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Jun 15th 2023
Frog Cellsat
Market Cap ₹ 394 Cr.
Stock P/E 23.0 , ind PE 43
Zero debt and pledge
Promoter holding 73 pc
#frogcellsat #stockstowatch Image
A thread on their concall -june 15 2023:

Frog Cellsat was founded in 2004, and the've built a strong team with a focus on growth, profitability, and personal development. They have a solid culture, with over 50% of the team working with them for over five years.
They been profitable for 18 out of 19 years, are 100% debt-free, and promoter group holds more than 74% of the company.
Read 15 tweets
May 14th 2023
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

A thread 🧵 with @Stocktwit_IN & @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView Image
History: Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka
Formation of the candlestick: Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Hi Friends,

Sharing some useful #trading threads here

Like & Retweet for Max Reach for learners benefit

it's 100% FREE

by @TechTradesTT & @Stocktwit_IN

1- Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern -- part 1

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView

Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels
& @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView Image
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
Wondering about latest news 📰 in the #realestate #housingmarket 🏡💵 with pricing, #interestrates, etc.? Here's an updated thread for January 23' that includes all the latest macro/market data... 🧵/👇🏼

📊h/t @RealEstateCafe
1/🧵 "44% year/year drop in ⁦@MBAMortgage
⁩ Purchase Index is largest decline on record." 🇺🇸📉

📊h/t @LizAnnSonders @bloomberg

#realestate #realestateinvesting #FederalReserve #interestrates #macro #realator #mortgagerates
2/🧵 Affordability "threshold" for housing, via the @AtlantaFed 🏡

📊h/t @NewsLambert

#realestate #realestateinvesting #FederalReserve #interestrates #macro #realator #mortgagerates
Read 26 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
Majors ideally want a large deposit, long mine life & safe jurisdiction

✅IP target tonnage ~4 BILLION tons
✅Poly-metallic w/ 10 of 31 critical #metals
✅Safe location 🇨🇦
✅Long mine life potential
#copper #gold #cobalt #scandium #commodities #mining #stocks


"Climate change policies may lead to one of the largest redeployments of investment and capital"

"We believe the clean technology transition is igniting a new supercycle in critical commodities, with natural resource companies emerging as winners"…

There are many pieces of the puzzle, here is 1 of many pieces imo
Read 94 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels
& @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView
@valuelevels @TradingView_IN History:
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

@valuelevels @TradingView_IN Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Why #PSB (Punjab Sind Bank) is Buzzing ?

Hit 20% Upper Circuit Today with Huge Volume ...

🌟Detailed #TechnoFunda Analysis🌟

(Must read🧵for Investors & Traders!)

@chartmojo @KommawarSwapnil Views Invited 🙏

Punjab & Sind Bank is an Indian public sector bank headquartered in New Delhi.

Since last few days, the counter has been buzzing and today it hit 20% upper circuit with huge volumes.

#PSB #PunjabSindBank #TechnoFunda

On Saturday, 3rd November 2022 Bank declared its Q2 Results.

Turnaround seen.

@nid_rockz @caniravkaria Views Invited. 🙏

#PSB #PunjabSindBank #TechnoFunda
Read 15 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka
Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
11/16/22 Options Trading Watchlist 🤑

$MSFT 235p < $243.65
$PYPL 92.5/93c > $89.85

Mind strikes and spreads. $PYPL may move quickly. Always respect & mitigate risk. Don't YOLO trade. Flow via Unusual Whales. Will try to update as time permits. #stockstowatch #optionbuying Image
I don't like to chase price or wider spreads.
Set a bid. It fills, great. If not, np.
Retest: If soon yes. I'd tighten stops and ideally recycle profits from the first trade.

