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🌴Today our #palmoil reporting team arrived in Kuala Lumpur where they will deliver a breakout session at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil's (@RSPOtweets) annual conference later this week.

✋Here are 5️⃣ things you should know before RSPO’s #RT2022:

✍️ @josiepips

🧵1/10 Image
1️⃣ Formed in 2004, the RSPO brings together stakeholders from across the global #palmoil industry including:
🌴 Producers
🤝 Processors + traders
🏭 Consumer goods manufacturers
🛒 Retailers
💰 Banks + investors
✊ Environmental + social NGOs

#RT2022 @RSPOtweets #DYK

2️⃣ The RSPO is often considered the leading standard for certified #sustainablepalmoil + palm-derived materials for food + oleochemical use.

🌴 Around 20% of global palm oil production is RSPO-certified.

#RT2022 @RSPOtweets #DYK

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🎙️Meet the speakers

🌴China Dialogue Trust will be holding a break-out session during this year's Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.

🪡Check out this thread to learn about our speakers

If you are attending #RT2022, look out for our session!


@RSPOtweets #palmoil
🎙️Dr Sam Geall (@samgeall)
💼CEO, China Dialogue

Sam is CEO of China Dialogue, an associate fellow at @ChathamHouse & associate faculty at @SPRU, at the University of Sussex. He edited China and the Environment: The Green Revolution (Zed Books, 2013).

🎙️Jessica Aldred (@j_aldred)
💼Special projects editor, China Dialogue

Jessica edits coverage of globally important environmental themes, incl. ocean, #palmoil & biodiversity. She is former @guardian environment editor & has worked in major newsrooms in UK & Australia.

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@adinarenner @ConradinZ @BarJack @RSPOtweets @NZZ Michelle Desilets/Orangutan Land Trust is an @RSPOtweets lobbyist. She is on the RSPO complaints panel for #palmoil #humanrights abuses & #deforestation complaints. Her NGO receives money from those investigated by the complaints panel e.g @Agropalmaemrede… ImageImageImageImage
@adinarenner @ConradinZ @BarJack @RSPOtweets @NZZ @Agropalmaemrede #Agropalma being assessed by the RSPO complaints panel including member Michelle Desilets of Orangutan Land Trust. The RSPO Complaints panel after several years found in favour of Agropalma not the complainant Image
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Happy #internationalcatday2022 Cats range from being our are agile, intelligent, funny and loyal companions to being apex predators of different ecosystems. Their regal reputation is well deserved. Check out this #Oncilla #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
The elusive, beautiful Marbled Cat is a small #wildcat found throughout #Asia. Near Threatened by #palmoil #deforestation #Chinese medicine and #hunting. Join the #Boycott4Wildlife #Boycottpalmoil to help them #InternationalCatDay2022… via @palmoildetect
DYK Black #leopards only differ from other leopards by the colour of their coat, a genetic variation that's #recessive also known as #melanism. Help them with a #Boycott4Wildlife on supermarket #brands sending them #extinct with #palmoil #deforestation…
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@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans Brendan - you haven't read beyond the playbook of the #palmoil industry.

A report from 71 NGOS shows the @RSPOtweets FAILS to stop palm oil #humanrights abuses #deforestation from entering the EU.
Via @milieudefensie for @EU_Commission
@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans @RSPOtweets @milieudefensie @EU_Commission If u are asking Brendan for the average consumer to have faith in the rampantly corrupt #palmoil industry - the answer is NO @WHO reports that the #palmoil industry is akin to the alcohol and tobacco lobby in their report #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
@bmay @ChrisJTree @apes4forests @Gussets99 @griffjane @orangutans @RSPOtweets @milieudefensie @EU_Commission @WHO Here's a thread about @NutellaGlobal/ @Ferrero_EU and how they sponsor school "education" programmes through @ChesterZoo about "sustainable" palm oil, all while continuing with child #slavery, #deforestation for palm oil.
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Happy #CloudedLeopardDay! #Sunda #cloudedleopards in #Sumatra #Borneo are declining from #palmoil and #timber #deforestation & illegal #poaching The Red List says there are 3,700-5,580 individuals alive (2020). Help them #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
#Cloudedleopards are #wildcats that live in #rainforests from the #Himalayas to SE Asia and southern #China. Considered a 'medium-sized cat', they weigh about 23 kilos. #CloudedLeopardDay #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
Clouded #leopards get their name for their remarkable "clouds" on their coats. Their large paws make them agile climbers and hunters. Their main threat is #palmoil #deforestation. #CloudedLeopardDay2022 Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
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Happy #WorldSnakeDay. #Snakes have an unfair reputation as being poisonous/ aggressive. Our fear of snakes may come from Christianity. Satan took the form of a snake tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. Yet snakes aren't bad at all! They're critical to ecosystems around the world
#Snakes evolved 130 million years ago in the Cretaceous period from a common ancestor that they share with #birds and other #reptiles. They have cloacal spurs or vestigal limbs, which shows their shared ancestry with limbed reptiles. #WorldSnakeDay 🐍🐍🐍
#Snakes see on the infrared spectrum using heat receptors called pit organs making them epic predators with natural night vision goggles to see prey. Snakes have a detachable jaw which can swallow food whole that is much larger than its own body weight. #WorldSnakeDay 🐍💚
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Thread : Buy #palmoilfree and #boycott all Nestle @Nestle products because their #palmoil is destroying rainforest, causing massive global species #extinction. Join me and #Boycott4Wildlife - use your wallet as a weapon!… via @palmoildetect
This brand @Nestle @NestleUSA @NestleUKI @NestleHealthUS
is destroying rainforests, releasing mega-tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere, killing hundreds of endangered species. See Nestlé’s full list of mills where they buy palm oil, six of these are actively destroying forest.
Forest in Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa. They are burn down huge extensions of forests to stablish palm oil plantations. This savage #ecocide is changing the ecosystems forever. Pls take action. Don't keep this going #climatechange #PalmOil #ProtectWildLife #BoycottPalmOilProduct
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We teamed up with @Justseeds to share these beautiful works of art in solidarity with the Indigenous Batak peoples of North Sumatra, Indonesia, whose sacred forests are currently being threatened by predatory agribusiness. RT this thread in solidarity!

