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Apr 30th 2023
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen So what

US has the most legal guns but is only halfway down the gun-murder league table

Serbia & Israel are in the top few countries with the most legal gun ownership per person but are 3/4 way down

Switzerland 2nd most (possibly most per household) & was falling off bottom!🤦‍♂️ ImageImageImageImage
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen So why does US have so many mass shootings such as in schools

When other high gun legal ownership countries don't have mass shootings or even high gun murders


What are "liberals" trying to distract & deflect from with gun control😱 ImageImageImageImage
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen If want to watch a #Triggernometry interview that could well explain why the USA leads the world with #MassShootings

Especially #MassSchoolShootings

Watch this:

⚠️🚨#TriggerWarning: It's because the USA leads the World with "#Liberalism" & #Feminism!
Read 20 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
I am raising my head above the parapet and posting about something which causes me great concern on many fronts, as a:
🧠#neurodivergent individual
👩‍🎓#Neurodiversity-advocating Professional
👩‍👧‍👦Mother of 2 neurodivergent #children living in Leicestershire
It seems that, for a number of years, the LA has been at the forefront of an initiative to find: "Cost-effective models for delivering behaviour analysis teaching in UK schools and local authorities"
Integrating ABA into #maintained & #academy, #mainstream & #SpecialSchool for "affordable" "positive outcomes". It concludes, "School-based models, such as Leicestershire's, provide a sustainable model which can be used with a large number of children for...little extra cost."
Read 12 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
Weil das Video gerade die Runde macht und ich schon mehrfach darauf angesprochen wurde - eine kleine Einordnung⬇️ #InfanterieThread #CloseCombatContent
(Die Aufnahme gehört zu einer Reihe an GoPro-Vids im Raum #Kharkiv im Herbst ´22 - empfehlenswert, aber #triggerwarning!)
Vorab - ich kommentier hier keinen #Egoshooter (wie mir anderorts unterstellt wurde)
Ich glaube, dass sich viele "Laien" sowas anschauen & nicht einordnen können. Und anders als #Panzer- oder #Drohnen- zeigen #Infanterie-Videos schonungslos einen chaotischen, persönlichen Krieg!
Auch geht es nicht darum, die #Soldaten schlechtzureden/zu kritisieren! Die meisten sind internationale Freiwillige, die für die #Ukraine kämpfen. They walk the walk! Es geht darum, den Soldatenjob verständlicher zu machen! Manchmal passieren wilde Dinge, daraus kann man lernen!
Read 25 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Quels sont les liens entre changement climatique, santé mentale et bien-être?


Ce fil s’appuie sur l’évaluation de l’état des connaissances du rapport du groupe 2 du GIEC (vulnérabilités, impacts, risques, adaptation), disponible ici :
Je l’ai rédigé parce que l’attention médiatique est largement orientée vers l’éco-anxiété, mais ce n’est qu’une des multiples facettes (la partie émergée de l’iceberg ?) des multiples aspects liés à la santé mentale.
Read 77 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
#triggerwarning ⚠️

அங்கன்வாடியில் பயின்று வந்த மூன்று வயது தலித் சிறுவனின் அந்தரங்க உறுப்புகளை தீக்குச்சியை பயன்படுத்தி எரித்துள்ளார் உதவி ஆசிரியை ராஷ்மி, கர்நாடகாவில் உள்ள தும்கூர் மாவட்டம் சிக்கநாயக்கனஹள்ளி தாலுகாவில் உள்ள கோடேகெரே கிராமத்தில் உள்ள

அங்கன்வாடி மையத்தில் ஒரு வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு நடந்தது இது.

கடந்த 15 நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு கர்ப்பப்பை வாய் புற்றுநோயால் அக்குழந்தை தனது தாயை இழந்தது. அவரது தந்தையும் பாட்டியும் குழந்தையை கவனித்து வந்தனர். பாதிக்கப்பட்ட குழந்தைக்கு

6 ஆம் வகுப்பு படிக்கும் ஒரு மூத்த உடன்பிறப்பும் உள்ளார். குழந்தையின் பெற்றோர் சிக்மகளூரில் உள்ள ஒரு காபி எஸ்டேட்டில் பல ஆண்டுகளாக வேலை செய்து வந்தனர்.

