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There are positive effects of the #ketone body beta hydroxy-butyrate (BHB) on vascular function. Why? Very likely, the following things that we already know BHB does. And quite frankly, there are likely additional mechanisms that haven't even been discovered yet. 🧵(1/10)
BHB lowers high blood sugar, and that reduces the production of reactive oxygen species #ROS and #inflammation mediators. In other words, BHB reduces Oxidative Stress (2/10)
BHB increases endogenous #antioxidant production by upregulating gene expression in those pathways. So yes, #BHB reduces Oxidative Stress from that mechanism as well. (3/10)
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1. sul caso #Cospito,sarebbe importante anche capire perché dopo gambizzazione di #Adinolfi di #AnsaldoNucleare,#SOGIN(società pubblica smantellamento centrali nucleari italiane) ricorse alla società privata di intelligence del colonnello #GiuseppeDeDonno
2. rivelai contratto #SOGIN-società privata di intelligence G-Risk del colonnello Giuseppe De Donno quando lavoravo per il settimanale l'Espresso. Fui subito querelata su Roma e Milano. Vinsi la querela. Rimane da capire perché quel contratto
3. perché una società pubblica come #SOGIN che gestisce informazioni classificate e che ha *protezione*/assistenza nostri servizi segreti, ricorse a società privata di intelligence del colonnello Giuseppe De Donno?
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Matteo #MessinaDenaro è stato arrestato all'interno di una struttura sanitaria a #Palermo, dove si era recato per sottoporsi a terapie cliniche. Lo ha dichiarato il generale di divisione Pasquale Angelosanto, comandante dei Ros.
Senza dubbio la notizia più stupefacente ed emozionante da quando ho aperto questo Blog. A tra poco per ulteriori aggiornamenti.
Read 64 tweets
Efecto del Ejercicio sobre el Estrés Oxidativo y la Inflamación en el Envejecimiento Muscular y Vascular

👉El ejercicio mejora las funciones musculares y vasculares favoreciendo el envejecimiento saludable


#ROS #músculo #ECV #aging #mioquinas… Image
🔴El daño oxidativo⚡️ asociado con el envejecimiento y la inflamación crónica🎈 que ocurre a nivel celular y de los tejidos, forman un trasfondo que promueve la disfuncionalidad del sistema cardiovascular y el músculo. 👇#ROS Image
✅En el musculo, el ejercicio regula: La proteostasis (más síntesis y menos degradación de proteínas), aumenta la biogénesis mitocondrial, reduce el daño oxidativo, disminuye la inflamación crónica y mejora el perfil de mioquinas, favoreciendo la estructura y la función muscular Image
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Does #gut #microbiota interact with #microglia in the #aging #brain? Are microglia metabolically affected (#mitochondria)? Does #diet take part? any #translational data?
Our paper made it last week in @NatureNeuro
so it's about time for a 🧵!… Image
1. Microglia from aged and young-adult #male & #female mice, under SPF or #germ_free conditions were profiled by bulk #RNAseq. We identified a gene-set, which depended on the housing condition regardless of #age & regulate central processes in microglia. "Microglial GF signature" Image
2. Utilizing #WGCNA, we found major differences between microglia of SPF and GF mice in the aged groups. But do we see any functional difference on a cellular level? Image
Read 13 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on #mechanismofaction & impact of meds commonly used in patients with or at risk for #DKD progression: #MRAs, #GLP-1 receptor agonists & #DPP-4 inhibitors. I am Sophia Ambruso DO, @sophia_kidney, from @CU_Kidney. Image
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
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Other than topics, ROS (Robot Operating System) uses two more modes of communication between the independent nodes of the ROS Graph are Services and Actions. Let’s discuss more about them in this thread. 🧵

#ROS #Robotics @rosorg @OpenRoboticsOrg
Services implement a synchronous Remote Procedure Call to exchange data. The server (which provides the service) specifies a callback function to deal with the service request, and advertises the service. The client (which calls the service) then accesses the service.
Service calls are well suited for procedures that are done occasionally and take a bounded amount of time to complete. For instance, in the Gazebo simulator, robot models are spawned by calling a spawn service. ROS Service Example Application
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How ROS2 is different from ROS1, a thread 🧵
@rosorg @OpenRoboticsOrg
#robotics #ros #ros2
(1/8) DDS Middleware -

ROS1 has its own middleware. ROS2 ditched the middle and now uses Data Distribution Service(DDS), a third-party middleware that is a reliable industry standard. Image
(2/8) No Rosmaster -
Rosmaster is a service facilitating two nodes to find each other (if they wish to communicate).In ROS1, each node needs to know the presence of rosmaster

