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During the #busy #holiday #season it is important we not overlook our #Christian #minority in their celebration of Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh.

Although it coincided with Purim last year, Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh is not the Christian Purim.

Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh is the yahrzeit of Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh, a Christian tzaddik who died on 20 Adar II, 4221.

His yahrzeit is celebrated according to the Pope Gregory #calendar on 17 March, which this year falls today, on Adar 24th.

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Just a brief reminder from #HR about our company's #holiday leave policy.

Recently, certain employees were taking excessive numbers of days off for their #religious #holidays.
The employees who came to work as usual had to work three times as hard to make up for all the absences. We are a welcoming company that supports the religious observance of all of our employees, including those who belong to #minority #religions.
However, if you need to take off a day for a religious holiday, you must bring in a letter from your religion’s rabbi to confirm that this is an authentic holiday.

In addition, so-called “travel days” before and after holidays may not be accommodated.
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It’s time for #Science to fess up, and admit our rational system of discovery is indistinguishable from any other belief system. So with thanks, gratefully join the pantheon of world #Religions!…(thread)..
As #rationalists, we worship at the feet of the Scientific Method. Our Holy Trinity are Newton, Darwin and Einstein. Our sacred texts are Principia Mathematica and the Origin of the Species...
But the writing is on the wall. Evangelicals long argued the Big Bang “Theory” cannot explain the universe before expansion, so a 14 billion year-old explosion is no more plausible than spontaneous creation by a Supreme Being. To which we wholeheartedly agree!..
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Dear Secretkeepers

WE protect a dead-end path of excess material-focus & human over-growth

Without change, collapse of the human-Earth system is not only predicted by our best climate & biodiversity science,

.. our options have been foretold since the dawn of civilization

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Welcome to a brief tour of the past & future of the human-Earth system

A 'choose-your-own-adventure' story written in stone in Egypt's #GreatPyramid

#ufotwitter #consciousness #religions @ODNIgov @usairforce @LockheedMartin @SpaceForceCSO @USNavy

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The dimensions of the #GreatPyramid model a sphere

The Pyramid has 5 sides. 4 obvious faces align perfectly N,E,S,W with the planet's cardinal axes

The 5th side hides beneath

These reflect 4d space-time & a 5th non-physical aspect of consciousness that frame our reality

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Thread on Ideal Ways of Living Life as Discussed in Bhagwad Gita.

1/ Large number of people believe in living life passively. Everything happens as per Will of God. Hence they are supposed to live as witnesses. They see no purpose in living life aggressively pursuing goals.
2/ They work that which is necessary for their survival and protection. They have no plans beyond that.

Then there is large number of people who love life in pursuit of knowledge. They pursue degrees. They make new discoveries in science and other fields.

They are scholars.
3/ It is better to live in pursuit of knowledge than to live passively as witnesses or travellers in this world.

But there is a third way which is better than the above two paths.

