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#DanchenkoTrial jury gets case at 1:10 p.m. After a lunch break, they will begin deliberations. About 42 people in audience, including Danchenko's wife and two daughters, spend then afternoon milling about waiting for verdict. #CrossfireHurricane
Been difficult trial to cover with electronics banned not just in courtroom but entire courthouse. The Albert V. Bryan Courthouse is a void: Once you're in, nothing comes out with breaks just long enough to accomplish nothing or after daily adjournment.
That is why, as some observers note, daily news articles of proceedings aren't popping up until the evenings, nights. All these reporters with pens, pads transcribing 20, 30, 40 pages of notes. Been a big bad bear of a trial to cover. More to come ... after I transcribe notes.
Read 7 tweets
After a three-day weekend, a jury Tuesday is deliberating the fate of former Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann following Friday's conclusion of his 10-day trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about concocted Trump-Russia links in the weeks before the 2016 election. #SussmannTrial
So, what is the jury in that Jury Room within the US District Courthouse in Washington DC looking at while it ponders a verdict? Exhibits.
And you can see them too.
@EpochTimes has obtained the Sussmann trial exhibits.…
@EpochTimes While many of us were engaged in Memorial Day activities, @ZackStieber and @IvanPentchoukov of @EpochTimes were doggedly chiseling away and here is the fruits of their labor laid out for you:………
Read 25 tweets
Zur Mahnung ein Thread über #Corona-Leugner und/oder #Impfgegner, die an #COVID19 verstorben sind.

Beleidigungen & Schwurbeleien werden ausgeblendet.

1. Robin #Fransman, niederländischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Maßnahmen- und Impfgegner.
✝️53 Jahre…
2. Frédéric #Sinistra,
belgischer Kickboxstar, Coronaleugner.
✝️40 Jahre…
3. Dmitriy #Stuzhuk,
ukrainischer Fitness-Influencer, Coronaleugner.
✝️33 Jahre…
Read 24 tweets
"A message from you offering yourself for a meeting on 6 October with the State Department..."

#Steele #Kavalec #Winer… Image
Page's 5-Oct-2016 meeting with Myers still seems significant, and underexplored.
Oh, if it could be proven that Steele had advanced knowledge of Myers's upcoming article for the Times... Image
Read 4 tweets
NEW: Newly declassified intel document noted #Steele dossier claims had 'limited corroboration'…
NEW: DNI Ratcliffe declassified "Annex A," a footnote in the 2017 ICA which detailed reporting by Christopher #Steele.
The footnote makes clear the internal concerns officials had over that document, however.
NEW: The annex states that the Intel Community had "only limited corroboration of the source’s[Steele's] reporting in this case and did not use it to reach the analytic conclusions of the CIA/FBI/NSA assessment."
Read 9 tweets
NEW: Senate Homeland Security Committee authorized, on an 8-6 vote, @SenRonJohnson to send subpoenas to @FBI, @StateDept, @ODNIgov for #Russia probe docs, #Steele #Dossier & testimony from @Comey @JohnBrennan @SamanthaJPower @AmbassadorRice Sidney Blumenthal, James Clapper &more
NEW: subpoenas to the @FBI for the production of all records related to the #crossfireHurricane investigation & "all records provided or made available to @TheJusticeDept inspector general for its #FISA review
NEW: subpoenas to the @StateDept for all records related to meetings or communications between State Dept. officials or employees w/ #ChristopherSteele #Dossier
Read 5 tweets
Origin of Ukraine probe: Late summer 2014?

