detonation/strike. Will give some observations
Look at undamaged roadway. It has clear burn marks next to middle section of broken roadway. Suggests that middle breach to bridge was main explosion. Is consistent with burning train which would have gone in this photo from left to right, and stopped
There was speculation of under-bridge explosion (commandos, or covert boat). The way the roadway bends down into the water at middle broken section does not suggest under-bridge explosion, but rather above-bridge explosion detonating downward. That would produce a bend to surface
Read 6 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
"The bridge was destroyed by Prigogine(Пригожин). It seems that in Russia there will be a redistribution of state POWER"

#Ukraine️ #Russia #NAFO #NAFOfellas ImageImage
2/3 👀👀👀👀👀

#NAFO #NAFOfellas #Ukraine #Crimea ImageImage
3/3 👀👀👀👀👀

#NAFO #NAFOfellas #CrimeanBridge ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
On Kerch Bridge aka #CrimeanBridge

We do not know how it was hit. We will find out eventually. It is not in Ukraine's interest to let Russia know how they did it, and makes sense to keep Putin guessing

Let me show you 5 plausible ways it might have happened
#RussiaIsLosing Image
When you look at this video of the truck, it would support view, that the TRUCK itself exploded. It would then have been carrying a full load of explosives. Could have been a suicide mission. If so, heroic sacrifice. I hope no partisan had to die for this Image
Variation of that 'truck explosion' is not suicide mission but a remote detonation. The explosives needed to break this bridge, sitting on a steel truckbed 1 meter (3 feet) above the road surface, make me doubt it was the method. Unlikely but certainly plausible Image
Read 7 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
1/ My hypotheses regarding #CrimeanBridge: This isn't a track-planted bomb as Russian propaganda says. This isn't an SBU operation as the Ukrainian media claim. This isn't a boat-planted bomb delivered under the bridge. Most signs of a precise strike by a powerful missile.
2/ Russia will never admit that Ukraine's military blew up Putin's precious bridge. They keep the narrative that Ukraine can't do anything. That's why Rus. propaganda claims that it was just a car bomb like a random terroristic suicidal act that happens in Russia sometimes.
3/ This isn't a @ServiceSsu operation as the Ukrainian media claim. SBU is still weak & full of Russian moles, so it barely can do the primary work of finding spies. It's not their primary job. There are other units more capable like the entire SpecOp forces inside the UAF.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Crimean Bridge will be restored to rail traffic within the next five hours.
#CrimeanBridge Road and Railways have resumed operation.
#Ukraine #Terroristattack #NATORussiaWar
The first train passing through the #CrimeanBridge after the attack.
Crimean Bridge Road and Railways have resumed operation.
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation: A permit has been received for the movement of trains along the Crimean Bridge.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
The explosion on the Crimean bridge: A 🧵 #CrimeanBridge
The #Kremlin's first reaction is rather expected - downplaying the event in the media, setting up all sorts of commissions, launching criminal proceedings...
But everyone is waiting for #Putin's reaction: after all, the strike on the bridge was considered one of the red lines, crossing which could lead to a "worst-case scenario" - an angry reaction, up to and including nuclear retaliation.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
🧵 #CrimeanBridge
Il est trop tôt pour parler de l'ampleur de la destruction du pont. Mais nous pouvons déjà parler de son symbolisme.

Le pont est un symbole de l'annexion des territoires ukrainiens et même un symbole de la renaissance de l'impérialisme russe.
Poutine a dépensé 4 milliards de dollars pour construire ce pont comme un monument à la victoire de son régime agressif et au nivellement de l'ensemble de la communauté internationale avec ses normes et ses lois.
Le pont est détruit. Le pont est en feu. L'épave du pont se noie dans l'eau. C'est une pure métaphore
Read 12 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Atak na Most Krymski w świetle międzynarodowego prawa humantiarnego. /1

#mostkrymski #CrimeanBridge Image
Międzynarodowe prawo humanitarne nie zawiera "sztywnej" listy celów. Przyjęty w 1977 roku art. 52 ust. 2 PD I ma charakter otwarty i abstrakcyjny. Wynika to z historii rozwoju prawa, ponieważ w przeszłości próbowano sformułować zamknięty katalog celów.
Pierwszy moment to IX Konwencja haska z 1907 o bombardowaniach morskich: dzieła wojskowe, zakłady wojskowe lub morskie, składy broni lub sprzętu wojennego, warsztaty i instalacje, mogące być użyte dla potrzeb floty lub armji nieprzyjacielskiej oraz okręty wojenne, (...)
Read 24 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
List of videos, photos and general information on the explosion(s) on the Crimean bridge (Kerch Strait Bridge or #Kerch Bridge).

All relevant tweets will be attached on this thread.

A thread 🧵👇


#Crimea #CrimeanBridge #Ukraine️ #CrimeaBridge #CrimeaRiver #Russia
Read 28 tweets

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