Art: Andrea Narno
For the Indigenous Batak Peoples of North Sumatra, land is their identity. If they lose their land and their forests, they lose a part of themselves.

Art: Saiyare Refaei
We’ve been following and supporting the Pargamanan-Bintang Maria community in the fight for their forests. They have faced criminalization by local law enforcement and violence from expanding pulp and paper business TPL. But that hasn’t stopped them.

Art: Fernando Marti
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Shanghai INE low sulfur fuel oil futures open up 5% as global energy prices advance. #OOTT #fueloil
Shanghai INE crude oil futures extend gains to 5.6%, SHFE fuel futures up 4.2%. #OOTT
Zhengzhou #wheat futures rise 5% in night session. #China
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“That scream I can still hear now, the tone went through me, the pitch could have broken a glass, it was so high and shocking to hear.“ @CraigJones17 recalls rescuing a mum and baby #orangutan from an @RSPOtweets #palmoil plantation… via @palmoildetect
#SayNoToPalmOil in 2022
#SustainablePalmOil is NOT sustainable.
It is a #Greenwashing marketing label conjured up by ruthless and irresponsible #PalmOilCorporations

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Palm oil corporations, whose products are found in so many of our foods, are gaslighting us & greenwashing a horrifically exploitative & damaging industry. They are responsible for deforestation and are driving many species to extinction.
#SayNoToPalmOil… ImageImageImageImage
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Here's a long thread with evidence about why the @RSPOtweets has failed to make any difference with key sustainability promises incl. stopping #deforestation #indigenous #landgrabbing #ecocide #slavery #humanrights abuses for supermarket brands. 1/7…
Source: @EIA_News @RSPOtweets members using so-called "sustainable" #palmoil continue with #deforestation #ecocide #illegal #landgrabbing from #Indigenous peoples.
Thus the certification is a #greenwashing con. @EIA_News #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife…
The certification of #palmoil is considered to be a con by @GreenpeaceUK as it doesn't stop #ecocide #deforestation. Certified "sustainable" #palmoil doesn't exist #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
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#53 small ACTS of resistance #53

avoid any products containing palm oil

or demand #DeforestationFree #PalmOil and #ChooseSustainable #PalmOil #SaveOrangutans

Thanks, @mettahapa & @orangulandtrust
#54 small ACTS of resistance #54

1.Cancel your TV licence
2.Stop buying newspapers
3.Don't be reactive, be proactive
4.Be honest
5.Share your knowledge

Thanks, @societyatpeace
#55 small ACTS of resistance #55

switch to Ecosia instead of Google

save it as a default on your devices and browsers; Ecosia plant trees with much of their revenue

Thanks, @DSAMontenegro
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#RetailInflation in May 2021 is 6.3%,Vs 4.23% in April

Core Inflation is 6.6%,Vs 5.4%
Food Inflation is 5.01% Vs 1.96%

Despite uptick,@narendramodi
govt has done very well to rein in #Inflation

Global Food Index in May is up 39.7% YoY,due to drought in many parts of the globe
#GlobalFoodIndex is measured by
#FAO Food Price Index,#FFPI,which is a measure of monthly changes in international prices of a basket of #food commodities;It consists of average of five commodity group price indices,weighted by average export shares of each group over 2014-2016
Why have #Food prices surged globally?