குற்றம் சாட்டப்பட்ட ராஷ்மி மீது போலீஸ் வழக்கு எதுவும் பதிவு செய்யப்படாமல் இருந்தது.

Read 6 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
#ADVERTENCIA #TriggerWarning
Tras dos años de investigación, por fin puedo compartir esta historia con todos.
En Venezuela, los sacerdotes culpables de abusar a niños han vuelto la iglesia, incluso después de la condena. Un “macabro” pacto entre poderes.
Durante la investigación vimos patrones comunes: los sacerdotes encontrados culpables de violentar niños y adolescentes suelen ser beneficiados con medidas cautelares, o dejados en libertad.
Hay casos en al menos 11 estados del país, entre sentencias condenatorias y denuncias de víctimas que por miedo o por prescripción de su caso, nunca fueron al sistema. La @CEVmedios no respondió a ninguna de las solicitudes de entrevista.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
#TriggerWarning containing abuse
Our two-year investigation reports on church abuse in Venezuela for the first time. In #Venezuela, priests returned to ministry -some without touching jail- after being convicted of crimes against children.
We found cases in 11 of Venezuela’s 23 states. All shared an element in common:
Victims came from poor and vulnerable backgrounds.
This investigation shows the irregularities of a broken justice system that benefits the powerful - like the Church- but never the victim.
All shared an element in common: Victims came from poor and vulnerable backgrounds. It shows years of abuse and irregularities known by the justice system and the Church.
Read 10 tweets
May 6th 2022
#triggerwarning #RoeVWade
This is a very long 🧵from a MD colleague who wanted to share her whole story regarding what is at stake with the likely SCOTUS decision -I will use her words in this thread.

This is a story of what is at stake. Read all of it.

If you're on the fence about being an ally for those fighting for the span of women's reproductive options that American women deserve, here's her story
In fellowship she got pregnant on Nuvaring. She wasn't upset and fully intended to stay pregnant. Wk 9, u/s showed a thickened nuchal fold and incr fluid (warrants a further workup for possible genetic problems). F/u bloodwork was not reassuring.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
For the first time, a movie based on an extreme tragedy & exodus of Kashmiri Pandits is being weaponised to create hatred against the opposition & Muslim minorities. Instead of reconciliation & justice, this is the alarming sentiment that's being wildly reinforced. #KashmirFiles
#TriggerWarning : Abusive content including filthy language, use Headphones. #HateSpeech
Chats of "Desh ke Gadd@ro ko, G0li m@ar0..." After watching the movie
Read 11 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
¿Tienen dudas sobre por qué se graffitea, se rompe y se quema en el #8m💚💜 en #México? 🧵👇

#triggerwarning: violencia de género.😖
- Hay entre 10 y 11 feminicidios al día. (SNSP, 2021)
- Hay 53 violaciones al día (de las contabilizadas, según las denuncias). (SNSP, 2021)
- Cada hora, hay 25 denuncias de violencia familiar. (SNSP, 2020)
- El 77% de las mujeres manifiestan haber sido víctimas de acoso sexual en algún momento. (Enkoll y Opinión 51, 2022)
- El 87.2% de las víctimas de violencia digital son mujeres. (Alianza Luchadoras, 2017)
- Al menos 9 millones de mexicanas han vivido ciberacoso. (INEGI, 2015)
Read 33 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
As mentioned earlier, this a 10 point thread about #SelfHarm and #Suicide.

It comes with a #TriggerWarning.

I will be using my own experience to TRY and educate and encourage reflection, particularly in those who work in #mentalhealth or encounter
individuals who may self harm.

Those with lived experience may find it unhelpful and may want to not to read it.

So here goes...

1) Self harm can take many forms; and one person can use multiple across their life span. I have engaged in at least 7 different behaviours
from my teenage years up until now.