If we can re-test $243.65 with $SPY under $397 and $QQQ under $287 - that's ideal. Not necessary but ideal where I think we could see a quick touch and a pullback for $MSFT @GolferinAlberta
Read 4 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
Kalyan Jewellers has left its mark by becoming the second biggest player in the Indian jewellery market.
🌄 Genesis
Kalyan Jewellers was founded by T.S. Kalyanaraman in 1993 with a capital of ₹75 lakhs, out of which ₹25 lakhs were his savings and the rest was financed by the bank. He opened the first showroom in Thrissur, Kerala.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 28th 2022

What is scandium (Sc)?

Why is it a game changer & EXTREMELY significant to $DBG.V / $DBLVF (imo)?

#StocksToBuy #stockstowatch #mining #stocks #scandium #Commodities #investments

It is on the Canadian & US lists of Critical Metals

"are the building blocks for the clean and digitized economy"

"play a significant role in our national security, economy, renewable energy development and infrastructure"……

Sc prices:

The price varies depending on which compound it is

Sc FL compound is said to be ~US$277/gram!

For comparison gold is only worth ~US$58/gram…
Read 23 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
1/16 🧵 $DBG.V $DBLVF

I believe DBG is the largest, most unique, most desirable poly-metallic deposit in a tier 1 jurisdiction not yet in the hands of a Major

Below are some of the reasons why I have been saying this for a long time

#StocksToBuy #mining #stockstowatch #stocks

In May'22, I released a report showing the potential effect if Sc was recoverable w/ different scenarios

H34 was reported as 663.9m of .5% Cu Eq

Including the Sc grade w/ 80% recovery & using a Sc price of US$20k/kg in the Cu Eq gave the following:

663.9m of 6.84% Cu Eq!

After 1.5 yrs in the making, DBG is confident they'll be able to produce all Sc salts incl Sc Fl (US$277/gram = $277k/kg)

My example above used $20k/kg
What would $277k/kg give as Cu Eq?

If allowed to be released in Cu Eq, it would be the world's best Cu Eq in history imo
Read 16 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
Tube Investments of India Ltd🇮🇳

A Detailed Thread🧵👇🏻:
#investing #stockstowatch Image


Tube Investments (TIINDIA) is a flagship company of the Murugappa group.

It has a diversified range of products under its three verticals – engineering, metal forming products, bicycles & others

It is the market leader in manufacturing precision steel tubes.

Growth Model:

The TI way of growth has 3 components – TI-1 (existing businesses), TI-2 (a venture capital style model) & TI-3 (a private equity style model based on acquisitions). The underlying philosophy is to invest cashflows of the existing businesses (TI-1)…. Image
Read 16 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
Hi Friends,

Sharing some useful #trading threads here

Like & Retweet for Max Reach for learners benefit

it's 100% FREE 🖐️

1- Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern -- part 1
Some Complex candlestick patterns ---- thread Part 2
Are you Stock Market Trader? Learn something new every day
Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels & @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
#Industower CMP ₹184. 29-Sep-2022
Strong fundamentals with double bottom formation ?

1) Market leader in Tower🗼 Biz
2) 3yr sales growth- 59.5%
3) 3yr profit growth- 39.9%
4) Dividend yield - 5.70%
5) Stock in accumulation zone

Worth studying it ☝️

#5G #stockstowatch
#industower could be #outperformer from here vs #nifty

Disc: #notareco #justaopinion #invested Image
During the last three years, Indus Towers produced sturdy free cash flow equating to 78% of its EBIT, about what we'd expect. This cold hard cash means it can reduce its debt when it wants to.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
Definition of Alpha Figure

An Alpha indicates the measure by which a stock or portfolio has managed to outperform a benchmark like an index of shares.

#investing #StockMarcket Image
It takes into account the active returns on investment.

A positive Alpha means that the security or portfolio is beating the market while a negative Alpha means that it is lagging.

#stocks #nifty #niftybank #trading #priceaction
#StocksToTrade #stockstowatch Image
Alpha can also be used to measure the competence of a fund manager and their strategies.

It is also called an ‘abnormal rate of return’ or ‘excess return.’