#Steele #Winer #Burt…
Project Charlemagne:
April 2014 - April 2016 (?)…
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Series would make sense only if you follow US politics closely #FlynnIsGuilty #FlynnExonerated #FLYNN
#FISA Application use the #SteeleDossier Image
Steele had history? ImageImage
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Opinion💭by @SharylAttkisson

A new order by the #FISA Court sets forth and reviews specific changes in the wake of gov't #Wiretapping abuses. (Thread👇)…
The most noteworthy item bars the @FBI and @TheJusticeDept officials who were involved in the controversial #Wiretaps from “drafting, verifying, reviewing, or submitting” new #FISA applications while their actions are under review.
The @JusticeOIG flagged #FISAabuse in the wiretapping of @CarterWPage. The #FISA Court and #DOJ have determined that at least 2 of the 4 wiretaps against Page were improper and are invalid.
Read 29 tweets
RECHTE GEWALT AM #ESSEN'ER Hbf! WAZ / NRZ berichten, dass gestern ein Mann mit einem Messer angegriffen wurde, weil er einen Migrationshintergrund hat. Bereits in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch gab es am Hbf einen Nazi-Angriff auf Aktive von uns. Eine Person wurde verletzt.
Eine Gruppe unserer Aktiven traf sich am Dienstag nach unserem Plenum in einer Kneipe in der Nähe des Rheinischen Platzes und fuhr geschlossen im Nachtexpress zum Hbf. Bereits im Bus wurden wir von zwei offensichtlich politisch rechts orientierten Personen beleidigt & angepöbelt.
Die beiden (1 Person männlich mit Glatze, 1 Person weiblich) stiegen zunächst an der Haltestelle Rathaus aus, überlegten es sich aber anders & stiegen wütend wieder in den Bus ein und fuhren weiter bis zur Endhaltestelle am Hbf. Gegen 01:20 Uhr wurden wir dann angegriffen.
Read 9 tweets
#DOJ internal investigation reveals that an #FBI special agent—who interviewed @GenFlynn and was supervisor of #CrossfireHurricane—played key role in problematic #FISA application.

Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (Thread👇)…
One of the special @FBI agents who interviewed Lt. @GenFlynn at the @WhiteHouse in Jan 2017 played a much bigger role in the #FBI’s #CrossfireHurricane counterintelligence investigation than previously assumed, the #HorowitzReport reveals.…
@FBI @GenFlynn @WhiteHouse The agent was first introduced into the public in a May 11, 2018 letter from Sen. @ChuckGrassley, who was inquiring about the @FBI’s interview with @GenFlynn.

“Make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff,” Grassley said.
Read 49 tweets
Year in Review📅20 Notable Spygate Developments of 2019

by @IvanPentchoukov (Thread👇)…
In the saga of “#Spygate,” 2019 has shaped up to be the year the tables turned.

In the first days of January 2019, a federal judge extended the term of the #GrandJury in the #SpecialCounsel investigation by #RobertMueller.
Later that month, the @FBI raided the home of veteran Republican strategist #RogerStone in front of @CNN cameras.

The raid and indictment of Stone were symbolic of the spectacle that was the #RussiaInvestigation.
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DOJ Inspector General #Horowitz provided an in-depth and damning portrayal of the @FBI’s actions in its #Surveillance of @CarterWPage.

Here are 21 key quotes from the #IGReport and his testimony.

(Thread👇) Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
@FBI @carterwpage @themarketswork 1. #Horowitz Didn’t Receive Satisfactory Explanations for @FBI Behavior

@FBI @carterwpage @themarketswork 2. #Horowitz Stated He Was ‘Deeply Concerned’ by @FBI’s Numerous Errors

Read 23 tweets
“There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable… Our final recommendation was to refer the entire chain of command,” #IGHorowitz said. (Thread👇)

News Analysis🔎by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
The newly released #IGReport noted the material failures of the @FBI—“not only the operational team, but also of the managers and supervisors, including senior officials, in the chain of command”—with regard to the #FISA warrant application on Trump campaign aide @CarterWPage.
#IGHorowitz’s findings were so significant that he recommended the @FBI’s “entire chain of command” outlined in his report to the #DOJ for “consideration of how to assess and address their performance failures.”…
Read 70 tweets
The focus of the #IGReport was #FISAabuse the IG identified “at least 17 significant errors or omissions” in the #FISA warrant used to spy on @CarterWPage.