ROS2 did away with rosmaster, and nodes can find each other directly.
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Incredibly happy that our @RoboStack paper has been accepted to the @ieeeras Robotics & Automation Magazine 🥳. @RoboStack brings together #ROS @rosorg with @condaforge and @ProjectJupyter. Preprint: Find out some key benefits in this 🧵: 1/n
You can now easily use ROS (both ROS1 #Noetic and ROS2 #Galactic) on a wide range of platforms: @linuxfoundation (not just a specific Ubuntu, any Linux!), @Apple #MacOS and @Microsoft @Windows - even on ARM processors including the new M1 (work still in progress, though). 2/n
Thanks to the tight coupling to @condaforge, this enables you to (very easily) install ROS side-by-side with thousands of scientific libraries, including recent #computervision and #machinelearning ones (think @TensorFlow, @opencvlibrary, @PyTorch and more). 3/n
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In Sicilia c'è stata una guerra. In ogni guerra ci sono atti di eroismo e viltà, trattative, tradimenti, patti mancati, vittime collaterali e operazioni di intelligence. È stata una guerra sporca, una guerra di confine, sangue e merda. [Long thread 1/12] #trattativa #mafia #Ros
Alla fine della guerra abbiamo avuto il più lungo periodo della storia repubblicana senza stragi, attentati e omicidi eccellenti. Una guerra ha patti e tradimenti continui, veloci, immorali.
[segue 2/12]
I Ros sono stati come gli anti-eroi di Ellroy. Si sono sporcati le mani in un dirty job senza limiti, con un obiettivo principale: non la fine della mafia ma la fine della sua epopea stragista.
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@LiangGQu, Vaisnavi Thirugnanasundralingam, @damien_bolton, @UroOncMD & @lawrentschuk reviewed the role of tissue-based immunohistochemical markers for diagnosis and classification of #RCC in this 1st edition of #SIUJ!
#OpenAccess #UroSoMe…

1/n Image
#RCC presents various subtypes, classified according to anatomical, morphological, immunohistochemical (#IHC) & molecular features. Even after '16 reclassification, tissue biomarkers differentiate RCC subtypes & distinguish them from non-renal neoplasms or metastatic disease
2/n Image
Despite advances in #IHC staining, challenges are:
- Staining heterogeneity across and within tumors
- Variations in processing may = inconsistencies
- Revisions by @WHO & @ISUPorg = misinterpretation of older literature
- Smaller samples (biopsies) needing to be analyzed

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Bird’s-eye view 👁 on what to look out for @WCGIC #WorldGI2020.
Opening remarks on important data 📺 @myESMO - by Dr. Eric Van Cutsem @UZLeuven.
🟩Good to see more #PrecisionMedicine🧬
🟥#Immunotherapy #Immuno-#oncology
🟦TNT & other chemo strategies
@Annals_Oncology #OncoAlert
🆕#ctDNA #liquidbiopsies 🩸🧬
👀 👇🏾at the number of #clinicaltrials cropping up in this space‼️
We have 2🇺🇸studies open. #CRCSM #WorldGI2020
#WORLDGI2020 This is 🆒 ☢️ 32-P EUS-guided implantation in #pancreascancer #PANCSM @myESMO @WCGIC @Annals_Oncology.

Still miles to go. OS median of 16 months pointing again to the systemic nature of disease. Need to piggyback these local approaches to better systemic. #OncoAlert
Read 55 tweets
2. .@bartongellman writes about #NSA's #PRISM accessing users' data from #Google,#Facebook,#Apple, and "Also a service called #Paltalk,which I had not heard of but which presumably hosted accounts of attractive targets". Why #PalTalk? I think I have an explanation
3. I think it is very likely that #PalTalk was of great interest for the #NSA because it was used by people in contact with the #MullahKrekar.I have read the investigation conducted by the Italian anti-terror police #ROS in collaboration with EU and US
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#MoroFiles Testim dell Ag Polizia Renato #DiLeva arrivato subito dopo l'agguato #Fani

Mentre il suo collega F. #Zizzi agonizzava e si lamentava all'interno dell'auto, è stato avvicinato da 2 in borghese che gli hanno detto di seguirli subito in Questura #SEGRETO Decl 2016 ImageImage
#MoroFiles Appunto #Digos 1999 dice che non ha trovato nessun rif riguardante sul maestro di musica #IgorMarkevitch nobile russo definito dalla stampa come il "grande vecchio" che ha ospitato in villa le #BR

Coincidenza però che sua moglie si chiamava Topazia #Caetani... Image
#MoroFiles..tuttavia su #IgorMarkevitch esistono 2 faldoni con 109 allegati all'informativa #ROS del 1 giugno 1999 + id #Anfitrione Image
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