That is, Living Proactively or Living as per a plan or Living as per Niskam Karmayoga.
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Dans cet interview à The Guardian, une #sociologue spécialiste des #religions parle de son livre “Work Pray Code : quand le travail devient une religion dans la Silicon Valley“. 1/7 Image
C'est en voulant étudier les conséquences de l’abandon des grandes religions dans des pratiques comme le #yoga et la #méditation, qu'elle s’est rendu compte que celles-ci étaient en réalité au service d'un culte qui les transcendait : le #travail. 2/7
Les géants de la #tech utilisent les pratiques spirituelles pour optimiser la #productivité, et les concepts spirituels (“mission“, “histoire des origines“, “leader“) pour que les gens vouent leur vie au travail. 3/7
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زرتشتی مذہب (Zoroastrianism)
4000سال پراناعقیدہ
زرتشتی مذہب کی ابتداء 4000 سال قبل فارس سےھوئی اور یہ توحیدی مذہب تھا۔ اسکےپیروکار پارسی یا مجوسی کہلاتے ہیں۔ انکی مقدس کتب دساتیر اور اوستاہیں۔
یہ فارس(ایران کا پرانا نام) کاسرکاری مذہب (600 ق م تا 650 عیسوی)تھا
#History ImageImage
اور اب بھی موجود ھے۔
اس مذہب کی بنیاد زرتشت (زرتھسشترا) نے رکھی جسکے بارے میں خیال کیاجاتا ھے کہ وہ مغربی افغانستان یا شمال مشرقی ایران میں پیداھوا۔
وہ ایک ایسے خاندان میں پیدا ھوا تھا جو ایک مشرکانہ مذہب کی پیروی کرتا تھا یعنی
پیغمبر زرتشت نےبہت سے دیوتاؤں والےمذہب کا انکار کیا۔
زرتشت پیغمبر کی پیدائش اور ابتدائی زندگی کے بارے میں بہت ہی کم معلومات دستیاب ہیں۔ زرتشتی روایت کے مطابق، زرتشت کو تیس سال کی عمر میں ایک الہی نظارہ ملا۔
جس میں وہ ماننے لگا کہ صرف ایک ہی خدا ھے خالق۔ اس نے یہ بھی سکھایا کہ ایک خدا جسے احورا مزدا کہتے ہیں، تمام عبادت کے لائق ھے۔
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Also let's not have that conversation about how even in liberalism white people do speak over black/Latinx folks sometimes which causes problems y'all but apparently it's acceptable as long as they "Democrat" and agree with the hive mind cause they "good white people" lmao.
Welp. #generationy and #millennials, y'all not so tolerant now? You only not #transphobic, #misogynist, #racist, avoid #ethnic #discrimination, avoid critiquing valid #religions, non #ableist against disabled folx etc. as long as ppl agree 100% with the #liberal #hivemind 🤷
Forgot homophobia as I'm not straight lol so yes I am calling Millennial/Generation Y, at least some of you lot a bunch of dumbass crybabies who do not understand the idea of critically critiquing, and NO, that is not a #white thing or else I guess my CUNY Hunter college /3
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I think its time to talk about #ReligiousFreedom and exactly where one person’s #freedom starts, and another’s ends. And no I’m not talking about a woman’s body dividing cells, I’m talking about breathing adults who #vote
#ReligiousFreedom is SO important to everybody. And I agree that I ALSO want my own #FreedomOfReligion. But other people DON’T get to define that.
I am in charge of my own #belief systems. You could even say I’m RESPONSIBLE for them🤔
No matter how wacky they got, the point in time where I am no longer allowed to practice my #Religion, would start IF it harmed another breathing adult, and that word #harm is pretty loaded too, isn’t it?
How do we define #Freedom?
How do we define #Life?
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#USA is a free democracy, #India is a "partly free" democracy
#FOE Japan is a free democracy, India is a partly free democracy: Compare the ratio of critical/unfavorable articles, to favorable articles, in the top 3 news sources in Japan & India respectively, to find which press is freer! #SciMe 1st data, 2nd Analysis, 3rd Policy/views!🧐🤔
3/demo #Majoritarianism & freedom: Compare treatment of minorities in USA(non-christian), Japan(Korean etc) & India (Muslims): In particular plot over 70yrs th % of minority pop on same graph & compare decadal changes[summarizes it's discrimination(in cntry) & opportunities(ROW)]
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8 % de #Musulmans en France
90% de #Musulmans parmi les 150 jeunes invités par @centresociaux ...ce n'est plus un guet-apens c'est un Augustin #Traquenard pour @sarahelhairy et la #Laïcité!
L'#inspection diligentée par @sarahelhairy
"a pour objet d’examiner les #objectifs, des #conditions d’#organisation et d’#encadrement du #RéseauJeunes et, la #FCSF...#Laïcité"
merci Madame d'initialiser ce travail salutaire qu'aucun @gouvernementFR…
n'avait lancé ! Nous aussi #Républicains #Laïques nous avons plein d'#interrogations
✔️Quelle #représentativité de la #jeunesse #française (90% vs 8%)
✔️Comment des journées sur #Laïcité se transforment en #ProphètesSansDieu…
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#LeCuréÀGuitare de la #VieCatho qui poursuit sa #fixette vs @printempsrepub et poursuit sa stratégie de #Chouineur "délit de paternité" vàv de son fiston #BenêtBigotScout de #CoSectiser.
666 retweets de son article !
Leurs soutiens en dit beaucoup
#JosephKrasny #NEM #Assbague
Ils #crachent sur @printempsrepub
et le gouvernement @JeanCASTEX et surtout sur des #femmes courageuses @MarleneSchiappa et @sarahelhairy et s'étonnent #benêtement et #bigotement qu'elles ne les invitent pas 🤡🤡

