(Thread 👇) By Jeff Carlson @themarketswork theepochtimes.com/russian-spy-re…
The primary allegation in the Sept. 9 @CNN article—that the decision to extricate the spy was driven by “concerns that President Donald Trump…cnn.com/2019/09/09/pol…
It’s likely that the spy, who has been…
This would place the @CIA source within close reach of #Putin. washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
The source was apparently highly regarded by former @CIA Dir. @JohnBrennan…
But the nature of the source raises some very real questions.
How could the same spy who was…
As @WashingtonPost noted, “It is highly unusual for a country to name a possible turncoat. It’s even more unusual for a suspected spy and defector to be living abroad using his own name.”
Dilanian’s reporting also confirmed the general location of the source’s whereabouts.
One has to wonder why the alleged Russian source has been living openly in our nation’s capital—with apparently little fear of reprisal from #Russia.

The fact that the @CIA and the #SteeleDossier contained the same info raises the…

He also stated in his testimony that the @CIA didn’t rely on the #SteeleDossier and that it “was not in any way used as a basis for the intelligence community assessment that was done.”
And if so, who gave it to Steele?
If #Brennan was making this admission after using a source the @CIA claimed was the “highest level source…