Argentina saw a big drought

Ukraine&Russia also suffered from drought&inclement weather

Indonesia&Malaysia,biggest producers of #PalmOil,have curbed exports,as govts in these countries have made blending of Palm Oil,with fuel,mandatory
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avoidable products you might not know are causing CLIMATE CHANGE
MICROBEADS found in facewahes & scrubs pass through most water filtration systems and end up in the ocean. Tho tiny, 100,000 plastic particles can end up in the ocean after one shower. EXFOLIATE WITH THE TWO ON THE RIGHT Image
AEROSOL CANS contain compressed gas like nitrous oxide which is a greenhouse gas. Image
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For additional details see this 👇clearly written blog by @prachi_eco or her entire brilliant Ph.D. from ISI with the running header "Economics of Earth [🌏], Fire [🔥], Water [🌊]" or some such!…
Prachi's analysis from India builds on some compelling research on agricultural fires in Brazil by @Rangel_M_A & @tom_vogl summarized 👇

Yes, we have a #GlobalPandemic but we have a never ending #PlanetaryHealth crises @randall_kramer ... [3/.]
As well as this research on ndonesia (combining IFLS with air pollution indices) by JieSheng Tan Soo (@LKYSch) showing that the human capital costs are high, and greater than the costs of avoiding fire to establish #PalmOil plantations ... [4/.]

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One of the books I'm working through during the break is The Oil Palm Complex. It was an airport find that turns out to be quite informative, with more parallels to #coffee than I thought. Here are some snippets from it (a thread) #PalmOil…
As with a lot of the rest of the world, “...the rate of growth of the rural population [in Indonesia] has become negative.” but almost half of the population is still rural. p. 9
“In much of Indonesia people remain highly dependent on rural, land-based, even subsistence-oriented livelihoods, hence the arrangements for incorporating them in (or excluding them from) oil palm developments are crucial to reducing rural poverty.” p. 10
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Thanks to your searches, we can support farmers like Landan in creating alternative livelihoods to #PalmOil🌳🦸‍♂️ For example, through the #Tenkawang tree, which produces a nut that can be used for cooking, cosmetics or biofuel. #climatejustice #ruralcommunities #indonesia
For more details on how Ecosia users' searches support #ruralcommunities in #indonesia to find alternatives to #palmoil, read this article on our blog:…
And this is why simply boycotting #palmoil won't be a solution to #Indonesia's dependence on this oil:
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Of course we should eat more vegetables and less meat, but the lie, that says that burning the Amazon, to plant GM Soya to ship across the world, is #sustainable is just that.

A lie.

Next time you sip a Soya Latté in a compostable cup, toast Monsanto, as they toast the Amazon.
In Ireland, if you want to farm you buy or lease land at €15,000 an acre.

In Brazil, if you want to farm, you buy or borrow a box of matches.

Monsanto will sell you GM seed that is #glyphosate resistant.

No weeding needed and Europe will buy it.
In Europe, we are being conned by the lie, that is Soya

Burning the #Amazon to plant and poison GM Soya for our plant based diets and compostable cups makes #PalmOil production look green!

Eat less meat, but look local, look sustainable and look beyond the hype.

Thank you
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I've been finishing the second volume of "The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg for Consent" series. As soon as I ventured near social media I was inundated with the Amazon fires messaging.
The World Economic Forum (billionaires club): "...the house is clearly on fire - We need to scale solutions now if we have any chance of saving it."

Corporations burning forests for palm oil: not frightening.
Forest fires: frightening.…
Only the markets can save us.

Certification schemes. Green Bonds. A "New Deal For Nature". We need momentum. We need that "Paris moment".
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When I first came to Borneo in 1990, I flew across the whole island looking down on endless perfect forest. Not any more. Making a program on deforestation and palm oil is so frustrating & depressing. Inside the forest the wild orchestra is deafening. cont...
Biodiversity is close to zero. We’ve been nose to nose with sun bear & orang utan orphaned & homeless. Been in perfect riverside forest but finding it only extends metres from the banks. cont...
But there MUST be positivity. Buying and protecting forests is one solution World Land Trust Sustainable palm oil is another; strips of forest within the plantations, encouraging epiphytes and other plants beneath the palms. cont..
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Rainforests are vital to life on Earth🌎. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, help stabilise the climate, are home to an incredible variety of plants🌱 and wildlife🐸and regulate rainfall across the globe. #WorldRainforestDay #NatureMatters #Connect2Earth
Rainforests are some of the most biodiverse places on Earth, and yet each year 14,000 sq km of rainforests are destroyed due to illegal logging, development and agriculture. #WorldRainforestDay #NatureMatters #Connect2Earth
Did you know that many raw materials come from rainforests? Plant species found in rainforests provide materials like rubber, oils, gum, waxes, flavourings and dyes. This rubber tapper is scoring the bark of a wild rubber tree to extract latex. #WorldRainforestDay #Connect2Earth
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