2) Just as the method can change so can the function. 15/16 year old me self harmed for punishment - the belief that I had been the reason for my parents separation. I have self harmed in order to feel in control; to release a build up
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Mar 11th 2021
1. 🧵 Thinking of the family of #SarahEverard waking up to the horrible reality of her loss today. I recently spoke with a male interviewer about #GenderEquity & he was shocked when I spoke about not feeling safe as a woman. So I told him about my experiences... #TriggerWarning
2. When I was in college I was out for a run one day in the local woods. I heard a sound behind me and looked back and saw a guy running after me. No big deal right - he's probably out for a run too? Except he's wearing jeans, a suede jacket and boots...
3. I feel that stab of fear (that every woman has felt at some stage) & pick up the pace but I'm near the end of my session and tiring fast. He's gaining on me & I realise I can't outrun him (despite the fact I've represented Ireland in athletics) he's a man and he's just faster!
Read 24 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
#Triggerwarning: sexual violence (Rape) #MeTooGMB #MeToo
Solidarity with our brave sisters in the GMB who have spoken out and acted upon the long-standing cover up of the actions and behaviour of their GS who last night resigned for “ill-health” reasons >
>> Sexual violence has no place in society and no place within OUR trade union movement >
>> the following thread is taken from a statement from our GMB sisters to the president Barbara Plant: *Allegation of serious sexual assault (Rape) of [xxxxxx] by Tim Roache, GS GMB.*
We write to you as concerned GMB staff and members to bring this matter to your attention >
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Dec 7th 2019
Denuncio públicamente a David López Cabrera.
Servidor público del @IFT_MX y mi antiguo "roommate", con quien viví desde agosto hasta el fin de semana pasado, y quien violentó a su (ex)novia (de varias formas). Aquí la historia. Abro hilo.
CC. @mariofocil, @ITAMuniversity
(1/20) ImageImage
El 9 de noviembre de 2019 yo estaba en el departamento con una amiga y David estaba en su cuarto con su entonces novia, Perla. David nos iba a hacer el favor a mi amiga y a mí de llevarnos a Cuernavaca y lo estabamos esperando cuando escuchamos que David le gritó insultos
Entonces, fui al baño a lavarme los dientes y comencé a grabar por si le gritaba alguna otra cosa, pero se puso bastante peor.

ALERTA! El sonido es bastante desgarrador. #triggerwarning

Tuve que cortar un video para subirlo
(3A/ 20)
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Apr 13th 2019
We shine a spotlight on the 12 year ongoing legal battle of Kondh adivasi women of Vakapalli, Andhra Pradesh who were raped by the personnel of “Greyhounds” anti-naxal force of the state in 2007
This is their story
#VakapalliRapes #AdivasiWomen #AdivasiLivesMatter
20th August 2007: 11 Kondh adivasi women in Vakapalli village in G Madugula mandal, an agency area in Visakhapatnam distr, were raped at gunpoint by 21 personnel of Greyhound, an elite anti-naxal force of AP, while the men were away in the fields

“It was around 6 a.m. 21 police personnel, without any provocation pulled some of us into the huts and others into the turmeric fields and started raping us at gunpoint”, recounted a victim to The Hindu.

#VakapalliRapes #AdivasiWomen #AdivasiLivesMatter
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Apr 10th 2019
@AshKSkeet @PNemeth72 @emceebeere @chiller @goody_kate @OwenJones84 @DadTrans @FierceMum @parislees @MavenOfMayhem @JakeGraf1 Yes, but the Electro- is hyphenated off, hence ECT. A strong electric current is passed between the temples, causing whole body convulsions (unless the body's muscles are first paralysed). It causes loss of memories, & was thought might change personality.
@AshKSkeet @PNemeth72 @emceebeere @chiller @goody_kate @OwenJones84 @DadTrans @FierceMum @parislees @MavenOfMayhem @JakeGraf1 Here🖼️'s a terrible account, from the book 'Gender Shock', of a trans child in 1950s/60s America being subjected to that.