#stockmarketindia Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Technical analysis on 7 Adani stocks

Might help for planning a move ahead

Last one is personal fav

🧵 A Thread 🧵

#Nifty #Adani #StocksToBuy #stockmarkets #StockMarket #stockstowatch #StocksToTrade #nseindia #NSE

@kuttrapali26 @nakulvibhor @Curious_Indian_ @VCPSwing
1) #Adani total gas limited (#ATGL)
- Consolidating in tight range
- 4.8% approx from ATH and might give a BO soon
- Dried volumes
- In uptrend hence higher chances of BO
- Near 21 EMA

Buy price :- 3771
TGT :- 4238
SL :- 3497

@Chartsbank @charts_breakout Image
2) #adanitransmission
- Gave a BO from triangle pattern
- Dried volumes
- Low volume on BO hence caution
- If volumes increase on next candle then only enter
the stock

Buy Price :- 4027
TGT :- 4370
SL :- 3854

@charts_zone @chartswealth Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
I have tried to analyse the stocks that were listed after 1 Jan 2021
Currently trading within 10% from their All-Time High.

You can track the performance of other IPOs as well,

#nifty50 #stocks #stockstowatch #StockMarket #ipo
1. MANYAVAR: 1287
ATH: 1325 (3%)

- Took support at 21 EMA
- Consolidating in a box near All-Time High

Resistance: 1325
Support: 1180


ATH: 1098 (3%)

- Moved 32% in just 4 days
- Rounding pattern breakout

Resistance: 1095
Support: 1015


Read 17 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
Intraday trading O-H-L Strategy

This is a very popular Intraday Strategy with good Accuracy. In this strategy, a Buy signal is generated when a Stock or Index has same value for Open and Low, while a Sell signal is generated when it has same value for Open & High @valuelevels Image
This is Tried and Tasted Strategy. Traders should follow 100% disciplined in executing those strategies with Risk and Money management Rules.

Traders can keep the Stop loss at 1% from Entry level or Previous Days High or Low levels.
Take ENTRY after 9.30 AM

Check Stocks where Open=High OR Open=Low (before 9.30 AM)

RULE: Open=High means SELL AND Open=Low means BUY

#stockstowatch #StockMarket
#Nifty #sensex #banknifty
#TechnicalTrades Image
Read 6 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
Bargain Buys in Panic!

The first is CMP and the second is Alert Price if you wish to Buy

Think of the list to review your Buy in a year whenever alerts.

To be successful in Investing Buy the Cycle Bottom and Sell the Cycle Top


#stocks #StockMarket #stockstowatch #stock
t is a List of Bullish Structures that are worth a Buy on Pullback based on Yearly Charts.

The Price Alerts if bells will be good entries and in some extreme for the stock.

That time do not hesitate to Buy them. It requires readiness before the event.


#investing #Invest
Let this be your Ready Reference List

Select 50 that you wish to track. This is a wishful list

Even if five clicks in the next month or so, are good for you.

Wait till the Alert Bells ring.

Read 15 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
Tips to Choose the Right Intraday Trading Stocks:


Liquid Stocks
Volatile Stocks
Correlation Stocks
Right Stock
Trade after Research

#trading #investing #invest #StockMarket #StocksToTrade #stockstowatch #StockMarket
#Nifty #sensex #banknifty #TechnicalTrades
Liquidity is the most important intraday trading tip while choosing the right stocks to trade during the day. Liquid stocks have huge trading volumes whereby larger quantities can be purchased and sold without significantly affecting the price. Don’t forget to check...
liquidity at various price levels. You will find some stocks that are highly liquid at a lower price level, but the volume drops drastically after reaching a certain price zone. Variability of liquidity at different price levels will help you buy these stocks at the right time.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Before reading, kindly join our telegram where we post lots of information along with great technical charts everyday!

Use the link below👇…
Hikal - Breakout of this downtrending channel in daily time frame with volume confirmation. It has decent volumes in the past as well. What do you think about this?

(2/7) Image
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