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This is a threaded version of Chapter 23, titled,

“Prenatal Politics, Generationally Speaking”

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology

PA 23/1 ImageImage
Chapter 23 is subtitled...

“Panicky Electorate, Biting the Feeding Hand,

“Perinatally Oblivious Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation...

“Perinatal Access of Millennials”

READ BOOK… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

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“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Can anyone at this point still maintain that the politics of the last few decades had anything at all to do with ideology or issues?” []

READ/DW BOOK…… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/3
Read 149 tweets

"artists can no longer appear real on their own" – a perverse notion of centralized platforms becoming gatekeepers for identity/authenticity verification...?

eh, the problem was that anyone thought appearance was reality to being with...… #AI #LLM ImageImageImage

...that's the idea behind @benthompson's 'Zero Trust Authenticity vs castle-and-moat' analogies, e.g.:

Just because a song looks and sounds like Drake doesn't mean it came from Drake – its authenticity must (obviously?) still be verified 👇… #media Image

...but that's not obvious to everyone:

to whatever extent there's a crisis in the authenticity and verification of (mis/dis)information, it's concentrated among non-internet natives – i.e. Millennials/Zoomers aren't the problem 👇… #boomers #content Image
Read 9 tweets
Niet iedereen ziet dat een column vol dedain en #rookgordijnen van @Plasterk niet betekent dat we in natuur en landbouw geen problemen hebben en al helemaal niet dat er niet zou hoeven worden ingegrepen. Ik zal de column even voor u langslopen.
Hij begint met de ontkenningsfase waar zogenaamde paniekzaaiers in zouden zitten. Dat is opmerkelijk. is juist kabinet waar #plasterk ooit in zat dat de clusterbom die het #pas ging worden bedacht heeft.
‘In de rouw komt vanzelf de langzame acceptatie en een nieuw perspectief’, schrijft hij. Ja, behalve bij hem zelf dus. Hij veegt niet alleen zijn eigen aandeel onder het tapijt hij blijft als geen ander in de ontkenning van de reële problemen die er zijn.
Read 27 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 22, titled,

“Healing Crisis:

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

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Chapter 22 begins PART THREE
of *Psychology of Apocalypse*, titled:

“Healing Crisis & Regression in the Service of Humanity”

THREAD #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We have this legacy where we think the opposite of insanity is sanity, usually conflated with ‘normality’ & conformity.” []

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/3
Read 139 tweets
@BFMTV C'en est émouvant, si on est gourouïsé ou en se laissant aller à notre habituelle compassion (culture Chrétienne oblige^^), mais dès lors que nous nous SOUVENONS, notre culture politique nous permet de mesurer la dangerosité du malhomme & de l'#Eloquence
@BFMTV #Eloquence tjs vue comme de l'Intelligence en #Idiocratie, alors que marque du "milieu d'éducation" permettant à ces gens ne sachant rien Faire/Créer/Générer de leur esprit & 10 doigts (#Tekhne, ça diplôme mal) puissent faire illusion, en croyant nous vendre tout & son opposé.
@BFMTV #Eloquence : Ca marchait jusque dans les années 70, avec des #Boomers ayant tout eu sans rien mérite, sans compétences ni talents et sans culture générale (excepté "salut les copains") en se croyant plus cultivés & intelligents que nous les "sales post-70", ...
Read 9 tweets
@Qofficiel Omar Sy, TROU DU CUL!
Un "bien discrminé" devenu DONC sale gros #Bourgeois de merde!
Commence par payer tes impôts & TVA en France, après tu pourras utiliser les arguments démago de la #NUPES #LFI Citoyens = Droits

@Qofficiel Démago! Car en ayant FAIT (plus que les #Boomers &
#Milléniaux) ce que mon pays m'a demandé, TOUT! Je n'ai reçu que MEPRIS, mes DROITS jamais respectés, sans Reconnaissance ni perspective d'avenir! 45ans de galères!
Va te faire foutre Omar Sy!
@Qofficiel Hypocrite de merde, qui disait "donnez même 1€" #Somalie alors que son site américain de dons de merde, exigeait mini 5€ de don pour leur commission de merde !
Payés à rien foutre, à se gaver sur NOTRE générosité, NOUS tjs "culpabilisés des malheurs du monde. Et quand ...
Read 7 tweets
@NadricTvPlus On s'en branle des noms donnés par les studios qui se foutent de notre langue.
Complètement con d'ignorer les acteurs/Actrices, les VRAIES voix Françaises.... #Respect!
Le pire, si ça marche en France en français, c'est ce con de Chris Patt qui aura "la récompense".
@NadricTvPlus Mais "Allociné #ToutLeMonde fait ça, alors j'fais pareil" pour jouer au "blogueur".
Pas foutu de REFLECHIR par vous-même (ça diplôme mal en #Idiocratie), VOTRE identité!
0 respect pour les acteurs français/francophones qui font le boulot!
Et ça se dit Passionné de ciné
@NadricTvPlus Mais les acteurs aussi sont fautifs, se "suicident" eux-même à accepter cette CONNERIE typiquement Américaine de ne mettre que le nom des voix de la version USA (et non VO!) seulement!
Ca signe le contrat, et au mieux, ça pleure après.... au lieu de se faire respecter avant!
Read 6 tweets
🧵 Is the American Dream dead? - a tweetstorm