cc @threadreaderapp unroll, please
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Apr 5th 2019
(1/1) Another excellent #triggerwarning study out in JEP-Applied by @Toribridgland and colleagues. Five more experiments, 1600 more participants, preregistration, and basically the same pattern of results (!) -- trigger warnings don't seem to help…
(2/2) This study makes a crtical distinction that we missed in our study -- the period of *anticipation* before the stimulus vs. the interpretation after the stimulus is seen. Trigger warnings consistently generate negative anticipations, but don't influence interpretation Image
(3/3) In retrospect, this makes a ton of sense, given the literature on priming/expectation effects/stereotypes etc. Human anticipations are initially heavily shaped by biases, but once we have access to individuating information, we are fairly good at moving past initial bias
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Feb 12th 2019
@transmum1 @TeamGender @thegenderfairy1 @velobabe 1/ But let us remember that when GIDS was started, 30yrs ago - after the Dutch clinic - nowhere else NHS in Britain offered any support of any kind for trans minors & their families. That's 25yrs after the 1st NHS adult GIC, & 40+yrs after UK's 1st surgeries & publicity.
@transmum1 @TeamGender @thegenderfairy1 @velobabe 2/ Before GIDS, for around 50yrs, the prescription for such children, if they didn't largely repress themselves, was incarceration in asylums, which were run by county councils as public health. From the 20s those tried curing by using the memory erasing properties of ECT…
@transmum1 @TeamGender @thegenderfairy1 @velobabe 3/…and after military experiments with drugs with memory erasing effects, those were tried too. The same were used to try to cure depression, psychoses, & behaviour like girls having boyfriends of whom parents disapproved (really, yes). @DrMichaelMosley showed that is his 📺…
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Jan 16th 2019
Thread on gender #conversiontherapy namely mine, who can see the square of skin to the bottom left of the scar? Read on but TRIGGER warning!
#torture #electroshocktherapy #aversiontherapy #transawareness
#TDOR #cruelty #triggerwarning Image
1. It was 1977 I was 9 years old and had been experiencing some gender problems at home and at school, I was sat in the headmasters office he had called my parents to come to school to ask why I had eye makeup on and refused to remove it.
2. When the headmaster said “are you a Boy or a girl?” And in front of my dad I said “I should have been a girl” so my dad being the local GP arranged for me to see a child psychologist and then a child psychiatrist, at each session I was honest and told the truth
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Nov 16th 2018
Since people have been asking I thought I'd recap my #dystopia talk at @theuxcrunch from Thursday. The examples used are not what if scenarios. These all happened. #triggerwarning's apply. If you can make it thru to the end I have suggestions for how we can claw back some hope.
This is a quote you’ve all probably seen a million times. #Advertising & #techie shitheads love quoting it before they do trends porn. What they never seem to understand is how politically subversive the last bit is. B/c those wankers abuse it I swore I’d never use it.
Still, paraphrasing it is useful for my point. One person’s future is another person’s dystopia and thanks to the fundamental power of the Internet as a tool for distribution we can spread dystopia far and wide. Often before we know it, realise it, or even imagine it.
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Sep 10th 2018
Why do we object to the Serena Williams cartoon charicature?

Because dehumanizing African Americans is a time honored tool to hinder equality in America through “humor.”


Angelfood McSpade was a comic character in 1968 described as the “stereotypical Black woman.”

She was naked except for the skirt, portrayed as a nymphomaniac and unintelligent.

Artist Robert Crumb declared the comic book character “not racist.”

Cartoons have been a pernicious aspect of bigotry since their inception.

Children get early indoctrination to stereotypes in classic Disney films.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
Disappointed in the responses from some brothers to this thread. You should be able to read my perspective & have a respectful disagreement. It seems like modesty as a concept is dead to some of you beyond the rulings of halal & haram.
People talk about hijab & modesty like they're synonymous bc hijab is a clear ruling that promotes modesty. But modesty is more than fiqh, and a big part of it is having wisdom & good judgement of context. Things can be permissible but not the most modest. Context matters.
If a man was shirtless in a masjid or place of business, that would generally be considered immodest in most circumstances, even if his awrah was covered. If he was on the beach or participating in some relevant activity, however, it may not be immodest. Context matters.
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May 11th 2018
Tiens. Je voudrais vous parler, sans note, du syndrôme méditerranéen. Un truc qui traîne depuis des décennies, comme quoi autour du pourtour méditerranéen les gens sont plus expansifs et donc auraient tendance à décrire leurs symptômes médicaux de manière plus floride. Autrement
dit, que "chez ces gens-là, monsieur", il faut relativiser les symptômes exprimés. #TriggerWarning: si tu veux du doc bashing genre #TeamAirMedecine, passe ton chemin. Je ne suis pas en train de dire que tous les médecins pensent ça, etc etc, ce genre de raccourci facile, je suis
juste en train de mansplainer à quoi ça correspond, ce vieux truc moisi. A travers un cas, une histoire que j'ai racontée en 2001 dans "Patients si vous saviez" au sujet d'une dame âgée que j'avais réussi à convaincre d'hospitaliser pour suspicion d'infarctus. La suspicion a été
Read 18 tweets

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