Although many media organizations are trying to focus on the IG’s finding that the @FBI was within its rights in opening the initial counterintelligence investigation, it should be noted that this was not the focus of the IG’s investigation.
However, Horowitz did note that he had material concerns about the @FBI’s legal ability to open an investigation into the campaign of a presidential candidate:

The #IGReport highlighted several different areas of misconduct and identified a number of errors.
Read 32 tweets
The @FBI’s #FISA warrant to #Spy on Trump campaign adviser @CarterWPage—a key part of the agency’s investigation of the Trump campaign—has been fraught with irregularities.

By Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (Thread 👇)…
Ahead of the release of the #DOJ Inspector General's #FISAReport, we provide an overview of what exactly the known irregularities are.

The initiation of the investigation by @JusticeOIG was originally announced on March 28, 2018.
However, the #IGReport has been repeatedly pushed back and delayed.

IG #Horowitz declared his area of original focus within his initiation announcement:
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📢 Nach erneuten Drohungen und Kampfhund-Vorfall – wir fordern das Ende der SJ-Aufmärsche über den Weihnachtsmarkt! (Thread) // #Essen

Unsere Aktiven haben gestern Informationsflyer über die sogenannten #SteelerJungs an Besucher:innen des #Steele'r Weihnachtsmarkt verteilt.
Dabei wurden wir mehrfach von Teilnehmer:innen des zeitgleich stattfindenden Aufmarsches angepöbelt und bedroht. Einer unserer Aktiven wurde sogar von einem Kampfhund angesprungen.
Die gestrigen Vorfälle bestätigen den Text unseres Flyers: Die SJ sind alles andere als harmlos. Sie pflegen enge Kontakte zur #BruderschaftDeutschland in #Düsseldorf, sowie zu den Bürgerwehren in #Herne und #Mönchengladbach.
Read 8 tweets
News Analysis 🔎 The revelation of the alleged extraction of a #Russian @CIA #Spy has raised a number of questions, including how the #CIA used the information it received—and the quality of that information.

(Thread 👇) By Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
Notably, the #Spy appears to have been a key source for allegations of #Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

A closer examination of the spy’s alleged background, however, paints a complicated picture. The spy’s direct supervisor appears to have been mentioned in the…
#SteeleDossier, and it’s possible that information provided by the #Spy may have been included in the dossier.

The primary allegation in the Sept. 9 @CNN article—that the decision to extricate the spy was driven by “concerns that President Donald Trump……
Read 31 tweets
Newly released FBI interview notes w/ former Deputy Associate AG #BruceOhr show info gathered against @realDonaldTrump by former #British #Spy Christopher Steele for @HillaryClinton was distributed to @BarackObama’s @FBI and @StateDept in 2016.

(Thread 👇)…
@realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @FBI @StateDept #BruceOhr told @FBI agents during a Nov. 2016, interview that “reporting on Trump’s ties to Russia were going to the [@HillaryClinton] campaign, Jon Winer at the U.S. State Department and the FBI,” according to notes made public by @JudicialWatch.
@realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @FBI @StateDept @JudicialWatch .@JudicialWatch has repeatedly used the #FOIA to break major stories in the #RussiaInvestigation saga, and released 34 pages of @FBI 302s, the form agents use to document their interviews.…
Read 18 tweets
#RobertMueller will be testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17.

Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread 👇). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
1) Did #AttorneyGeneral Barr in any way misrepresent your 448-page report?

#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that “it immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.”
2) Who actually wrote Volume I and Volume II of the #MuellerReport?

At this point, it isn’t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
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According to The @Telegraph, the heads of #UK intelligence were briefed about the contents of the #SteeleDossier before President Trump was made aware of it by @Comey, but notably after the 2016 presidential election had taken place.…
.@Telegraph also noted the involvement of Sir Charles Farr, the former chairman of #Britain’s Joint Intelligence Committee.

The role of the JIC is to “assess events and situations relating to external affairs, defence, terrorism [and] major international criminal activity.”
.@Telegraph reported #Steele met with Farr on 2 separate occasions to inform him of the events and info contained within his dossier.

The first meeting was reported as being one week after the 2016 presidential election in mid-November 2016.
Read 11 tweets

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