This is a brain dump of .@RaoulGMI's 30+ years of knowledge, how the world works, and how his macro framework fits into it all ⤵️
1/ There's no denying that we're in a mess!

By the Law of Unintended Consequences, every time we try to fix A, we create problems B, C, D, E, etc.

We hardly understand these new problems unless there's hindsight to connect the dots...

So, how the hell did we get here?

Let's start by looking at the peak of the #British Empire:

It was the world's largest realm. But as with every empire, trying to control so many people across the globe has its price & #debt weakened its structure...
Read 81 tweets
Ch 26 “Setting the Record Straight on Boomers:

“The Boomer—Generation X Culture War & the “Truth Dividend” of Having Been There”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(pub 10/2022)…

CW22Q 26/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as well as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE...

CW22Q 26/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “I can say I feel fortunate to have lived many years in an America quite different from what most people in America being younger than me have been growing up with.”[]

READ/DWL BOOK...… #BlueTsunami #Boomers #Midterms #60s

CW22Q 26/3
Read 63 tweets
“Chapter 7,” titled “Vietnam/Boomer Generation—Marijuana & Psychedelics”

“Wow, Man!” “Just Do It” “Go with the Flow”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by M. Adzema

(publishing 9/2022)


CW22Q 7/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website now & to be published Sept 2022)

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... #60sGen #history #LSD #FBR #Boomers #resist

CW22Q 7/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “…for every LSD experience gone wrong, there were hundreds or thousands more whose experience of LSD was transformative.” []

THREAD… #60sGen #history #FBR #Boomers #resist #pot #psychology #marijuana #CultureWar #spiritual

CW22Q 7/3
Read 22 tweets
The CBS 50th TV anniversary special.

Your childhood shows were an event.

And it gets better…
#genx #boomers
Read 6 tweets
Donc les Suédois pratiquent aussi désormais le #FrenchBashing & #NucléaireBashing, en se congratulant de leur politique énergétique en omettant de dire que cet épiphénomène est la conséquence de la guerre #Russie Ukraine & choix de l'UE sous contrôle de l'Allemagne!
Alors :

…l'UE sous contrôle de l'Allemagne (ou des British et Néerlandais ayant tjs eu trop d'infleunce pour leur "poids").

Alors :
1- Allemagne & larbins, Belgique, Pays-bas, Suède… manque de "Gaz Allemand de Russie" pour produire.
Idem charbon en compensant le manque de Gaz.
2- La France est donc la seule à pouvoir produire plus d'electrcité grâce au #Nucléaire pour tout ce petit monde de réels "prétentieux"…
La demande d'electricité FR augmente, alors les couts & donc les prix augmentent (logique "physique": Demande / Capacité de Production)!

Read 19 tweets
Happy Friday & Happy Birthday to Submarine Group 9 "𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴". - Established July 1, 1981
#SubFriday #Boomers ⚓️🇺🇸
Submarine Squadron 17 #SUBRON17
★ Located at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor
★ Established January 1, 1981
★ Seven Submarines
USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN-730)
★ Moto: "Defender of Freedom"
★ Launched October 15, 1983
★ CommissionedOctober 6, 1984
★ Ship's Sponsor: Anna Marie Jackson
Read 14 tweets
1/ Ik ben empatisch voor het politiek-rechtse gedachtegoed van "er is een #allochtonen invasie", want hoewel het een foute frame is en ik er niet volledig mee eens ben,
2/ ik kan me goed voorstellen dat het niet leuk is het gevoel te krijgen dat je op machteloze wijze moet toekijken hoe je #cultuur, waaronder je taal, tradities, en omgangsvormen, over een aantal decennia helemaal anders wordt.
3/ Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog namen mensen voor vanzelfsprekende redenen weinig #kinderen. Toen in 1945 de oorlog voorbij was en ons land bevrijd werd van de nazi's, kregen mensen tussen 1945–1955 plotseling heel erg veel kinderen, die men vaak #boomers of babyboomers noemt.
Read 17 tweets
C'mere #GenZ I be needing you to teach me some #21stCentury colloquial slang language so I can impress my grandsons. The other day my 16 year old complained that his parents were too strict and I said, "It do be like that sometimes, Homie." He said, "You speak my language? Cool!" Image
#DoBeDoBeDo two hundred thousand words in the English language, and more every day, we'll never live long enough to learn them all!
I might use some of this new lingo in tweets too, but only if I'm talking to #GenZ because others may not understand the references. I do want to talk to #GenZ because they are the ones who saved us from a second term for #TheHateYam & they must do it again. We must #PassTheTorch
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This isn't an easy topic to address but I'll do my best to provide my thoughts via a simple generic🧵