#CoSectiser @EntrismeReligieux vs #Laïcité

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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: Supporting Faith & Service
Only one party has a stated plan to support all our communities of faith in all their diversity. No individual or group is left out or targeted as worthy of suspicion & discrimination. 1/13 Image
Religious freedom is a core American value and a core value of the Democratic Party. 2/13
#DemPartyPlatform #ReligiousFreedom #democracy Image
#Democrats will protect the rights of each American for the free exercise of his or her own religion. 3/13 #DemPartyPlatform #religions Image
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Depuis les attentats de 2015, et alors que se tient leur procès, les accusations d'#islamophobie à l'égard de @Charlie_Hebdo_ se multiplient, se fondant sur l'idée qu'on se fait de leurs unes, censées être obsédées par l'islam.1/18
En fait, @lemondefr a démonté ce fait sur la base des unes publiées entre 2005 et 2015. Seules 7 sur 523 traitaient d'Islam pour 21 le catholicisme et 336 la politique. Mais ça ne suffit pas aux anti-Charlie : pour eux c'est depuis 2015 qu'ils sont devenus islamophobes. 2/18
Bon, on pourrait comprendre, au regard des attentats et de leur morbidité, que l'équipe de Charlie conçoive une légère acrimonie à l'égard des terroristes islamistes (litote). Sauf que... ce n'est toujours pas essentiellement le cas. 3/18
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[Thread] #Histoire #Religions #Sacrifices
Peut servir aux écrivains qui traitent de sujets historiques. Est valable pour les auteurs de l’imaginaire qui souhaitent créer des religions. Nous allons aborder le terme des sacrifices et de « Propitiation »1/40
comme j’en avais discuté avec @ian_nale, mais aussi des différents types ou raisons d’offrandes envers les divinités. 2/40
Attention : Je ne suis PAS historien. La personne qui partage m’a vie a étudié longtemps les sciences des religions et m’a aidé pour ce thread. Cependant, twitter ne permettant pas de faire de grands exposés, je ne serais donc pas précis car je veux aller à l’essentiel. 3/40
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#ClimateChange activism, like #religions before it, is of course tackling the climate change problem through indoctrination, bullying and emotional blackmail tactics.
The solution to #climatechange is not more laws to stop people using what they have but more practical infrastructures that help them achieve what their needs without emissions. You cant ask people not to drive when it is cheaper to drive and quicker to get to your destination.
The solution to #climatechange is not more laws but policies that will engender easy lifestyle changes that leads to better choices. You cant ask people to buy organic food when the price for such is beyond an ordinary person's affordability.
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#Love can never be #satisfied. If it is satisfied, it is not much of a love. The #greater and #deeper it is, the more #dissatisfaction there will be. It simply shows the vastness, that it will never be satisfied. The moment it is satisfied, it is dead.
#Satisfaction is not a great #quality. It belongs to the little #minds, to the little #hearts.

There are people who are satisfied with a little #money, with a #house, with a little #name, a little #fame, these are #pygmies.
#Giants are never #satisfied. On every new step, they find the #journey is becoming #deeper, more #miraculous, more #mysterious. The #longing is #growing and the heart is full of a sweet #ache.
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#OSHO #hypnosis

The #unconscious #mind is nine times bigger than the #conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past.

Below the unconscious, there is the collective unconscious. One can descend into the collective unconscious also with somebody’s help.
The master of Mystery School will take you slowly towards the unconscious and the collective #unconscious.

In your collective unconscious, you have memories of your #PastLives as animals, as birds.
Below the collective unconscious is the #cosmic #unconscious.

Slowly, slowly one can go deeper and deeper, and the cosmic unconscious has #memories of your being trees, rosebushes, stones.
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