#RealEstate isn't linear. It is multifactorial:

1) Country
2) Time period
3) Information asymmetry
4) Opportunity cost
5) Personality
6) Job security


2/ There is no guarantee for any gains in any investment vehicle. No guarantee in #RealEstate, #bitcoin, #Equities etc

As cliche as it sounds, the only constant is: Change.

History only provides a clue.

Simply put, yields are not guaranteed.

Back to factors 1 to 6
3/ #RealEstate differs from country to country.

In a jurisdiction where there are high capital gains tax or when the cost of borrowing is high, owning/investing in property might not make much sense.

In #Singapore, capital gains tax has been abolished
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[THREAD] Retour sur l'affront aux #boomers de @JulienBayou qui, outre de montrer combien #EELV aime afficher sa détestation d'une part croissante du peuple, représente une faute électorale surréaliste (que l'on va analyser à l'échelle nationale et non régionale). 1/12
La philosophe, @ClaireMLejeune, a beau ramer en expliquant que #Boomer "renvoie à une catégorie politique", suivant le concept #woke de redéfinition des mots en fonction des besoins, les boomers sont les gens nés entre 1943 et 1960, voire 1966. 2/12

Ayant été moi-même traité de boomer, bien que plus jeune, on comprend bien que, par extension, les #boomers ne sont pas une "catégorie politique", ni les vrais baby boomers, mais les + de 55 ans. 3/12
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Grace à certains EELV, les #boomers ne sont aps écolos. Ils ont juste écrit les plus grands hymnes "verts" de l'histoire. Thread !
On commence par le plus grand hymne, le plus célèbre, le plus puissant. The Clash, London Calling
Bien sûr, l'évidence même nous renvoie à Lennon et son Instant Karma
Alors bien sûr, Midnight Oil, Beds are burning
Read 24 tweets
Police claim “unlawful assembly” after killing 20 year old young black man, with his mom on the phone and his girlfriend beside him as they drove to visit his older brother and see his new home. Here is the PDF from the @aclu_mn re: protests. #BlackLivesMatter
Minneapolis police knew, or should have known, the killing of a young black man stopped in his vehicle, will result in protests. The police should have been prepared for protests and de-escalated it. Journalists have been reporting that police officers are quitting the “force”
because of fear of danger after the George Floyd trial outcome. Therefore, they knew of the repercussions of killing, wrongfully, a young black man. #EnoughIsEnough #StopSystemicRacism
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/08/2021…
Gambling research: The 'fun' can stop with unemployment, ill-health and even death…

#death, #gambling, #unemployment
Boomers: A book event with Helen Andrews and Michael Dougherty | American Enterprise Institute - AEI…

#boomers, #AEI, #book
Read 10 tweets
Rural Funds $RFF $RFF.AX is a Best In Class agricultural #REIT when compared with global peers. 👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾Strong dividends, strong growth in farmland and water valuations, and backed by real assets as a hedge against inflation. Worried about #QE or #MMT? Time for a deep dive, hay! 👇 Image
1. Macro: Global food demand needs to increase by 71% before 2050 to keep up with population growth and increasing wealth / caloric consumption. Land is scarce, deteriorating (e.g soil loss), and #climatechange is reducing food production particularly in marginal areas. Image
2. Macro: Food security is a heavily politicised area, because food insecurity leads to political insecurity. Significant subsidies, regulations, and red tape barriers often drive up asset values to increase investments. Think of it as a security blanket on your investment..
Read 22 tweets
1/3 Keeping #COVID19 under control and away from those at high risk of severe outcomes must remain a top priority for all of us. Increasing #COVIDKnowHow to reduce our risk of infection and spreading the virus starts with us!…
2/3 There are things we can all do to protect ourselves and our family, friends and contacts who may be high risk for severe outcomes of #COVID19, including being prepared and finding safer ways to connect and #HelpOthers.…
3/3 Lets not forget #Caremongering this #ThrowbackThursday and everyday... this is us #Canada! from #Zoomers to #Boomers we got this #COVID19! #GenX #GenY #Millennials #GenZ
Read 3 tweets

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